
io.net Tory氏からのレポート「State of the Network」

io.netのCEOであるTory氏からのレポート「State of the Network」が公開されました。





  1. 収益成長の推進

  2. エンタープライズグレードのサービス維持

  3. コミュニティとの連携



IO Nation:




私たちのビジョン: 長期的な成功を目指して


AIの台頭により、コンピューティングパワーの需要は指数関数的に増加しています。機械学習とディープラーニングの要求は3.4か月ごとに倍増しており、モデルのトレーニングコストは年々3100%増加しています。また、MetaのLlama 4などの最新の大規模言語モデル(LLM)は、その前身と比べて10倍の処理能力を必要とすることが予想されています。このため、「コンピューティングは新しい石油だ」と宣言する人が増えています。




  • 大量のコンピューティングパワーへのアクセス: 世界中のコンピューティングリソースを集約し、ユーザーがボタンを押すだけでほぼ無制限のコンピューティングパワーにアクセスできるようにします。

  • スケーラビリティ: 分散型ネットワークは、分散されたノードからのコンピューティングパワーを活用することで、柔軟かつ動的にスケールアップできるため、スケーラビリティが向上します。

  • 優れたパフォーマンス: 地理的に分散されたノードは、事実上のコンテンツ配信ネットワーク(CDN)として機能し、特に推論操作の遅延を大幅に削減します。

  • 検閲耐性: 中央集権的な当局が情報の流れを制御することがないため、分散型ネットワークは検閲に対して非常に耐性があります。

  • コスト効率: 分散型ネットワークは、世界中の参加者から未使用の計算リソースを活用することで、コストを大幅に削減します。



私たちの優先事項: 基本にフォーカスする



  • 攻撃的な収益成長の推進: 私たちは競争上の構造的優位性を活用して、競争相手を打ち負かし、攻撃的な収益成長を達成します。

  • エンタープライズグレードのサービスの維持: 従来のクラウドプロバイダーと同等、またはそれを上回るサービス標準を、はるかに低コストで提供することを目指します。

  • コミュニティの深い関与: 私たちは、コミュニティと緊密に協力し、イノベーションを促進し、機動性を維持します。

  • ブロック報酬の最適化: ネットワーク参加者にインセンティブを提供するため、IOG財団と協力して報酬制度を整備し、維持します。

  • 世界クラスのチームの構築: クラウドコンピューティング、Web3、AIの分野で最高の人材を積極的に採用し、市場を支配する「ドリームチーム」を構築します。







  • 既存顧客との関係を拡大: これまでに56件の契約を締結しました。多くのクライアントは、初期の導入を超えて使用を大幅に拡大したいと表明しています。これらの関係を拡大することで、GMV(流通総額)の成長に直結します。

  • 長期的なパイプラインの構築: 既存の関係を拡大するだけでなく、米国、EU、APACを中心に、成長段階のAI/MLスタートアップを対象にしたセールスチームを強化し、パイプラインを拡大しています。この戦略的投資が将来の収益成長を促進します。

  • エンタープライズグレードのGPU供給の増加: H100およびA100の在庫を北米、EMEA、APAC全体で拡大し、各地域で2〜3社の供給パートナーを目指します。

  • 計算とストレージのバンドル: 計算とストレージの取引をバンドルすることで、GMVを増やし、顧客のリテンション率を向上させます。短期的な目標は、データセンターと協力して、複数の顧客が共有ストレージインフラを活用できるコラボレーションを確立することです。

  • チャネルパートナーシップの確立: 主要なAI/ML ISVやデベロッパーツール企業(Predibase、Weights & Biasesなど)やWeb3パートナー(Flock Prime Intellectなど)を対象にしたチャネルパートナープログラムを確立し、戦略的アライアンスを通じて広範な配布を促進します。






  • プルーフ・オブ・ワークシステムのアップグレード: 攻撃ベクターの対処、VRAMチェックの追加、ハードウェアの強化検証、より厳格なCPUベンチマーク、PoWパターン分析を実施して、PoWシステムを強化します。

