Try the Fee Simulation! See How Much You Can Save with Rakuten Mobile’s Fee
Introduction: Get the Best Deal on Rakuten Mobile!
If you're considering signing up for Rakuten Mobile, you’re probably wondering, “How much will I actually save?” Many people feel the same way.
Rakuten Mobile provides a simple fee and points simulation tool to assist you. By entering your usage patterns, you can quickly see how much you can save the points.
In this article, we'll show you how to use the simulation to make the most of your Rakuten Mobile experience.
1. Check How Much You Can Save with Rakuten Mobile!
When you sign up for Rakuten Mobile, you’re curious about how much you can save on your monthly bill. Furthermore, after signing up, you’ll be earning Rakuten Points at a great rate!
The simulation is incredibly simple! All you need to do is input how much data you use and which plan you’re considering, and the tool will show you:
Your monthly bill
The points you can earn
By seeing this information, you can easily find the plan that’s perfect for you and know exactly how much you’ll save!
After trying out the simulation, you’ll definitely think, “Rakuten Mobile could be the right choice for me!” You can try it out here:
Rakuten Mobile Fee Simulation
2. Get Even More Discounts with the Employee Referral Campaign!
If after the simulation you’ve decided that Rakuten Mobile looks like a great deal, here’s an even better opportunity! By signing up through the exclusive link for employees, you can earn points right away, which you can use for shopping!
For new sign-ups: 7,000 points
New subscription: 14,000 points
Not only can you save on your monthly bill, but you’ll also earn a lot of Rakuten Points. It’s a double benefit!
Conclusion: Make the Most of Your Rakuten Mobile Contract!
Rakuten Mobile isn’t just about saving on your monthly bill—it’s also about getting plenty of points back. If you're wondering how much you can really save, the easy simulation tool is the perfect way to check. Once you find the best plan for you, make sure to take advantage of the Employee Referral Campaign to earn up to 14,000 points!
Check out the simulation now to confirm your savings, and sign up for Rakuten Mobile smartly!