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Welcome to the Fireside Chat with IO.Net & Yom




📰 Weekly Insights: DePIN、クラウドゲーミング、そして分散型インフラの未来


📌 トピックハイライト

1. DePINとクラウドゲーミングの未来

2. ゲーム業界における誤解

3. 伝統的なゲームプラットフォームへの影響

4. コミュニティ主導のイノベーション

🌐 今後の展望
来週のAMAやYom Networkのイベントでは、さらに多くの視点や最新情報が共有される予定です。フォローして、最新の技術トレンドやDePINに関する洞察をキャッチアップしましょう!

💬 まとめ







観客の多くは10年以上前のGoogle Stadiaを覚えているかもしれませんが、クラウドから選択したデバイスやブラウザに直接ゲームをストリーミングするというアイデアを提案し、一般的になりつつありましたが、当時の技術がまだ準備が整っていなかったため、失敗に終わりました。














素晴らしいですね。Smiral、どうもありがとうございました。とても興味深いポイントです。そして、皆さん、Yom NetworkのAndyが参加しました。Andy、まずはご参加いただきありがとうございます。今、TausifとSmiralにDePINが今後5年間でゲームとテクノロジーの未来をどのように再形成すると考えているかについて話をしていたところです。



私たちが見つけたのは、Smiralが先ほど話していたように、Google Stadiaのような企業では中央集権的なデータセンターを使用しているということです。それぞれのデータセンターには巨大なファイアウォールがあり、基本的に遅延などが非常に遅くなります。


クラウドゲーミングやGoogle Stadiaの課題を見ると、遅延が原因で一部のゲームが全くプレイできなくなるという問題がありました。そして価格の問題もあり、多くのゲームが特定の時間帯でしか利用できないように制限されていました。

ゲーム会社が望むことを考えると、ゲーム会社はユーザーに長時間ゲームをプレイしてほしいと考えており、ほぼ24時間プレイしてほしいと望んでいます。しかし、Google Stadiaの場合、例えばAWS上でゲーミングリグを稼働させるのに1時間あたり97セントのコストがかかります。これでは、ゲーム会社が求めているものとデータセンターが提供しているものが一致していないのです。














































私たちは皆それを理解しており、その方向に向かって構築を進め、DePINがその未来の中核となるための準備をしています。参加してくれたTausikさん、Andyさん、Smiralさんに感謝の意を表します。そして、Yom Networkから参加してくださったAndyさん、ありがとうございます。

皆さん、もしまだTwitterで私たちやTausikさん、Andyさん、Smiralさんをフォローしていない方は、ぜひフォローしてください。また、今後もYom NetworkのAMAやTwitterスペース、その他のイベントに参加予定ですので、ぜひご期待ください。




So, we’re just going to give it about 20 more seconds and then we can kick things off. Grab a glass of water, get chilled, get seated. Today is going to be quite an interesting conversation. And at the very least, we have here Smiral and Tasiv, so it’s going to be super interesting.


Okay, guys, I think we’re going to kick things off. I have no doubt that Andy will try and join later. But until he does, look, the AMA today is really about a roundtable discussion about the cloud computing space and the cloud gaming space and really about the role of DePIN and decentralization within this cohort.


So with that being said, Tasiv and Smiral, I have you guys here. One of the things that we’re getting a lot from the community in terms of question is, how do you guys see the decentralized physical infrastructure networks reshaping the gaming and tech business over the next five years? From your perspective, what are the unique challenges they pose? And how do you feel some of these industry players can overcome them?


We’d love to kick off the discussion and then while we wait for Andy, we’d love to get your thoughts on that.


Sure, I can kind of jump in real quick here and kind of give my two cents on this. So, you know, I think DePINs essentially are just kind of like a really massive paradigm shift when it specifically comes to the idea of cloud gaming, and how it uniquely sort of enables it, right. So I think when we announced the partnership with Yom, I did mention kind of how this really shifts what, you know, the fact that Yom is even capable of doing sort of like their cloud streaming, like gaming streaming platform today is kind of a testament to how far just technologies in general have come since sort of a lot of players previously have tried to try to do this and you know, haven’t necessarily succeeded.


I think a lot of a lot of people in the audience might remember Google Stadia from, you know, maybe like 10 plus years ago, which was sort of like, was kind of sort of bought this whole idea of streaming games from the cloud directly onto your device of choice or your browser or things like that, you know, kind of made it pretty mainstream, but it’s sort of ended up failing miserably, because, you know, I think at that time, the technology wasn’t necessarily ready.

観客の多くは10年以上前のGoogle Stadiaを覚えているかもしれませんが、クラウドから選択したデバイスやブラウザに直接ゲームをストリーミングするというアイデアを提案し、一般的になりつつありましたが、当時の技術がまだ準備が整っていなかったため、失敗に終わりました。

But I think, you know, as things have progressed over the past several years, and I think, you know, especially in the last couple years, you know, the DePIN business model has really kind of start to be proven out. And I think a lot of the technological challenges that, you know, maybe we’re hurting it in the past have been overcome, you know, it’s actually kind of, as you can see, sort of how we built our DePIN here at Ionac.


