
翻訳「EU_Policies_AI Act」

AI Act

The AI Act is the first-ever legal framework on AI, which addresses the risks of AI and positions Europe to play a leading role globally.

The AI Act provides AI developers and deployers with clear requirements and obligations regarding specific uses of AI. At the same time, the regulation seeks to reduce administrative and financial burdens for business, in particular small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

The AI Act is part of a wider package of policy measures to support the development of trustworthy AI, which also includes the AI Innovation Package and the Coordinated Plan on AI. Together, these measures guarantee the safety and fundamental rights of people and businesses when it comes to AI. They also strengthen uptake, investment and innovation in AI across the EU.

The AI Act is the first-ever comprehensive legal framework on AI worldwide. The aim of the new rules is to foster trustworthy AI in Europe and beyond, by ensuring that AI systems respect fundamental rights, safety, and ethical principles and by addressing risks of very powerful and impactful AI models.

AI Actは、AIに関するリスクに対処し、ヨーロッパが世界的に主導的な役割を果たすための最初の法的枠組みです。

AI Actは、AI開発者および導入者に対して、特定のAI使用に関する明確な要件と義務を提供します。同時に、この規制は特に中小企業(SME)に対する行政および財政的負担を軽減することを目指しています。

AI Actは、信頼できるAIの開発を支援するための広範な政策措置の一部であり、AIイノベーションパッケージおよびAIに関する協調計画も含まれています。これらの措置は、AIに関して人々や企業の安全性と基本的権利を保証するとともに、EU全体でのAIの導入、投資、イノベーションを強化します。


Why do we need rules on AI?


The AI Act ensures that Europeans can trust what AI has to offer. While most AI systems pose limited to no risk and can contribute to solving many societal challenges, certain AI systems create risks that we must address to avoid undesirable outcomes.

For example, it is often not possible to find out why an AI system has made a decision or prediction and taken a particular action. So, it may become difficult to assess whether someone has been unfairly disadvantaged, such as in a hiring decision or in an application for a public benefit scheme.

Although existing legislation provides some protection, it is insufficient to address the specific challenges AI systems may bring.

・The new rules:address risks specifically created by AI applications
・prohibit AI practices that pose unacceptable risks
・determine a list of high-risk applications
・set clear requirements for AI systems for high-risk applications
・define specific obligations deployers and providers of high-risk AI applications
・require a conformity assessment before a given AI system is put into service or placed on the market
・put enforcement in place after a given AI system is placed into the market
・establish a governance structure at European and national level

AI Actは、ヨーロッパの人々がAIの提供するものを信頼できるようにすることを保証します。ほとんどのAIシステムはリスクが少なく、社会的な課題の解決に貢献できますが、特定のAIシステムはリスクを生み出し、望ましくない結果を避けるために対処する必要があります。




  • AIアプリケーションによって特に生じるリスクに対処する

  • 受け入れられないリスクをもたらすAIの実践を禁止する

  • 高リスクアプリケーションのリストを決定する

  • 高リスクアプリケーションのAIシステムに対する明確な要件を設定する

  • 高リスクAIアプリケーションの導入者および提供者に特定の義務を定める

  • 特定のAIシステムがサービスに投入される前または市場に出される前に適合性評価を要求する

  • 特定のAIシステムが市場に出された後に施行を行う

  • 欧州および国内レベルでのガバナンス構造を確立する

A risk-based approach


The Regulatory Framework defines 4 levels of risk for AI systems:

All AI systems considered a clear threat to the safety, livelihoods and rights of people are banned, from social scoring by governments to toys using voice assistance that encourages dangerous behaviour.



High risk


AI systems identified as high-risk include AI technology used in:
・critical infrastructures (e.g. transport), that could put the life and health of citizens at risk
・educational or vocational training, that may determine the access to education and professional course of someone’s life (e.g. scoring of exams)
・safety components of products (e.g. AI application in robot-assisted surgery)
・employment, management of workers and access to self-employment (e.g. CV-sorting software for recruitment procedures)
・essential private and public services (e.g. credit scoring denying citizens opportunity to obtain a loan)
・law enforcement that may interfere with people’s fundamental rights (e.g. evaluation of the reliability of evidence)
・migration, asylum and border control management (e.g. automated examination of visa applications)
・administration of justice and democratic processes (e.g. AI solutions to search for court rulings)

High-risk AI systems are subject to strict obligations before they can be put on the market
・adequate risk assessment and mitigation systems
・high quality of the datasets feeding the system to minimise risks and discriminatory outcomes
・logging of activity to ensure traceability of results
・detailed documentation providing all information necessary on the system and its purpose for authorities to assess its compliance
・clear and adequate information to the deployer
・appropriate human oversight measures to minimise risk
・high level of robustness, security and accuracy

All remote biometric identification systems are considered high-risk and subject to strict requirements. The use of remote biometric identification in publicly accessible spaces for law enforcement purposes is, in principle, prohibited.

Narrow exceptions are strictly defined and regulated, such as when necessary to search for a missing child, to prevent a specific and imminent terrorist threat or to detect, locate, identify or prosecute a perpetrator or suspect of a serious criminal offence.

Those usages is subject to authorisation by a judicial or other independent body and to appropriate limits in time, geographic reach and the data bases searched.


