
Student Report

23/9/2020 Wed.

【Day 186】

It was the Make-A-Wish Day in the elementary school. Minori and Mihaya were quite nervous as they seemed to be embarrassed to wear the costume. 


So my wife and I had to encourage them to do it and send them to the school. 


It ended up that apparently they could have a lot of fun, so I was relieved with it.

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This week is the end of term 3, so we got the school report of Natsumo via email.

This is the first time to get the report for her, as well as us, I got a little bit nervous to see it.

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It reported that she has been doing great basically, so I was relieved again. If she keeps going in term 4, she would be able to transfer to the public high school.

Anyway, I’m very proud of her getting used to it in such a short time.