So I think what this really sort of enables is kind of really being able to sort of bring the compute node closer to the end user, right, and kind of solve a lot of the issues around related to sort of like, streaming latency and ability to actually, you know, play a game without sort of like lag or, you know, just any sort of like delay, which are, you know, absolutely critical.


Because you can imagine, most people can deal with some level of lag or some level of latency with like video streaming, but with gaming streaming, it really needs to have like, millisecond level latency.


I think the game is going to have a lot of latency because any instance of lag is going to completely ruin the end user game experience. At the end of the day, you're really trying to compete against people who are running these games locally off their console or their PC.


I think what DePIN has come so far in terms of having massive globally distributed node networks with high-level GPUs and compute nodes, I think it really establishes a great foundation for how the game streaming business model can really thrive.


Where we can continue to bring AAA games to the market and essentially enable it to be streamed from any device out there. I think that's incredibly valid. I'm sure the gamers amongst our nation and here listening in on this space will know the importance of that.


Having a very robust network is going to be absolutely paramount. Just on that note, Smiral, I'm really curious to hear your perspective on this. From a tech perspective, how do you think DePIN is going to be reshaping the gaming and tech industry over the next five years?


Just to elaborate on that, what do you think are some of the challenges that there are existing? How do you think some of the industry players are going to overcome them to consider DePIN as a very robust technology base?


Being an avid gamer myself, I've tried out a couple of cloud gaming products. And as Tausik mentioned, we need incredibly fast networks to actually make sure that the cloud gaming experience is good.


And since latency is of a pretty high, it's pretty important that the latency for the cloud gaming stream is supposed to be less because that can overshadow the latency of the cloud gaming experience.


So I think that's going to be a challenge. Coming to the DePIN side, the way I see DePIN evolving and being able to provide cheaper compute, a lot of these cloud gaming services like Stadia, they had done their pilot in the US. But as someone who was from India, I never got to play anything on Stadia.


And that's exactly where DePIN has come in. We literally have compute all over the world. And that basically empowers companies and organizations like Yom to come in and be able to start serving cloud gaming services literally in any part of the world. And DePIN is literally in the same country as where the users are being served.


The latency is supposed to be quite less and that would actually enhance the gaming experience for the users. So I think it's a perfect fit. And within the coming five years, I think we're going to see even more such integrations coming in and more such cloud gaming platforms trying to adapt to DePIN. It's quite literally a great fit for that.


Brilliant. Thank you so much for that, Smiral. Really, really interesting point there. And yes, guys, we have on Andy from Yom Network. Andy, first of all, thank you so much for joining. We were just talking to Tarseef and Smiral about how they see DePIN reshaping the future of gaming and tech over the next five years.

素晴らしいですね。Smiral、どうもありがとうございました。とても興味深いポイントです。そして、皆さん、Yom NetworkのAndyが参加しました。Andy、まずはご参加いただきありがとうございます。今、TarseefとSmiralにDePINが今後5年間でゲームとテクノロジーの未来をどのように再形成すると考えているかについて話をしていたところです。

And what are some of the unique challenges that we may be posing, either on the gaming side or the DePIN side, and how traditional kind of industry players can overcome them. So we'd love your perspective and what you see as some of the challenges and how you see the industry shifting over the next five years.


Yeah, that's great. Well, look, thanks very much for inviting us. Obviously, Yom is decentralized infrastructure. We're building out nodes which are on a peer-to-peer level. And I think one of the interesting things for gaming as opposed to AI is that gaming works very much on... It doesn't work very well with centralized data centers.


So what we found from our side is that when you look at companies like... Smiral was talking about that a minute ago. When you look at companies like Google Stadia, they had centralized data centers. Each data center has massive kind of firewalls in it. And basically, the latency and such like is super, super slow.

私たちが見つけたのは、Smiralが先ほど話していたように、Google Stadiaのような企業では中央集権的なデータセンターを使用しているということです。それぞれのデータセンターには巨大なファイアウォールがあり、基本的に遅延などが非常に遅くなります。

Whereas what we find with DePIN, and this is only available through DePIN, you couldn't do it any other way, is by taking it to a peer-to-peer level, you effectively cut the latency out. And the latency goes from being... In the cloud gaming space, it can be over 100 milliseconds to under 20, 25 milliseconds.


Now, if you look at the issues with cloud gaming and the issues with Google Stadia, and this is part of the reason we believe that it closed down, was that the latency just made some games completely unplayable. And then the price meant that a lot of the games were being pushed to only be live for certain timeframes.

クラウドゲーミングやGoogle Stadiaの課題を見ると、遅延が原因で一部のゲームが全くプレイできなくなるという問題がありました。そして価格の問題もあり、多くのゲームが特定の時間帯でしか利用できないように制限されていました。

Now, if you think about what game companies want, game companies want you to play their games for sustained timeframes, and they want you to play it almost 24-7. And then if you think about Google Stadia, their cost is... AWS, for example, for a gaming rig to be running on there is something like 97 cents per hour. You bought that in, you've effectively got a gaming company that wants one thing and you've got a data center that wants something different.