  • 階層化と検証の実装: エンタープライズプロバイダー向けのKYC/KYB検証を必要とする階層化システムを導入し、IOコインのステーキングを通じて、従業員の詐欺を防止します。サプライヤーは、コンプライアンス、ハードウェア品質、ステークされたIOコインによって分類され、悪質な行為者には経済的なリスクが生じ、品質の高いインベントリが確保されます。

  • ステーキングとスラッシングプログラムの導入: ネットワークの安全性を確保するため、ステーキングメカニズムを導入し、不正行為者に対する罰則を組み合わせて、システムの完全性を維持します。

  • コミュニティ・データの公開と報酬の開始: 詳細なPoW、稼働時間、ハードウェア情報をコミュニティと時間ごとに共有します(個人情報を除く)。不正や不正確な情報を特定したコミュニティ・メンバーには報酬が与えられ、積極的な参加と公平性が促進されます。

  • サードパーティーとのコラボレーションを導入する: Flockのようなサードパーティと協力し、バリデータや推論証明を通じて検証やセキュリティを強化し、ハードウェアの能力をさらに検証し、システムの信頼性を向上させる。

長期的には、分散型コンピューティングの卓越した標準となることを目指し、プラットフォームの強化を続けていきます。仮想マシンだけでなく、Kubernetes、Ludwig、Slurm、Nomadのサポートを導入することで、私たちのサービス提供は拡大するでしょう。さらに、ストレージ機能など他のサービスもプラットフォームに統合する予定です。最終的には、bc8.aiのようなAI dappsを作成するためのモデルマーケットプレイス、データマーケットプレイス、SDKなどの補完的な製品を開発し、io.netを分散型AIエコシステムの事実上の「ワンストップショップ」として位置づける予定です。






  • 明確な3か月のロードマップを確立: 戦略的計画と透明性へのコミットメントを示すため、月ごとのマイルストーンを含む詳細な3か月のロードマップを作成します。

  • 変更に対して最低1か月前に通知: ユーザーに影響を与えるすべての変更については、少なくとも1か月前に通知し、その理由を説明するAMA(Ask Me Anything)セッションを行います。

  • 週次AMAをシニアリーダーシップと実施: AMA形式を刷新し、事前に提出された上位の質問にシニアリーダーシップチームが詳細に回答し、その後即興のQ&Aセッションを行います。また、毎月のレポートで主要な成果を発表し、コミュニティの情報共有と関与を維持します。

  • 問題追跡および解決システムの導入: 「The Balancer」という公開トラッカーを導入し、週ごとにコミュニティの問題を管理・解決します。また、Discordの専用チャンネルを設け、コミュニティからのフィードバックを収集し、対応します。

  • コミュニティ報酬プログラムの開始: 階層化された報酬キャンペーンやコンペティションを実施し、コミュニティメンバーの参加を促し、関与を高めます。特に「Astronaut Program」を通じて、積極的なコミュニティメンバーに排他的なインセンティブを提供し、興奮を生み出し、より関与度の高い忠実なコミュニティを構築します。












私たちの可能性: 進化の障壁を乗り越える








CEO, io.net


IO Nation:

The last 12 months have been an exciting time for io.net. We developed the world's first platform capable of creating decentralized compute clusters, built a global network of GPUs, raised over $40M from top-tier investors, and established ourselves as the market leader in distributed compute.

But these achievements are just the beginning of what we aim to build. Decentralized compute has the potential to be a multi-trillion-dollar industry, and if we execute well, we believe that io.net can capture a significant share of that value.

As the new CEO of io.net, I’d like to outline our strategy for achieving this goal:

Our Vision: We are Building for the Long-Term

Few realize the enormous potential of decentralized compute.

The rise of AI has exponentially increased the demand for computing power. Requirements for machine and deep learning are doubling every 3.4 months, model training costs are increasing by 3100% per year, and many of the latest LLMs, such as Meta’s Llama 4, are expected to require 10x more processing power than their predecessors. This has led many to proclaim that “compute is the new oil.”

Unfortunately, today’s cloud infrastructure isn’t designed to handle this surge in demand. Incumbents like AWS, Azure, and GCP face inherent limitations in their ability to scale due to global supply chain constraints, logistical challenges, and substantial CapEx requirements. This leads to significant delays, fewer options, and higher costs for consumers, ultimately stifling innovation.

