
歌詞”Again”: Arim

EP ”Love For You, For Gaza, for the Children”


ここに収めた”I Believe ” ”Again”
”Love For You”は、


歌詞♪”Again” : Arim

陽は昇り いつでも朝は来る
暗い部屋に 光ともりだして
きみを呼ぶ声が 外に聞こえてるよ
道の向こうから 歌が聞こえるよ

壊れた街には 道が途絶えて
花の種蒔いて 海へとつなぎ
あなたを探して 歩いてきたんだ
空には鳥が飛び 愛を運んできた

戦い疲れた 人の両手に
一輪の大きな 白い花
渡すよ 悲しみが途切れますように
笑顔が戻るように 平和の夢描こう

風が流れて 花が咲き 海が光り
浜辺を犬と走った あの日をもう一度

You and me laughing at the joke,
We were taking tea for two.
They play tennis or sing a song.
What a beautiful time, Again, under the sky.

⭐iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/jp/album/id1270998363?app=itunes

EP ”Love For You, For Gaza, for the Children. Trailer”

EP ”Love For You, For Gaza, for the Children”

The song "I Believe" "Again"
"Love For You"
It is a song born from the thought of Gaza and the children of the world.
order to help children use it, JVC understands and cooperates with the purpose of mini album.
I deeply appreciate your favor. Arim
Donation destination (http://www.ngo-jvc.net/jp/perticipate/fundraise / Please write in the remarks "Arim".)

Lyrics ♪ "Again": Arim

The sun rises Any morning will come
Shine the light in the dark room.
You hearing a voice calling you to outside
A song from across the street

The road is broken in the broken city
Sow flowers and connect to the sea
I've walked looking for you
A bird flew in the sky and carried love to you

I will give a large white flower of one wheel to the hands of tired people.
I wish for my sorrows to be cut off
Let's draw a dream of peace as your smile returns

The wind flows and the flowers bloom, the sea glows
I wish you run with the dog, on the beach, again

You and me laughing at the joke,
We were taking tea for two.
They play tennis or sing a song.
What a beautiful time, Again, under the sky.

【Arim Profile】
Poet, singer-songwriter.
From 2016, I am "For Gaza, for the Children"
In the series, sing a song.
is a song born from the thought of Gaza and the children of the world.

Even a little closer to the hearts of many people holding sorrow,
I wish a warm hope of light will be plugged in.
I made it with such a wish.

#Gaza #ガザ #Peace #Love &Peace #Children #song