ゲーム会社が望むことを考えると、ゲーム会社はユーザーに長時間ゲームをプレイしてほしいと考えており、ほぼ24時間プレイしてほしいと望んでいます。しかし、Google Stadiaの場合、例えばAWS上でゲーミングリグを稼働させるのに1時間あたり97セントのコストがかかります。これでは、ゲーム会社が求めているものとデータセンターが提供しているものが一致していないのです。

And then even if they managed to align on a pricing perspective, the latency just means that only certain games can be played, you know, in this space. So, you know, I think whether it's five years or whether it's today, you know, the DePIN network is really the only future of cloud gaming and cloud gaming is really the way forward for, you know, gaming in our opinion anyway.


That's brilliant, Andy. Thank you so much. That's, it is so interesting, right? Like this is the direction that the technology is going in. It seems like the only direction which actually makes technological sense at the moment in order to provide that scalability and sustainability for the demands of AI and obviously the GPUs, right? So thank you so much for answering that.


We have another question and this question is a little bit more focused on interoperability because traditionally, you know, getting the tech pieces to fit together, like has and can be a challenge, but I'm curious. I'm going to point this question to Tarseef to kick off the ball, but Tarseef look, interoperability between platforms, like can sometimes be a barrier in cloud-based services.


How do you envision like DePIN's, like fostering more of seamless on interoperability in cloud gaming? And like, what do you think is required from the industry at large to make like these shifts more seamless?


Yeah, I think the, you know, I think that's an interesting question. And I think, you know, you can kind of take a number of different approaches to what interoperability necessarily means here, right? And I think for me, I kind of sort of like think of just how different games sort of fit together and how you sort of like really make a multiplayer experience like really seamless, right?


Like I think historically, like there's been sort of like this idea of, you know, like a walled garden of games or like exclusives, or like specifically like games that exist, you know, only on like specific consoles or PC or things like that.


And, you know, if you really wanted to kind of play like that game together with friends, like you'd need sort of like the same hardware or the same type of console and, you know, like same sort of like subscription service and things like that.


I think what the cloud sort of like game streaming idea sort of really does well is kind of it abstracts away a lot of these concepts that, you know, sort of made gaming a lot more sort of like modular and made it a lot more sort of fractionalized because, you know, different people had different setups, different access to games, but realistically with sort of a game streaming platform like YOM, a lot of that would, you know, be in the background and be abstracted away.


And anyone who wanted access to any sort of game that is supported on that network should be able to kind of stream that from whatever devices is supported, right? Especially with a peer-to-peer DePIN sort of underpinning that in the background.


So I think that's something that's really exciting with, you know, a cloud-based service for gaming. I think it really sort of enabled accessibility just across the board for a lot more people, for a lot more games and kind of takes this sort of whole idea of interoperability, which has been sort of, you know, a bait in the existence of kind of gaming like as a market in an industry previously, it kind of really takes that away and just make sure, you know, that we're focused on customer experience and user experience first.


Yeah, so it totally makes sense. Very much in agreement with that, Tarseef. Bringing that question to you there, Andy, how do you envision like a decentralized infrastructure fostering a little bit more of like a seamless interoperability within the cloud gaming space?


Yeah, yeah. Well, first of all, I just want to say that hopefully Tao got the cash that I sent him for doing some good stuff on Yom. I mean, interoperability, I think when you deal with, and again, he nailed it, you know, you've got so many different platforms that are hosting on, you know, it's really the orchestrator that needs to be built, which actually enables portals to engage between different platforms.


And, you know, I think with gaming as a whole, the whole reason kind of Web3 gaming came along was because of this lack of interoperability, lack of ability for people to move products from one space to another. And I think that, you know, the way we envisage this at Yom is that Yom is the kind of almost like the central function, which all the pieces move through.


And when you think about it from that perspective, you know, and again, I'm going to go into this, you know, probably go into this a bit more detail. The way I see it is you almost have got, you know, you've got links via portals, which enable people to take equipment via an NFT or a Web3 wallet from one space to the next.


And I think, you know, the way we see this is not as one massive, I don't want to call it a metaverse because it's a bit unfashionable at the moment, but one massive experience with games all hosted within the same space, but really it's multiple games that bolt onto each other in different ways, but are able to move seamlessly between the kind of different platforms.


I mean, what is required to make this a reality? I mean, for us, it's really, you know, working with you guys and getting our own network rolled out, because once we've got enough nodes out there, we can easily handle the interoperability between the different spaces, you know.


And again, just taking it to another point, you know, the way we see it, because you would have, you know, we can run a game in... We can run a game, the same game, because it's a URL, we're running on a website and potentially we would be running in a kind of a steam or aggregator equivalent. You know, all this is possible once we get our nodes kind of up and running.


You know, and again, I'll go into more detail about how IONET's working with this. But yeah, I think we're on track anyway, basically, is the point.


Nice, Andy. Yeah, couldn't agree more. And Smiral, as someone who lives and breathes this from a technology perspective, day in, day out, how do you see interoperability changing within the cloud gaming space in order to make it more seamless?