  • 市民の生命や健康にリスクをもたらす可能性がある重要インフラ(例:交通機関)

  • 人生の教育や職業コースへのアクセスを決定する教育や職業訓練(例:試験のスコアリング)

  • 製品の安全コンポーネント(例:ロボット支援手術におけるAIアプリケーション)

  • 雇用、労働者管理、自営業へのアクセス(例:採用手続きでの履歴書選別ソフトウェア)

  • 市民がローンを取得する機会を拒否する信用スコアリングなどの公共・民間サービス

  • 基本的権利に干渉する可能性のある法執行(例:証拠の信頼性の評価)

  • 移民、亡命および国境管理(例:ビザ申請の自動審査)

  • 司法および民主的プロセスの管理(例:裁判所の判決を検索するためのAIソリューション)


  • 適切なリスク評価および軽減システム

  • リスクと差別的な結果を最小限に抑えるための高品質なデータセット

  • 結果の追跡可能性を確保するための活動の記録

  • システムとその目的に関するすべての情報を当局が評価できるようにする詳細な文書

  • 導入者への明確かつ適切な情報提供

  • リスクを最小限に抑えるための適切な人的監督措置

  • 高いレベルの堅牢性、セキュリティ、および精度




Limited risk


Limited risk refers to the risks associated with lack of transparency in AI usage. The AI Act introduces specific transparency obligations to ensure that humans are informed when necessary, fostering trust. For instance, when using AI systems such as chatbots, humans should be made aware that they are interacting with a machine so they can take an informed decision to continue or step back. Providers also have to ensure that AI-generated content is identifiable. Besides, AI-generated text published with the purpose to inform the public on matters of public interest must be labelled as artificially generated. This also applies to audio and video content constituting deep fakes.

AI使用における透明性の欠如に関連するリスクです。AI Actは、必要に応じて人々にAI使用について通知するための特定の透明性義務を導入し、信頼を促進します。例えば、チャットボットのようなAIシステムを使用する場合、利用者が機械とやり取りしていることを認識できるようにする必要があります。また、AI生成コンテンツが識別可能であることを保証しなければなりません。さらに、公共の利益に関する事項について公に発表されるAI生成テキストには、人工的に生成されたものであることを明示する必要があります。これは、ディープフェイクを構成する音声およびビデオコンテンツにも適用されます。

Minimal or no risk


The AI Act allows the free use of minimal-risk AI. This includes applications such as AI-enabled video games or spam filters. The vast majority of AI systems currently used in the EU fall into this category.

AI Actは、最小リスクのAIの自由な使用を許可しています。これには、AI対応のビデオゲームやスパムフィルターなどのアプリケーションが含まれます。現在EUで使用されているAIシステムの大部分はこのカテゴリーに入ります。

How does it all work in practice for providers of high-risk AI systems?


How does it all work in practice for providers of high risk AI systems?

Once an AI system is on the market, authorities are in charge of market surveillance, deployers ensure human oversight and monitoring, and providers have a post-market monitoring system in place. Providers and deployers will also report serious incidents and malfunctioning.



A solution for the trustworthy use of large AI models


More and more, general-purpose AI models are becoming components of AI systems. These models can perform and adapt countless different tasks.

While general-purpose AI models can enable better and more powerful AI solutions, it is difficult to oversee all capabilities.

There, the AI Act introduces transparency obligations for all general-purpose AI models to enable a better understanding of these models and additional risk management obligations for very capable and impactful models. These additional obligations include self-assessment and mitigation of systemic risks, reporting of serious incidents, conducting test and model evaluations, as well as cybersecurity requirements.



そこで、AI Actは、これらのモデルの理解を深めるための透明性義務と、非常に有能で影響力のあるモデルに対する追加のリスク管理義務を導入しています。これらの追加義務には、システムリスクの自己評価と軽減、重大なインシデントの報告、テストとモデル評価の実施、サイバーセキュリティ要件が含まれます。

Future-proof legislation


As AI is a fast-evolving technology, the regulation has a future-proof approach, allowing rules to adapt to technological change. AI applications should remain trustworthy even after they have been placed on the market. This requires ongoing quality and risk management by providers.


Enforcement and implementation


The European AI Office, established in February 2024 within the Commission, oversees the AI Act’s enforcement and implementation with the member states. It aims to create an environment where AI technologies respect human dignity, rights, and trust. It also fosters collaboration, innovation, and research in AI among various stakeholders. Moreover, it engages in international dialogue and cooperation on AI issues, acknowledging the need for global alignment on AI governance. Through these efforts, the European AI Office strives to position Europe as a leader in the ethical and sustainable development of AI technologies.

欧州委員会内に2024年2月に設立された欧州AI事務所は、加盟国と共にAI Actの施行と実施を監督しています。この事務所は、AI技術が人間の尊厳、権利、信頼を尊重する環境を整えることを目指しています。また、AIに関するさまざまな利害関係者間での協力、革新、研究を促進します。さらに、AIガバナンスにおける世界的な調整の必要性を認識し、国際的な対話と協力にも取り組んでいます。これらの努力を通じて、欧州AI事務所は、AI技術の倫理的で持続可能な発展におけるヨーロッパのリーダーシップを確立することを目指しています。

Next steps


The AI Act entered into force on August 1, and will be fully applicable 2 years later, with some exceptions: prohibitions will take effect after six months, the governance rules and the obligations for general-purpose AI models become applicable after 12 months and the rules for AI systems - embedded into regulated products - will apply after 36 months. To facilitate the transition to the new regulatory framework, the Commission has launched the AI Pact, a voluntary initiative that seeks to support the future implementation and invites AI developers from Europe and beyond to comply with the key obligations of the AI Act ahead of time.

AI Actは8月1日に施行され、2年後に完全に適用されますが、一部例外があります。禁止事項は6か月後に発効し、ガバナンスルールと汎用AIモデルに対する義務は12か月後に適用され、規制対象製品に組み込まれたAIシステムに関する規則は36か月後に適用されます。新しい規制枠組みへの移行を円滑に進めるために、欧州委員会はAI Pactを立ち上げました。これは将来的な実施を支援する自主的な取り組みであり、欧州およびその他の地域のAI開発者に対して、AI Actの主要な義務を事前に遵守するよう促しています。

