3 Reasons to Seek Compliance Services
For many organizations, the idea of hiring an experienced compliance consultant doesn't always seem agreeable. After all, the cost of hiring consultants certainly is not low, and for many firms especially when starting, there is pressure to avoid unnecessary costs.
Unfortunately, compliance is sometimes viewed as an extra cost, which is the opposite of how it should be treated. In this industry, compliance is an essential aspect for running a small business. Fortunately, there are some reasons why small organisations can benefit financially from hiring a compliance consultant.
If you are still unsure why you should hire a professional compliance consultancy in London for your small business, here are three convincing reasons.
The professional consultant has extensive experience with regulators
Professional compliance consultants have practice answering regulator questions and know what the regulatory environment and members are like in your area. That familiarity with regulators advantages you in two ways. First, the simplicity of being able to breathe easily under a regulatory survey, knowing that an experienced and knowledgeable consultant is representing your interests, takes the load off. Second, they provide you with a reliable compliance management service.
A different set of eyes can catch mistakes you are failing to see
Another benefit of working with compliance consultancy in London is the chance to have a different set of eyes looking over your operations. It's easy to avoid problems when working at a single firm as you are so familiar with your operations. You may have developed a blind spot to potential issues and it may happen that on the first review, you missed a problem and never thought you needed to revisit the problem. When you are reviewing policies and procedures that you have written, you can't objectively determine if they are clear, distinct, and cover what they need to. You know what you meant to say and what matters and it's hard.
After all, that policies and procedures manual isn't actually for you: it's for your team.
Our compliance consultancy in London will not only bring a fresh set of eyes to your firm but also will be looking for specific, recurring issues that are common amongst firms across the board, whether these issues are obvious or not.
If you need an outside compliance consultant, contact us today-the Core Compliance team will work with you to identify any current or potential regulatory issues.
An Experienced Compliance Consultant Implements Reactions to Regulatory Changes More Quickly Than an Internal Team
Another benefit to hiring an experienced compliance consultant is speed. As professional compliance consultants have many years of experience in dealing with common and rare regulatory problems, they have developed clear procedures to follow when compliance problems occur and can implement those procedures quickly in various situations. Professional consultancy team members are also rich in experience handling a variety of regulatory changes.
Depending on the experience of compliance consultancy in London, it can help an overwhelmed CCO take care of their compliance needs without feeling pulled in different directions. Professional consultants provide reliable compliance management services, allowing consultants to respond quickly to new requirements and lead the firm successfully through rule and regulation changes.
Hiring a Compliance Consultant Costs Less Than a Full-Time CCO
Hiring compliance consultants often means facing costs in the thousands of dollars range, which sounds expensive until you consider the potential costs of penalties, lost business, or the simple cost of having to hire a full-time CCO.
There's a reason most small firms don't hire a full-time CCO and instead relegate that duty to another officer-a full-time CCO is extremely expensive. Add to that a compliance team, and costs can start to get out of hand.
For many small firms, it's simply unnecessary to hire a full-time CCO. Many firms just don't need compliance to help all that often. However, when a firm does have a compliance issue crop up, bringing on a full-time CCO doesn't make sense in a lot of cases, especially if the issue is one that can be resolved in a matter of weeks or a couple months. All of this makes working with compliance consultancy in London even more beneficial.
The Bottom Line!
So, there are compelling reasons why you should hire a compliance consultancy in London for your small business. If you are looking for a professional for a reliable compliance management service, contact us at +44 (0)203 4759 932 or management@assuredgrc. com.