DePIN's here could basically support enhanced interoperability through its non-reliant nature on a single provider's ecosystem, right? And you can basically have the same hardware being done while you could stream the game on different platforms, making it a different experience. And, you know, even a portable experience would be super good in this case.


Yeah, fair enough. Look, I think once we understand from a technology perspective how all this is possible, the customer experience sits on top of all of this, right? And one of the questions that we have here from the team is really about understanding how the utilization and the innovations are ultimately going to affect that.


So I'll bring this question to you, but essentially people are asking, like, for Web3s and gaming organizations to eventually take this from mainstream adoption, user experience and accessibility are going to be absolutely critical. So what innovations do you think are still essential to make the decentralized gaming infrastructure as user-friendly and cost-effective as possible for both the developers and players?


Yeah, I think that's a really good question. And I think that kind of really gets to sort of what we're always trying to optimize for, especially when it comes to decentralized infrastructure and our particular GPU network.


So I think what I would always say is, like, in terms of a user experience and accessibility perspective, I think we always kind of, you know, and I'm just kind of speaking for IONET here, is we kind of essentially constantly have to compare ourselves to what the existing user experience is, especially from a centralized encounter, like an AWS or a GCP or something like that and kind of what customers are getting there.


And I think those particular incumbents have had almost more than two decades at this point since inception and to kind of really sort of dial in exactly what that user experience looks like and kind of really listen to customers and kind of innovate based on that.


So I think we have a lot of those innovations or expectations from customers that we really need to kind of incorporate into our network and sort of bring it to that same level of reliability, quality, expectation of SLAs, things like that, like performance, that really need to kind of make it as user friendly as possible and, you know, essentially kind of attract both developers and, you know, even players and kind of when we're kind of add gaming into the mix, to attract them to the ecosystem and be able to do it, right?


Because I think similarly with sort of, you know, kind of taking that notion into the decentralized gaming infrastructure space that really kind of comes down to what cloud gaming is really competing with is like the existing sort of gaming experience today for people who just, you know, have their games locally on their PC or on their, you know, console of choice and, you know, like really comparing it to what their experience looks like, you know, not only in terms of like interoperability and playability with like other players, but also just in terms of like performance and latency and speed and responsiveness.


So I think a lot of that will, you know, I think has to do with kind of just innovations around sort of like, fundamentally, it’s sort of like the, like the more physical level of the infrastructure itself, right? Like really just kind of enabling sort of more nodes like that exist at a higher quality that are more distributed, that are closer to those end users to actually be able to play and kind of really making that network as dense as possible and as reliable as possible.


So I think it really comes down to, it’s not even sort of like a question of innovation. I think it’s almost more of a question of sort of like maturity of the network itself. And I think as, you know, our peer-to-peer sort of like DePIN more and more nodes that are closer to like those end gamers and users itself, I think those, you know, those particular pieces that make that experience more user-friendly, cost-effective, et cetera, are going to be, you know, are going to fall in place there.


Yeah, fair enough, Tasi. We lost you just for a slight second there, but I think we got the gist of everything that you were saying. And Andy, from your perspective, like what are some of the changes and innovations that you see that perhaps need to be optimized a little in order to make essentially this innovation that we're carrying out between our organizations like more cost-effective and perhaps like a better experience for users? What are some things you'd like to see there?


Yeah, well, do you know, I think Tao, he basically nailed it though, you know, from a general perspective. A lot of it is about listening to what customers are looking for rather than telling them what we have. And I think that over the next five years or so, we're going to listen a lot more to what they're doing. And again, the I.O. approach is correct. You know, we could build, there's so many people build amazing things, but they don't really listen to what the client sort of wants.


Now, what we've heard so far from what clients are looking for and generally what gamers and game studios are looking for, it isn't necessarily innovation that hasn't already been created, but I think it's this, as Tao said earlier, it's this ease of access. There is a bit where they want the latency to be good, they want the price to be cheap, but if we're going to go from being a Web3 gaming business into getting mainstream adoption and mainstream games in and all that kind of stuff, you either need to take away the Web3 conversation and people need to think about this as, I go to a URL, I go to a website, I type in an email address, I log in with Google, I log in with Facebook, that kind of thing.


They don’t even realize that there’s any Web3 or DePIN infrastructure to it. They then play the game, they earn something, they use the NFTs that are effectively in their custodial wallet via their email address and password login. They then basically will trade them in and out, they'll buy them, and then at the end of it, for us, we're thinking, how do we make it so that even to the point where people are earning money from our nodes are basically gaming rigs that people log in with a hardware plug and play device to basically, how do they get paid?


Now, obviously, for people like us who are in the Web3 space, getting paid in Yom or getting paid in IO, it's not really a massive issue for us, whereas actually, for a lot of the normies getting paid in something like that will just blow their mind, even having to have a Phantom wallet or a MetaMask wallet or any of these things. So we've got to make it really simple.


