
[プロフィール紹介・目次] A Collection of Interviews with 21 Japanese Entrepreneurs and Local hires シンガポールで働く21人へのインタビュー




・20歳の自分へのアドバイス  などなど




20代海外転職組 / Started working abroad in their 20s

Case Study 1  
新卒3年目/外銀APAC/HQへの異動 匿名
慶應義塾大学卒業後、現在も在職中の外資系金融機関(銀行)の東京支店に入行。その後、入行3年目で東京支店からシンガポール支店へ異動。仕事と並行でシンガポール国内のRoyal Holloway University Londonサテライト校の夜間コースに通い、Business & Managementの学士号取得に取り組みつつ、次に向けてのスキルアップ/キャリアアップを目指す。

Case Study 2
日系保険会社転職 "Konatsu Watanabe"

Case Study 3
日系在外教育施設教員への転職 "Marina Goto"


Case Study 4
外資広告会社勤務 "匿名"

Case Study 5
ニューヨーク州Lawyer・金融・米星で就業経験 "匿名"

Case Study 6
NUS MSBA、データサイエンティスト "Taka"
筑波大学で学士(物理学)・修士(コンピュータサイエンス)を取得後、日本で米系IT企業にてエンジニアとして勤務。2016年にNUS(National University of Singapore)のデータサイエンス修士プログラムであるMSBA(Masters of Science in Business Analytics)へ留学。NUSで修士取得後にシンガポールにてデータサイエンティストとして就職。現在は、東南アジアで配車サービスやフードデリバリーのアプリを開発している企業にてデータサイエンティストとして勤務。

海外起業・経営者 / Entrepreneurs in Singapore

Case Study 7
海外大卒・KPMG UK 7年勤務・日系会計事務所MD "Ryoko Takao"

Case Study 8
元ディズニー新規事業・海外MBA・海外起業 "Aki Nakamura"
ディズニー社にてアメリカ国外で初のコンテンツビジネス(モバイル事業、TVアニメーションクロスプラットフォーム展開等)立ち上げメンバーとして新規事業を推進。その後、シンガポールを拠点に大企業向け新規事業・スタートアップへのハンズオン支援に従事。新興国ビジネスで直面した多くの困難から、現地の優良な人的ネットワークを核に「業界知見シェアリング」で新興国ビジネスを支援する「ExpertConnect Asia (www.expertconnect.asia)」をシンガポールにて起業。イントレプレナー(社内起業家) と アントレプレナー 両方の経験を活かし、Raffles Institution、Hwa Chong Institution、シンガポール国立大学、南洋工科大学等の起業支援組織での講演・寄稿等で次世代育成にも活発に携わっている。慶応義塾大学文学部卒業、UCLA・シンガポール国立大学 MBA

Case Study 9
照明環境デザイン会社起業、海外起業 "Yaeko Hashimoto"

Case Study 10
美容室2店舗経営 "RYU MARCO"

Case Study 11
シンガポールにて単身起業 Dancer "Nashwa Bliss"

30代海外転職組 / Started working abroad in their 30s

Case Study 12
海外MBA・IT企業事業開発 "匿名"

Case Study 13
NYインターン・現英系教育業界勤務 "Miwa Funaki "

Case Study 14
駐在員からのシンガポールIT企業へ転職 "Kanako Wada"

接客・人材サービス / Hospitality industry and Recruiting industry

Case Study 15
オーストラリアワーホリ・シンガポール駐在/転職・駐在員向けパーソナルトレーナー "Shinnosuke Banjo"

Case Study 16
教職からシンガポール・リゾート企業転職 "匿名"

Case Study 17
元公認会計士補、テクノロジー人材紹介シニアコンサルタント "Chiaya Hasegawa"

その他(新卒海外就職、能楽パフォーマー、ワーホリ、現地ローファームで研修) / The rest (Came to Singapore post graduation, Avid Noh performer, working holiday in Singapore and law-firm trainee)

Case Study 18
新卒シンガポール就職・人材紹介会社・マーケティング職・YouTuber "Miki"

