
OAあり:Expected Health Benefits as the Ultimate Outcome of Information Available on Stroke Engine, a Knowledge Translation Stroke Rehabilitation Website: Web-Based Survey doi:10.2196/44715


Electronic knowledge resources are readily available and typically target different audiences, including health professionals and the public, that is, those with lived experience and their relatives. The knowledge-to-action framework, in combination with the information assessment method (IAM), considering both the value-of-information construct and the conceptual model of acquisition-cognition-application, can be used to support the evaluation process of such resources. As an example, Stroke Engine is an evidence-based knowledge translation resource in stroke rehabilitation (assessments and interventions) for health professionals and students as well as individuals who have sustained a stroke and their relatives. According to Google Analytics, the website is perused >10,000 times per week.
背景:電子知識資源は容易に入手可能であり、通常、医療専門家や一般市民、すなわち生活体験者やその親族など、異なる対象者をターゲットとしている。知識から行動へのフレームワークと情報評価法(IAM)の組み合わせは、情報の価値構成と獲得-認知-応用の概念モデルの両方を考慮し、このようなリソースの評価プロセスをサポートするために使用することができます。例えば、Stroke Engineは、医療従事者や学生、脳卒中患者とその親族を対象とした、脳卒中リハビリテーション(評価と介入)におけるエビデンスに基づく知識翻訳リソースである。Google Analyticsによると、このウェブサイトは1週間に10,000回以上閲覧されています。

Objective: With the overall aim to improve the content available on Stroke Engine, we documented Stroke Engine users' perceptions of situational relevance, cognitive impact, intention to use, and expected patient and health benefits regarding the information consulted.
目的:Stroke Engineで提供されるコンテンツを改善することを目的として、Stroke Engineの利用者が、状況との関連性、認知的影響、利用意向、参照した情報に関して期待される患者や健康への利益についてどのように認識しているかを記録した。

Methods: A web-based survey anchored in the IAM was made available via an invitation tab. The IAM is a validated questionnaire that is designed to assess the value of information. Sociodemographic characteristics were also collected, and a space for free-text comments was provided. Descriptive statistics were used, and thematic analysis was used for the free-text comments.

Results: The sample consisted of 6634 respondents. Health professionals (3663/6634, 55.22%) and students (2784/6634, 41.97%) represented 97.18% (6447/6634) of the total responses. The remaining 2.82% (187/6634) of the responses were from individuals who had sustained a stroke (87/6634, 1.31%) and their relatives (100/6634, 1.51%). Regarding situational relevance, assessments (including selecting, obtaining, and interpreting results from a test) was the main topic searched by health professionals (1838/3364, 54.64%) and students (1228/2437, 50.39%), whereas general information on stroke rehabilitation was the top-ranked topic for nearly two-thirds of the individuals with stroke (45/76, 59%) and their relatives (57/91, 63%). Cognitive impact was characterized by learning something new. Intention to use was high (4572/6379, 71.67%) among the respondents and varied in context (eg, refine a topic, research, class assignments, teaching, and education). Respondents commented on ways to improve content. Expected patient and health benefits such as improvement in health and well-being was the top-ranked category for all 4 subgroups, followed by the avoidance of unnecessary or inappropriate treatment for health professionals (183/623, 29.4%) and a feeling of being reassured for individuals with stroke (26/75, 35%) and their relatives (28/97, 29%).

Conclusions: Valuable feedback on Stroke Engine was obtained in terms of its accessibility, relevance for informational needs and retrieval, accuracy, and applicability; however, of utmost importance is the potential implementation of its evidence-based content in clinical practice and the perceived expected impact on patients, their relatives, and their health professionals. The feedback received allowed for corrections and the identification of key topics for further development.
結論:Stroke Engineは、アクセシビリティ、情報ニーズへの適合性、検索性、正確性、適用性などの点で貴重なフィードバックを得たが、最も重要なのは、エビデンスに基づくコンテンツを臨床現場で実施し、患者、その親族、医療関係者に期待できる影響を認識することである。このようなフィードバックにより、修正し、さらに発展させるための重要なトピックを特定することができました。

Keywords: crowdsourcing; health-related information; internet; knowledge translation; rehabilitation; stroke.