And again, the bit for us, the way we envisage this is somebody will log into that front end as described, and at the back end, we're just doing a deal at the moment with MasterCard and a couple of debit card producers to have a debit card, which people who lend us their PC will basically be able to use.



Now, the way we see this is there is something like, if I remember correctly, the number is 3.3 billion users who are playing games in the world. We want to tap into all those, not just the Web3 ones. And then there are 1.86 billion gaming PC users in the world. Again, we want to tap into all of those rather than just the ones that do Web3.


So again, it is this innovation. It's, as Tao said, it's listening, but I think it's ease of access. It's enabling people to really be able to access the platform, use it, and realize almost there's no Web3 element to it. That's my feeling.


Yeah, I think you're absolutely bang on there, Andy. And when we talk about users, users are always going to be at the heart of everything that we do. And they always are going to be the first members of our community. They're always going to be some of the first people to share their feedback.


On that note, a really hot topic is always going to be community-driven innovation. And I'm really curious, since we're discussing this topic, that as we look to the future, how do you envision the role of gaming communities evolving? As things become more integrated into the gaming industry, what specific strategies do you think are going to be more enabled to engage the community, to collect feedback, and then perhaps integrate it from a tech perspective?


Yeah. I mean, on the consolidation and collection of data and then how we integrate it, again, I think that's going to come as games develop. And I think that we've got to work a way that actually there's a rewards mechanism that pays people for that engagement. And I mean, I'm going to take a slightly different angle here.


The way that we look at gaming communities, really, they're very much at the heart of what we're doing and the heart of what you're doing. Because again, these people who have gaming rigs, that's our customer base from a GPU perspective. And gamers and gaming communities are the people that actually will play the games. So we need to basically have all these people engaged and all these people earning and all these people being effectively the heart of what's happening.



And I think part of this comes through gamification of everything you do, even filling in forms, etc. And part of it comes from literally rewarding people. I mean, I'll give you an example. And it's interesting to kind of come into our chat and DM us if you want to take part, but we're just doing our alpha test rollout. So we're basically rolling out on a worldwide basis our nodes, and we're paying $150 per person to do it.


Now, you think about that, and that's the way to actually get people to give true kind of test critique and true kind of what would they like to see. There is a big bit here, and I don't know what your thoughts are on this. And actually, I do know what your thoughts are, because I think we're on the same page in this.


There is a mass here about listening to the community, and not just going, yes, we want to listen and then doing nothing with it. There is a big bit about listening to the community and then actually engaging and doing what the community wants us to do.


Yeah, absolutely. And look at IONET, we have a huge, huge community of quite literally hundreds of thousands of people. And we run these cadences of AMAs and weekly forums so that we can ensure that we're always listening to our community, because they're going to be some of the best pieces of feedback that we receive as an organization in order to become essentially a...


All of these feedback that we get from community is actively being taken into consideration when we build out our products. And our roadmap is literally based out of a lot of things which, you know, our community, which are based on our community needs, right? And from a technological perspective, we also have, you know, support tickets coming in. We have our Discord. We listen to a lot of these advices and, you know, a lot of things that the community suggests and we are, you know, basically making sure that we are basically trying to provide a network and which is, you know, based on people's opinion and their feedback is being actively taken and we build products out of that.



Yeah, super interesting there. Well, look, I'm really curious to focus on the organizations and just unpack a little bit more individually about what you guys are doing. So, you know, Andy, taking this question to you, I know that you guys are working on some incredible things at the moment. We'd love for you to just like unpack perhaps a little bit more about like what you're building. I know you mentioned this to me earlier and it sounds incredibly exciting, but do you want to like talk to the community about like what that is and how that potentially plays a role here?


As in what we're building? Yeah. Yes.


Yeah. Yeah. Well, I think, again, I'll talk about obviously how it fits into IONET as well, because I think that's really, really relevant as to how we all work together. So basically, Yom is... Yom, sorry, Yom's been going for four years and basically the first couple of years we're building out an extension of Unreal Engine, which obviously, as people probably know, is Fortnite, their SDK to enable it to integrate Web3 wallets in the front end, but also to allow it to have multiplayer running in a web browser.

ええ、ええ、IONETとの連携についてもお話ししたいと思います。それが私たちの協力関係において非常に重要だからです。基本的に、Yomは4年間活動してきており、最初の数年間はUnreal Engineの拡張機能を開発していました。ご存じの方もいるかもしれませんが、Unreal Engineはフォートナイトのエンジンであり、Web3ウォレットをフロントエンドに統合するSDKや、ウェブブラウザでマルチプレイヤーが動作するようにするための技術を構築していました。

Now, obviously, with, as I'm sure you probably imagine, Unreal is not designed to run in a web browser and it's not designed to be Web3 friendly. So that took a hell of a lot of time. But the interesting bit was that, as I said before, you know, price and latency was a massive issue that came out from building out that front end technology. And, you know, it effectively led to us looking at, OK, you know, at the moment, because it's built in a URL, obviously it's hosted in, you know, the GPU and CPU, etc., is in AWS. We were like, right, OK, you know, that is super expensive. It's super laggy. It doesn't really work.