To anyone paying attention, it’s clear that we need a better solution.

Decentralized networks like io.net represent a bold new paradigm. Like an “AirBnB” for compute, they aggregate GPUs from underutilized sources across the globe into a single platform. This overcomes many of the limitations of traditional cloud providers and creates multiple benefits:

  • Access to Massive Computing Power: Pooling global compute resources into a single platform allows users to access nearly unlimited computing power at the click of a button.

  • Scalability: Decentralized networks can scale more easily as they can harness computing power from numerous distributed nodes, allowing for flexible and dynamic expansion.

  • Superior Performance: Geographically distributed nodes can act as a de facto CDN, significantly reducing latency, especially for inferencing operations.

  • Censorship Resistance: With no central authority controlling the flow of information, decentralized networks are much less vulnerable to censorship.

  • Cost Efficiency: Decentralized networks can significantly reduce costs by utilizing idle computational resources from a vast pool of participants.

Not only are decentralized networks a better, faster, and cheaper solution, but they are likely the only effective way to meet the colossal computing needs of the most important technological innovation of the last century.

Despite this immense promise, the decentralized compute industry is still in its early stages, representing less than 1% of the overall market. As such, if we execute well, we believe there is a viable opportunity for io.net to capture a meaningful share in the $2.5 trillion-dollar cloud computing industry.

Our Priorities: We Will Focus on the Fundamentals

Part of building for the long term involves ignoring the day-to-day fluctuations of the market and focusing on what truly matters – building a business that can truly compete with the likes of AWS, GCP, and Azure.

To do that, we will concentrate on the following priorities:

  • Driving Aggressive Revenue Growth: We will leverage our structural competitive advantages to disrupt the competition and drive aggressive revenue growth.

  • Maintaining an Enterprise-Grade Service: We aim to meet or exceed the service standards of traditional cloud providers at a fraction of the cost.

  • Deeply Involving Our Community: We will work closely with our community to foster innovation and maintain agility.

  • Optimizing Block Rewards: We will continue to work with the IOG Foundation to establish and maintain incentives for network participants.

  • Building a World-Class Team: We will actively recruit the best talent in Cloud Computing, Web3, and AI to build a “dream team” that will dominate the market.

Executing on these initiatives and solidifying our market leadership position will create a deep and lasting economic moat. This will translate directly into increased demand, supply, revenue, profitability, and - most importantly - long-term value creation.

Below, we will dive a bit more into our progress on each of these initiatives, plans for the rest of 2024, and our strategies for the long-term.

Driving Aggressive Revenue Growth

Our position as a decentralized compute network gives us a unique competitive advantage – the ability to offer nearly unlimited computing power at a fraction of the cost of traditional cloud providers. We plan to leverage this moat to undercut the competition and drive aggressive revenue growth.

We have made significant progress on this goal over the last year: we have delivered over 1M hours of compute, hosted nearly 2M on-chain transactions, built a network of tens of thousands of cluster-ready GPUs across 138+ countries (including thousands of enterprise-grade GPUs such as H100s or A100s), and established long-term relationships with many strategic partners including Leonardo, KREA, PublicAI, Nesa, Flock, Ritual, Filecoin, Render, and WonderaAI.

But this is just the beginning. We see several near-term opportunities for expansion and will focus on the following initiatives for the remainder of 2024:

  • Expand Existing Customer Relationships: We have signed 56 deals to date. Many of these clients are moving beyond initial deployments and have expressed a desire to significantly increase their usage. Expanding these relationships presents a clear path to meaningful GMV growth.

  • Build Our Long-Term Pipeline: In addition to expanding existing relationships, we are bolstering our sales team to grow our pipeline of growth-stage AI/ML startups with a focus on the US, EU, and APAC. This strategic investment will drive future revenue growth.

  • Increase Supply of Enterprise-Grade GPUs: We aim to grow our inventory of H100s and A100s across NA, EMEA, and APAC with 2-3 supply partners for each type of GPU in each region.

