


子会社: 親会社が過半数(50%を超える)の株式を取得している会社。
関連会社: 親会社が20%から50%の株式を取得している会社。



子会社の貸借対象表や損益計算書、キャッシュフロー計算書における勘定科目は、連結財務諸表ではすべて親会社と合算されて表示されます。例えば親会社の売り上げが100億円、負債が1000万円、子会社の売り上げが10億円、負債が300万円とします。このグループ(親会社や子会社、関連会社を合わせたものを指す用語)の連結損益計算書には売り上げが100億 +10億 = 110億円が載ります。またこのグループの連結貸借対照表の負債の欄には1000万円+300万円 = 1300万円が載ります。また子会社が赤字の場合はその分連結損益計算書の売り上げの数値が下がります。

関連会社の決算情報の親会社への影響は子会社とは違います。連結損益計算書に「持分法による投資利益」という項目を営業外収益(損失)としてたった1行追加するだけです。「持分法による」というのは例えば親会社が30%の株を有している場合に関連会社が10億円の収益を上がれば、10億✖️30% = 3億円を計上するという計算方法を指します。なのでこの場合だと連結損益計算書に持分法による投資利益としてプラス3億円が営業外収益として追加されます。



Good morning, I'm Asahi. Today, I'm going to explain definition of 'Subsidiaries' and 'Affiliates' , and influence on 'Parent company's financial statements of these companies. Let's get started!

From the sound of the words 'subsidiaries' and 'affiliate', it somehow sounds like the subsidiaries is more closely tied to the parent company, isn't it?
I will write concrete definition, not abstract definition.
'Subsidiaries': The company in which the parent company holds a majority(more then 50%) of the shares.
'Affiliates': The company in which the parent company holds 20% to 50% of the shares.

A company's decision making is held by one share one vote, so parent company can completely make decision of their subsidiaries. Parent company can't completely make decision, they can strongly influence on decision-making of the affiliates.

It is important to learn how influence on parent company's  financial statements by subsidiaries and affiliates' account names like costs, profits and assets. There is 'Consolidate Financial Statement', considering financial result of parent company, subsidiaries and affiliates. 'Consolidate' means total of the parent company, subsidiaries and affiliates. There is consolidate Balance-Sheet(B/S), consolidate Profit and Loss statement(P/L), and consolidate Cash Flow Statement(CFS). First of all, I will explain influence of subsidiaries. 

Consolidate financial statement include all of value of subsidiaries' account name. For example, when parent company have 10 billion yen sales and 10 million yen debt, subsidiaries have 1 billion sales, 2 million yen debt, then sales in consolidate statement have 11 billion yen(10 + 1 = 11), and 13 million yen debt(10 + 3 = 13). Moreover, if subsidiaries have minus sales, sales in consolidate P/L is decrease by that value. 

Accounting processing of affiliates is  different from subsidiaries. Only adding 'share of profit(loss) of entities accounted for using equity method' term in consolidate P/L as Non-operaring income(expenses). Entities account for using equity method means, for example, parent company have 30% share of the affiliates, and affiliates have 1 billion yen profit, then recording share of profit by calculating 1 billion multiplied by 0.3(equal 0.3 billion yen), then 0.3 billion yen add as share of profit of entities account for using equity method. 

Actually, recording these rule don't  apply strictly according to the percentage of shares held by the parent company. For example,even if a company is positioned as an affiliate in which the parent company holds only 40% of the shares, if the parent company substantially controls the company(e.g., if there are many representative directors and other executives from the parent company), the company may be  deemed a subsidiary and be required to combine all accounts with those of the parent company. Even if the parent owns less then 20% of the shares of the company, if the parent company is considered to have strongly influence over the company, the company is required to report its net income as 'share of profit(loss) of entities accounted for using equity method' in consolidate P/L.

describing about subsidiaries and affiliates is over. All value of subsidiaries' account of name is adding consolidate financial statement. Net income of affiliates is required to adding consolidate P/L as share of profit(loss) of entities accounted for using equity method. Thank you reading to the end!
