「だけれども」を英語で!although と though の違いをネイティブに聞いてみた。
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今回は although と though の違いをネイティブに聞いてみました!
Is there a difference between these two options?🤔 Thank you!
1) Although I had a headache, I went to work.
2) Though I had a headache, I went to work.
① イギリス人の感覚🇬🇧
To me, they’re the same :)
② イギリス人の感覚🇬🇧
Although is slightly more formal, but they are used in the same way and have the same meaning and nuance.
【Although が少しフォーマルですが、同じように使われ、同じ意味とニュアンスを持っています】