もちろん、想像される通り、Unreal Engineはウェブブラウザでの動作やWeb3対応を意図していませんでした。そのため、多くの時間がかかりました。しかし、先ほどお話したように、コストとレイテンシーの問題がフロントエンド技術の構築中に浮上し、それがきっかけで私たちは別の方法を考えるようになりました。現時点ではURLに基づいて構築されているため、GPUやCPUなどのホスティングはAWSで行われており、非常に高価で遅延が大きく、実際にはうまく動作しませんでした。

So what do we do? So the guys started building out the DePIN network. Now, that's then led us to looking at what... what is it? What is a DePIN? And the guys were effectively building it before DePIN became a trendy thing to have.



Now, the bolt-on from that is that what we ended up doing is building out the full infrastructure to run a DePIN network, which is purely focused on cloud gaming. Now, this is where IONET came... has come in really well and it's been a great partner for us. You know, effectively our network runs off, you know, solid state disks with a Linux-based operating system on it, which is what you need for running Unreal Engine in most games.

その結果、私たちはDePINネットワークを運営するための完全なインフラを構築することになり、これはクラウドゲーミングに特化したものです。ここでIONETが重要な役割を果たしてくれていますし、素晴らしいパートナーです。実際、私たちのネットワークはソリッドステートディスクとLinuxベースのオペレーティングシステムで動作しており、Unreal Engineを多くのゲームで動かすために必要なものです。

Now, again, it's got a two terabyte hard drive that comes with it because you can't just run on software on a... on a URL, sorry, on software on a... on a gaming rig. There's too much accessibility, you know, you've got all these massive problems, but the nodes that we're rolling out at the moment are test nodes.


Now, obviously, when we have spikes in locations and we have spikes in, you know, games, you know, let's say for example, a game goes viral, you know, this is where we rely on IONET as our partner to be the second layer that sits behind us and allows us to scale up really fast and scale down really slow.


But again, you know, where are we? We're just doing our alpha rollout. You know, we've got testers that are signing up at the moment and the next stage will be for us to sell our first stage of nodes, which are fully discounted for 2024. And then we're doing a thousand of those and we're going to go out and sell 9,000 in Q1, which again, you know, will enable us to run multiple games on a worldwide basis, again, using IONET as the secondary support.


So, so that's where we really are with things so far. I mean, hopefully that gives you a good synopsis. Does that sort of make sense?


Definitely. That makes a lot of sense, Andy. Thank you so much. Incredibly exciting to see that. And Tasi, a question for you, you know, as, as we're like working incredibly hard building things for IONET, like who are some of the like major players in the gaming industry that you think also stands to benefit the most from adopting DePINs? And, you know, what do you think that they're missing by not exploring the options that are essentially on the table right now?



Yeah, I mean, yeah, that's a good question. I think there's, you know, I think honestly sort of like there's a variety of stakeholders within the gaming industry who probably should be exploring DePIN as an alternative solution, right? So I think a couple different angles that I kind of think of is one, you know, I think both of them sort of like lead back to the idea of actual like game developers and sort of like game publishing like studios is one essentially I think more studios kind of like need to start looking at DePINs and essentially sort of like as sort of like the underlying backbone of, you know, their potential cloud gaming streaming solution.


Whether it's through Yom or whether it's through, you know, some alternative like first-party thing that they want to launch themselves. I think a lot of the benefits of using DePINs, you know, for all the reasons that we mentioned before in terms of like latency, responsiveness, low costs, you know, like closeness to the end user will become evident to a lot of these studios. And I think they'll be served really well in terms of, yeah, being able to kind of use a DePIN to do that.


I think another one that's pretty interesting is just, I think at the intersection of sort of like AI and gaming, right, which obviously we at IONET sort of spent a lot of time thinking about considering as part of our wheelhouse is, you know, I think, yeah, we've all sort of like seen kind of like the rise of like AI agents as sort of like a narrative in the past month or two. But, you know, I think sort of like making that do like the next level forward, I think a lot of those sort of like AI agents will kind of become more tangible once they're sort of integrated into specific gaming experiences as well, right, and kind of really sort of increase the variability in gaming experiences that'll sort of be like driven by, you know, like LLMs, like early game character-driven, like inference workloads, which I think will also kind of start to take the question back of like, well, how do you power all these AI agents at scale globally, especially, you know, these are all games being streamed worldwide.


And I think that kind of also brings it to like the answer of potentially using DePINs like IONET to power those workloads, right, because having all those inferences happen at scale all the time across millions of instances of games happening with users, it makes a ton of like all the benefits of sort of what we mentioned that enable the game streaming itself apply the same way to actually powering those AI agents or sort of AI workloads that will be incorporated into gaming as well.


So I think, yeah, so I think from that angle, that's sort of, you know, where my mind goes when I think about sort of like stakeholders within the gaming space who could probably benefit from DePIN.



Now, that's totally fair. And I think that raises, like, that answers a lot of the questions that we have. So first of all, thank you all. We're going to take two more questions from the community, because I've just been getting DM'd like crazy with a bunch of questions. But you know, we've got time for two, and I've been hand-picking through some of the most pertinent ones, which I think will serve most value to the audience.