  • Bundle Compute with Storage: By bundling compute with storage deals, we can increase GMV and improve customer retention. Our short-term goal is to establish collaborations with data centers where multiple customers can benefit from shared storage infrastructure.

  • Establish Channel Partnerships: We will establish a channel partner program targeting major AI/ML ISVs/dev tooling companies (e.g., Predibase, Weights & Biases) and Web3 partners (e.g., Flock, Prime Intellect). This will incentivize broader distribution and drive growth through strategic alliances.

Additionally, to demonstrate our commitment to transparency, we will soon collaborate with independent third-party validators to provide unbiased verification of our GPU count and GMV statistics.

Looking further ahead, our long-term strategy involves several key initiatives to ensure sustained growth and industry leadership. We will continue to innovate by developing new products and services, explore vertical expansion into various sectors of the AI value chain, and continue to pursue geographic expansion. We also plan to extend our reach beyond our initial focus on generative AI startups to serve a broader array of clients, including large tech companies, enterprise AI divisions, academic and research institutions, government bodies, and even the LLMs themselves. With the generative AI market poised to exceed $4 trillion in economic potential, we believe that io.net is well-positioned to capitalize on these vast opportunities and drive enduring growth.

Maintaining an Enterprise-Grade Service

One of io.net’s primary objectives is to maintain an enterprise-grade platform that matches or exceeds the quality of service offered by traditional cloud providers. By integrating exceptional customer support and comprehensive SLAs into our decentralized network, we aim to provide the same level of security, reliability, and performance at a significantly lower cost.

Over the next quarter, we will:

  • Upgrade Our Proof of Work System: We will fortify our Proof of Work system by addressing potential attack vectors, adding VRAM checks, enhanced hardware verification, stricter CPU benchmarks, and PoW pattern analysis.

  • Implement Tiering and Verification: We are introducing a tiering system that requires KYC/KYB verification for enterprise providers and IO coin staking to combat worker spoofing. Suppliers will be categorized by compliance, hardware quality, and staked IO coins, creating economic risks for bad actors and ensuring high-quality inventory.

  • Instituting a Staking and Slashing Program: To secure our network, we are launching a staking mechanism combined with slashing penalties to deter spoofers and maintain system integrity.

  • Initiate Community Data Release and Rewards: We will share detailed PoW uptime and hardware information with the community hourly (excluding personal data). Community members who identify fraud or inaccuracies will be rewarded, promoting active participation and fairness.

  • Introduce Third-Party Collaborations: We will collaborate with third parties such as Flock to enhance verification and security through validators and Proof of Inference, further testing hardware capabilities, and improving system reliability.

Over the long term, we will continue to enhance our platform, aiming to set the standard for excellence in decentralized computing. Our services offerings will expand with the introduction of support for Kubernetes, Ludwig, Slurm, and Nomad, as well as virtual machines. Additionally, we will integrate other services into our platform, such as storage capabilities. Finally, we plan to develop complementary products such as a models marketplace, data marketplace, and SDKs that empower users to create AI dapps like bc8.ai, ultimately positioning io.net as the de facto “one-stop-shop” for the decentralized AI ecosystem.

Deeply Involving Our Community

At io.net, our community is not just part of our network—it’s a key source of competitive advantage. By integrating community feedback and involving members in decision-making, we can harness their insights to drive innovation and maintain agility in a fast-evolving landscape.

Over the last year, we have built a vast and engaged global community with support in more than 25 languages. While we are proud of our progress, we recognize that continuous improvement is essential to long-term success.

With this in mind, we are implementing the following initiatives in the coming months:

  • Establish a Clear 3-Month Roadmap: We will create a detailed 3-month roadmap with monthly milestones to showcase our commitment to strategic planning and transparency.

  • Provide Minimum 1-Month Notice on Changes: We will provide a minimum of one month's notice for all user-affecting changes, accompanied by an AMA session to explain the rationale.

  • Conduct Weekly AMAs with Senior Leadership: We will revamp our AMA format to focus on pre-submitted, top-voted questions, with in-depth insights from our senior leadership team, followed by an impromptu Q&A. Additionally, we will publish monthly reports detailing our key achievements to keep our community informed and engaged.