Miki在新加坡 Miki in Singapore

Case Study 19
能楽パフォーマー・日系運輸業・日本人社長秘書 "Minami Toyama"
早稲田大学を卒業後、東京の広告代理店に入社。7年ほど勤めたのち、ほとんど英語が話せないままシンガポールに渡り、背水の陣で現地での就職活動に挑む。現地採用としてシンガポール日本通運引越支店に入社。その後転職し、三井化学の子会社であるMitsui Elastomers Singapore Pte Ltdに社長秘書として勤務。また、幼少期から稽古している観世流能楽をシンガポールで披露する活動を意欲的に行っており、様々なイベントに出演している。座右の銘は『必死に生きてこそ、その生涯は光を放つ。』https://m.facebook.com/minami.sg

Case Study 20
ワーホリビザで3社インターン "匿名"

Case Study 21
NUSロースクール・シンガポール法律事務所にて研修中 "匿名"

English Translation

Started working abroad in their 20s

Case study 1 
Graduated from university 3 years ago and currently working at the APAC Headquarters of a foreign bank "Anonymous"
Graduate of Keio University. Joined the Tokyo office of a foreign bank after graduation where she worked for 3 years and then moved to the Singapore office of the same bank. Pursuing a Business Management degree from the Royal Holloway University of London while working to further hone her skills.

Case Study 2
Successfully joined the Singapore office of a Japanese insurer "Konatsu Watanabe"
Graduate of Keio University. Joined a Japanese insurance company as a management trainee upon graduation and worked in insurance sales to logistics companies. Hired locally by the Singapore branch of a Japanese insurer since late 2019 where she's currently in charge of B2B sales. Clients include the Singapore branch offices of Japanese companies and others. Currently working in a team of 90% local Singaporeans. Really likes her team and working hard everyday.

Case Study 3
Making the career change to become a teacher at a Japanese school overseas  "Marina Goto"
Graduate of Chiba University. Taught at a middle school as well s a private correspondent high school upon graduation. Moved to Singapore in 2019 and currently teaching at a Japanese middle-high school.


Case Study 4
Currently working at a large US technology firm in Singapore "Anonymous"
Lived in the US from age 11-18. Worked at a Japanese entertainment company upon graduation and then studied Marketing in Singapore. Subsequently worked at a Japanese manufacturing company, a British advertising firm and currently at an American technology company in Singapore.

Case Study 5
New York-qualified Lawyer. Has worked in Japan, the US and Singapore across Finance and Legal roles. "Anonymous"
Graduate of Keio University. Worked at a foreign law firm in Japan upon graduation, completed a Master of Laws in the US and subsequently qualified for the bar in the State of New York. Currently working at an asset management firm in Singapore. Feels that it's hard for women to break through the glass ceiling in Japan. Interested in dance as well as keeping fit.

Case Study 6
Data scientist who obtained a Masters in Business Analytics from the National University of Singapore "Taka"
Graduated with a Masters in Computer Science from Tsukuba University and then worked as an engineer at an American firm in Japan. Obtained a Masters of Science in Business Analytics from the National University of Singapore. Worked as a data scientist in Singapore after graduation and is currently at one of the largest ride-hailing companies in Southeast Asia.

Entrepreneurs in Singapore

Case Study 7
Graduated from overseas university. Worked 7 years at KPMG in the UK and currently a MD at a Japanese accounting firm in Singapore. "Ryoko Takao"
Went to the UK for university where she majored in archeology. Worked at an accounting firm upon graduation and obtained the UK CPA qualification. Moved to Singapore where she set up the Singapore office for a Japanese company and is now doing cross-border work.

Case Study 8
Former Disney executive, overseas MBA and now an entrepreneur "Aki Nakamura"
Graduate of Keio University and subsequently obtained a double MBA from UCLA and the National University of Singapore. Worked at Disney's office in Japan focusing on developing new lines of business including mobile, animation, cross-platform promotion etc. Moved to Singapore after and become an entrepreneur. Currently the founder of ExpertConnect Asia which provides a network for large corporations to connect with consultants in Southeast Asia. A frequent speaker and mentor at local educational institutions such as the National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University, Raffles Institution and Hwa Chong Institution.

Case Study 9
Entrepreneur that founded a lighting design company overseas "Yaeko Hashimoto"
Graduated with a degree in Architecture. Started her own lighting design business in Japan after working in the industry. Moved to Singapore in 2007 and worked as a lighting consultant for a firm in Singapore for 8 years before starting her own business. Currently in her 6th year of running the business.

Case Study 10
Owner and operator of 2 hair salons "RYU MARCO"
Lived and worked overseas for 9 years in Vancouver, Singapore, Malaysia and Japan. Has visited 30 countries and 50 cities across the globe. Currently owner and operator of 2 salons in Southeast Asia.