So Smiral, I'm going to bring this question to you, because it ties a little bit into tech before I take it to Andy and Tarseef. But the first question that I think is quite interesting for us to look at from the community, it says, what are some of the biggest misconceptions about using decentralized infrastructure in gaming? And how do you think like IONET or Yom's approach challenges or reshapes these perceptions? So Smiral, over to you, buddy.


Yeah, so for starters, I think there are quite a lot of misconceptions when it comes to, hey, how would a DePIN be a good fit for, you know, like, for, you know, am I audible?


Yes, yes, we can hear you.


Yeah. All right. Yeah. So one of the biggest misconceptions about decentralized infrastructure in gaming is probably the belief that it compromises performance due to its distributed nature. However, at IONET, we've probably demonstrated that with decentralized networks, we can actually enhance the performance by reducing latency and increasing redundancy to ensure there's no single point of failure.


Also, another common myth is that these networks are considered less secure than the centralized ones. But in contrast, our approach leverages the inherent security features of decentralization, right? So we also ensure that there's transparency and data integrity, while, you know, having complete security. And by pioneering, you know, these solutions, I think IONET would be able to prove that DePIN indeed is a good, you know, it's a good fit for cloud gaming. And it will be able to, you know, basically offer superior stability, security and the speed, you know, the latency that is required for cloud gaming platforms.


Amazing. Yeah, makes sense. And Andy, from your perspective, like, what are some of the biggest misconceptions that you've also seen about, like, just the utilization of decentralized infrastructure?



Yeah, yeah. Well, I mean, Smiral nailed it, by the way, security is a massive one. And latency are the two, you know, people see that, people think because data centers latency is really slow. And, you know, security within data centers is relatively good. But people's natural assumption is that security within DePIN isn’t. I mean, you guys are one of the only ones we spoke to quite a few people, you guys, the only ones actually understand the security side of the gaming and how it is different.


To the AI side of the gaming. I mean, we've got a node that basically means that nobody can access it except us. Whereas obviously, you know, if you're just downloading software, then, you know, people can access it, can access games, can access the actual root drive and then basically get in. So again, I think that's a really important one.


I suppose the way I come at it slightly differently is we've had lots of... so we had a really good conversation. It’s like the fourth conversation with a guy who basically is the founder of a 2 billion turnover gaming company. He's actually, you know, third owner. So that gives you a bit of concept around who he is. He's 25 years in the game.


And, you know, one of the things he sort of said was, you know, he was like, he got it. And I think what he told us was that a lot of people sort of think, well, why are you bothering doing cloud gaming? You know, it's such a small piece. Now, if you look at the overall gaming market predictions by 2030, it's something like 5 trillion overall gaming.


There's actually more people game than play, than go to the cinema, watch TV, listen to music and go to concerts. It's like 46% of the population. Now, when people put in the context of saying, well, why would we want cloud gaming? The problem is that what a lot of people do is they judge cloud gaming on what is available on a centralized function. And, you know, what it is, is a very slow, very expensive product.


Whereas really what we should be having, or sorry, I have to put it differently. What actually we can enable through DePIN is this kind of lower latency, you know, totally secure and with a lower price. So again, I think this kind of, there are projections around cloud gaming being 28 billion by 2030. We actually think that as soon as people start getting their head around why cloud gaming works and why it is really strong, they'll then understand that by solving this problem of latency and price, the cloud gaming space should absolutely boom.


There's no, I mean, the way we see it, there's no reason to actually have, you know, a Sega or a PlayStation or a Nintendo, whatever the case is, we should be running everything in a URL, basically.


Yeah, fair enough. And Tausik, I know you speak to tons of organizations and you've probably come across a huge amount of misconceptions. So, you know, just like super quickly, we'd love to know from you, like some of the biggest misconceptions you've seen and just simply why they aren’t the case.


Yeah, I can speak a little bit about, you know, kind of AI workloads specifically, right? Because I actually spend a lot of my time just talking to AI customers out there, you know, to utilize our GPU network. So what a lot of... yeah, what a lot of sort of end customers, especially in the AI ML space, sort of like really misconstrue or underestimate of like what's possible with DePINs and sort of like the type of GPUs, you know, that are in our network is sort of like what kind of workloads we can effectively service, right?


So I think one of the things that's been really interesting and, you know, kind of like a narrative that's been growing in this space is just the idea of like model training itself, right? Like actually sort of doing training runs for foundational AI ML models. So this has typically been sort of the wheelhouse of, you know, being done in large scale, centralized data centers with all these GPUs sort of existing in the same space, literally plugged in with InfiniBand wires to ensure, you know, strong bandwidth and throughput, which are kind of like essential to training AI models.


But over the past couple of months, you know, we've actually seen really successful training runs happen for smaller scale models, typically within kind of like the 1 billion to 10 billion parameter size, you know, be able to... we've seen models of this size be able to be trained on a distributed network of GPUs, of GPUs that are spread out across multiple data centers, across multiple countries and regions, kind of coordinated in a way to, you know, still drive the same level of results and kind of beat sort of existing training benchmarks when trained in a centralized fashion too.