  • Create a Formal Issue Tracking and Resolution System: We will introduce "The Balancer," a public tracker for managing and resolving community issues weekly. Additionally, we will introduce dedicated Discord channels to gather and act on community feedback.

  • Initiate Community Rewards Programs: We will launch tiered reward campaigns and competitions to empower community members and increase involvement. In particular, our "Astronaut Program" will empower and reward active community members with exclusive incentives, fostering excitement and building a more engaged and loyal community.

As we look to the future, we are committed to the principles of progressive decentralization. This means that while we initially built the network as a centralized entity to ensure stability and growth, we will gradually transition governance and decision-making to our community. By implementing decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) and token-based voting systems, we will empower our community to have a more direct and meaningful impact on the direction of io.net. This approach allows us to build a robust and resilient platform while fostering a sense of ownership and collaboration among our members.

Optimizing Block Rewards for All Stakeholders

A strong and reliable stock of GPUs is crucial to io.net’s success, and it is essential that our suppliers receive substantial rewards for their contributions. We are committed to working with the Internet of GPUs Foundation to ensure this through several key initiatives:

First, the upgrades we outlined above will significantly enhance the block rewards pool. By preventing unnecessary dilution from misrepresented hardware, we can maximize rewards for the most productive devices on our network.

We are also collaborating with top advisors to explore innovative ways to balance supply and demand. This approach will expand the pool available to our active contributors, ensuring fair and substantial rewards for those who are driving our network forward.

Lastly, with the introduction of staking, we are creating opportunities for the broader community to participate in and benefit from our rewards program. This inclusive approach will strengthen our community and ensure that everyone who contributes to our success shares in the benefits.

Building a World-Class Team

Our success to date is the direct result of the contributions of a group of exceptionally talented and dedicated individuals. However, to challenge Big Cloud, we need to continue to expand our team while maintaining our rigorous standards. We will do this in several ways:

First, we will maintain a “culture of accountability,” where every team member has clear KPIs and is responsible for meeting them. Second, we will uphold the highest standards in hiring, ensuring we bring only the best talent into io.net.

Finally, we will actively recruit top talent from competitors like AWS, GCP, Coreweave, Lambda, and Azure, adopting and enhancing their strategies for our success. We believe that these individuals, often stuck and disenchanted with the traditional approach, will be invigorated by the opportunity to build an infinitely scalable system that's open and accessible to everyone around the world.

The long-term success of any business is directly tied to the quality of its team. This is an area where we will never compromise.

Our Potential: Crossing the Chasm

Our long-term goal is simple—to replace AWS as the largest provider in the multi-trillion-dollar cloud computing market.

While this ambition might appear audacious, the unique properties of decentralized networks make it possible, if not inevitable, to achieve. By enabling individuals globally to pool their computational resources in exchange for token rewards, decentralized computational networks offer a better, faster, and cheaper alternative to traditional cloud services. And with the surging demand for high-performance compute driven by the rise of AI, the timing for this transition couldn't be better.

In fact, one of the reasons we founded io.net is that we believe our business model offers a unique opportunity for a Web3 company to “cross the chasm,” as the superior economics of decentralized networks, coupled with the rising demand for cheaper compute, provide the ideal catalyst for mass public adoption.

This isn’t to say that the journey will be easy or that we expect to accomplish our goals overnight. We recognize that becoming the largest provider will take time, sustained effort, and crisp execution. We will face formidable, well-funded competition, navigate growth hurdles, manage operational risks, and contend with volatile market conditions. Furthermore, while we have already gained considerable knowledge about decentralized compute, we recognize there is much more to learn.

Despite these challenges, we are confident in our strategy and capabilities. Our community, in particular, provides us with a unique edge over traditional cloud providers. By leveraging their input, we can drive innovation and stay agile, ensuring we meet user needs and capture significant market value.

The market for decentralized compute is vast, and we believe io.net is uniquely positioned to capture this value. Our achievements to date are a testament to our potential, and we are even more enthusiastic about what lies ahead. We are committed to our mission and excited about the future we are building together.


Tory Green
