The Reason I Started Blogging
*This blog is originally written in Japanese and translated using ChatGPT. For my friend who knows Japanese, please read the original:
It's blog time again this week.
This is a milestone tenth edition! It feels like I've been doing it for quite some time so it is a bit shocking that it's only the tenth blog.
But the tenth edition is truly something to celebrate, so I will give myself a pat on the back. Well done!
This week's blog will cover the following topics:
1. Reviewing last week's answers
2. Why I started the blog
3. New things I've learned
I hope you enjoy it!
Reviewing Last Week's Answers
I posted a blog entry last week.
In it, I wrote, "I pledge to wake up early and study every day next week. You, the reader of this blog, are my witness. Please wait for the review in next week's blog."
So, did I manage to wake up early?
Here's the answer:
From Monday to Friday, I successfully woke up in the early hours to secure at least an hour of study time at a cafe near my workplace. However, due to heavy rain on Friday, my plans were disrupted. Since I didn't have to go to the office that day, I ended up going back to sleep, starting the day on a bad note and ruining it completely.
Therefore, the challenge was a failure.
However, failure is also a form of discovery.
I realized that I have a tendency to be unable to do anything when my plans are suddenly disrupted.
So, from now on, I will be prepared for such situations and strive to create an environment where I can study anywhere.
I will continue with the challenges, and occasionally, I would like to share my progress here!
Main Topic: Why I Started the Blog
I started the blog two months ago, initially because I had nothing to do, and weekends were boring, so I posted my first entry. However, that was merely a trigger based on timing and not the true reason for starting.
The real reason I started the blog was because I read a book called "An Output Encyclopedia That Will Alter Your Learning Results" at the beginning of the year.
In fact, I have always enjoyed writing. In high school, I loved writing so much that I even wrote my own novels. However, as I grew up, I got distracted by smartphones, social media, and lost my ability to concentrate. I also lost the motivation to output my thoughts.
That's when I came across this book. Initially, I wanted to enhance my abilities and learn effective study methods, so I picked up this book. But this book went beyond that and taught me various aspects of output. It listed numerous benefits of output and how to practice it. Output can take various forms, including study notes, social media, blogs, and public speaking. Influenced by this book, half a year later, I finally took action. That's the reason I started this blog.
New Learnings from "The Complete Guide to Transforming Learning into Results"
To write this blog, I revisited this book. I realized that I had forgotten many things and learned many new things. Here, I would like to share three things I learned so that everyone can experience the benefits of output in their daily lives.
1. Set a time limit for writing.
The author recommends setting a time limit when writing. It increases concentration and prevents aimless writing. Initially, it took me around 4 to 6 hours to write a single blog. But recently, as I started graduate school, I no longer have that much time. From now on, I will set a specific time, use a timer, and improve my focus.
2. The golden ratio of studying is 3:7 memorization to problem-solving.
This is a study method recommended by the author for those preparing for exams. As the new semester begins, I'm currently overwhelmed by the number of reference books. After reading this study method, I want to change the way I approach reading reference books. Instead of reading the entire text, I want to try solving practice problems for review.
3. Spend 15 minutes on writing a diary
I write a diary every day, but I usually finish it in about a minute. Then, I end up using my phone and browsing it until I fall asleep. To be honest, I rarely get the opportunity to reflect properly or reap the benefits of writing a diary. From now on, if possible, I want to distance myself from my phone and digital distractions, and focus on writing my diary.
Aside from these three points, the book contains a wealth of wisdom that can be applied to everyday life, not just limited to output. For example, it suggests checking and replying to emails within 5 minutes, not opening the same email twice, and provides many other valuable pieces of information. It's also very easy to read, so I highly recommend it to everyone!
Lately, I've been short on time and even considered giving up on the blog. However, I still want to continue. It was good to revisit this book at this timing. From now on, I want to regularly read this book and boost my motivation for output.
That's it for this week's blog! Lately, there have been many changes around me, and it feels like I can't catch up.
It's a good thing to be busy! Let's all stay calm and relaxed.
See you next week~