Case Study 11
Entrepreneur and dancer in Singapore "Nashwa Bliss"
Solopreneur in Singapore. Living life passionately through dance and fitness.

Started working abroad in their 30s

Case Study 12
Overseas MBA, worked as an engineer at a Japanese IT firm "Anonymous"
Graduated from the Science faculty of a Japanese university. Worked as an engineer at a Japanese IT firm and then moved to work for a SME in Japan. Went on to get a foreign MBA and then moved to work in Singapore. Her advice to younger people is that hard work does not go unrewarded.

Case Study 13
Interned in New York, currently working in education in Singapore "Miwa Funaki"
Graduate of Kansai University. Worked at a large recruiting firm in Tokyo upon graduation. Decided to work overseas after a chance meeting with a client that was a foreign IT company. Interned and studied in the Philippines and subsequently New York. Moved to the international department of a firm based in Tokyo and currently working in Education for a firm based in Singapore.

Case Study 14
Formerly an expatriate, now working for a local Singaporean technology firm "Kanako Wada"
Worked at a Japanese manufacturer doing sales upon graduation and was then posted to Singapore. Returned to Japan after a 2.5 year stint but wanted to continue working overseas so moved to a technology firm based in Singapore. Currently covering sales to the Japanese market at the Singapore headquarters of a technology firm.

 Hospitality industry and Recruiting industry

Case Study 15
Working holiday in Australia, and currently a personal trainer in Singapore "Shinnosuke Banjo"
Graduated from a sports school and then went to Australia for a working holiday. Worked 2 years as a personal trainer after returning to Japan. Currently working as a personal trainer in Singapore and has conducted over 1300 training sessions.

Case Study 16
Made the career switch from being a teacher in Japan to working at a Singaporean resort "Anonymous"
Learned English as a second language in university and obtained qualification to teach English at middle and high schools in Japan. Worked 4 years at a public school in Chiba prefecture and moved to Singapore. Currently working in investor relations at a resort.

Case Study 17
Former Japanese CPA candidate, currently a consultant at a recruiting firm "Chiaya Hasegawa"
Born in Peru and raised in Mexico and Japan. Worked at an accounting and audit firm upon graduating from university in Japan. Made the switch to recruiting where she worked in Tokyo for 5 years and Singapore for 2 years specializing in technology. Currently hiring for Japanese companies. Wishes to continue working in Singapore where it's competitive and enjoying her daily work. Loves tennis.

The rest (Came to Singapore post graduation, Avid Noh performer, working holiday in Singapore and law-firm trainee)

Case Study 18
Came to Singapore upon graduation. Worked at a recruiting firm, now at a digital marketing firm. Is a YouTuber outside of work "Miki"
Moved to Singapore from Japan upon graduation and started working as a recruiting consultant. Currently working in digital marketing at a local Singaporean company. First visited Singapore during his second year in Singapore and was interested to work in Singapore. Set personal goal of getting a job in Singapore and achieved it shortly after graduation. Apart from his main job he also makes YouTube videos and has been featured on numerous local and Japanese TV shows.
His YouTube channel is at Miki in Singapore.


Case Study 19
Avid Noh performer. Worked at a Japanese logistics firm and then as a secretary for the CEO of a Japanese firm in Singapore. "Minami Toyama"
Graduate of Waseda University. Worked at an advertising firm in Tokyo and then moved to Singapore. Worked at a Japanese logistics company in Singapore and then moved to Mitsui Chemicals working as a secretary for the CEO. Has always loved performing Noh since young and has performed at various events. Her personal motto is "Life sparkles because you try hard". Facebook page here. Currently has returned back to Japan with family and enjoying the four seasons back home.

Case Study 20 
Worked at 3 companies during a working holiday in Singapore "Anonymous"
Spent half a year in Singapore on a working holiday during her third year of university. Worked at an English school, a study-abroad support company and also part-time at a cafe. Currently at a foreign consulting firm in Japan.

Case Study 21
Studied law at the National University of Singapore. Currently working at a local law firm in Singapore. "Anonymous"
Japan-qualified lawyer. Worked at foreign and Japanese law firms back in Japan. Obtained a Master of Laws LL.M. at the National University of Singapore. Currently working at a local Singaporean law firm.
