On the way home
What a vacation it has been.
Sitting at my seat in the plane home, watching the clouds pass by from the window, noticing how people are slowly one by one conking out in their seats, it felt somewhat nostalgic. I guess it’s from when I was going back to Japan from the 2 year stay in the Philippines, or/and the 3 year stay in Thailand. Either way, I felt like I was coming back home from a long stay.
Why was that? I really only stayed in Vancouver for a week, yet it felt like I was leaving a home full of memories. Or maybe, it really was like that. I didn’t waste any time during the stay. Our schedule was packed every single day, and it’s crazy to think about how I didn’t get sick or burnt out during the tough schedule. I think I experienced most of the things Vancouver city had to offer, so it felt like I'd been there for a long time.
I’m glad that I used my week very effectively. Thanks to my sister’s great planning skills, I managed to not waste any minute during the stay. On the plane going home, I feel very comfortable and unregrettable. I don’t have any regrets or anything I missed out on during the stay, so I’m very ready to go home.
Thank you mum and dad, the sponsors, and sister and her boyfriend for them being my guardian for a week! It was one of the most exciting weeks I had in my life, so thank you for making all of this possible!