So I'm sure a lot of people in the audience have kind of seen a lot of the research and breakthroughs sort of coming through on that side. So I think that's been something that's been very surprising to a lot of people because, you know, actually maybe even 12 to 18 months ago, a lot of folks in the AI space, you know, were essentially saying that decentralized training wasn't even physically possible. And now, you know, we're actually training models that are 10 billion parameters in size, which still, still a bit of a ways off from, you know, the 70B to 405B models that, you know, are sort of state-of-the-art, state-of-the-art sort of open source models today. But I think it's just a matter of time before we get there.


Amazing. Thank you so much for that, Tausik. And the final question of the day, it ties into, like, I think it's super relevant because it ties into consoles that everyone loves, right, which is both Xbox and PlayStation. So I'm just going to do a quick round-robin with all of you guys. But the final question of the day, like, people are asking, how do you see the landscape of traditional gaming platforms like Xbox and PlayStation potentially changing? And do you think, like, it's pushing them also more towards decentralized models? And like, is there a possibility that that could also affect how games are developed in the future?


So, Tausik, I'm just going to quickly run that by you and just get your thoughts before moving across.


Plus two ambience for all. Yeah, I think, you know, it's an interesting question. I think it will take sort of players like Sony and Microsoft a little bit longer to kind of move towards the decentralized gaming solution. Then, you know, folks like us are sort of more on that cutting edge of the space. I could likely see, you know, Xbox with Microsoft being its parent, kind of making sort of more of a foray into it, considering, you know, that they're part of the same company as Azure on the cloud side.


But I think it's something that they'll probably need to start looking at sooner rather than later but they'll likely wait for, you know, companies like Yom to prove out the business model, prove out the viability, build out a community and kind of, you know, move sort of in a later stage of the adoption cycle which might be several years out from now. At least that's my prediction.


Awesome. I completely agree. Andy, you want to chime in on that?


Yeah. Yeah. Well, I think you're spot on there. I actually see it as probably five to 10 years before they start doing, you know, potentially it could end up being the, the kind of BlackBerry of the future. I don't know if you ever seen that before you've seen the film on Netflix, you know, great business just all of a sudden gets the market slightly wrong. And that's the end of it.


I actually envisage that we'll end up with, you know, PlayStation making gaming controllers and gaming controllers that you run on a TV through a URL. So rather than having any of the technology that you buy yourself, you know they're going to start producing hardware and gaming equipment as opposed to gaming consoles. That's where I would see it going but I think we're a long way away from that.


I think you're right, Tao. There's got to be a lot of adaptation. You guys have got to break the boundaries. You guys have got to break the boundaries and then they're going to come along going, right. Okay. The proof is there. Now it's worth us, you know, having a look at doing it ourselves, but it's four or five years away.


Fair enough. And Smiral, just to wrap up this conversation would love your two cents on that as well.


Yeah, for sure. So the sense of emergent trends I could really feel that it would, you know empower communities and gaming communities and people who want to actually build games but don't have, you know access to that kind of hardware, right. So if we start developing these games, you know if Sony provides us a platform, which they can host on, you know, decentralized infrastructure where anyone could basically come and, you know develop games, it would also, you know help with the entry barrier for such people, right. And it would pretty much change the way we develop games.


If we also plan on building on developer platforms for game development companies to, you know use idle compute from DePINs that would really be a great way to utilize DePINs in the cloud gaming industry.


That's brilliant. Thank you. Thank you for that Smiral. Well, that's unfortunately all we have time for today, an incredibly interesting discussion with so much perspective, but I think for me at least, the biggest takeaway is that we're all growing in the same direction, that technology innovation within the space is an inevitability.


We all know it, we're building towards it, and we're preparing ourselves for a future where DePINs are an absolutely core component of that. So, you know, a huge shout-out to Tausik, Andy, and Smiral for joining. Andy, thank you so much from Yom Network.

私たちは皆それを理解しており、その方向に向かって構築を進め、DePINがその未来の中核となるための準備をしています。参加してくれたTausikさん、Andyさん、Smiralさんに感謝の意を表します。そして、Yom Networkから参加してくださったAndyさん、ありがとうございます。

Guys, if you haven't, if you're not following us on Twitter, you're not following Tausik, Andy, or Smiral, feel free to do so. We will also be joining Yom Networks’ AMAs or Twitter spaces or some of their other events in the future. So definitely stay tuned for them.

皆さん、もしまだTwitterで私たちやTausikさん、Andyさん、Smiralさんをフォローしていない方は、ぜひフォローしてください。また、今後もYom NetworkのAMAやTwitterスペース、その他のイベントに参加予定ですので、ぜひご期待ください。

We're probably trying to do one next week, but thank you all for joining. We had thousands of listeners tuning in today for an incredibly enlightening discussion. We wish you well and have a wonderful week ahead. See you later this time, guys. Bye.


Thanks very much. Bye-bye!


Thanks, guys. Thanks.

