「未完成なモノが生み出すイメージ 〜未完成性を活用したデザイン・ものづくりの可能性〜」(東京外国語大学 床呂郁哉教授)のレポートから学ぶ
MEMO:講義概要 一部
#囁く #人生、学びの日々#ジョン・ケージの「4分33秒」#ゲシュタルト理論#未完#余白の美#the beauty of blank space#優しい人間になりたくて#写真を鋭意学習中#心の美しさの探究#内面磨き
I received a comment on a social networking site and I had no idea how to reply. I had pretty much ignored them, but after learning on the subject, I finally found the words to reply to them, I think.
It reminds me that even in everyday life, we often communicate by facial expressions, movements and other non-verbal communication.
Learning from a report by S&D to talk by Professor Ikuya Tokoro of Tokyo University of Foreign Studies on ‘Images created by unfinished objects - Possibilities for design and manufacturing by utilising unfinishedness’
Source: https://sd-prototyping.co.jp/research/ unfinished_event
MEMO: Lecture outline Part of the lecture
“On the effects of unfinished products”
Sometimes a certain work or product is dared to be released in an unfinished state.
In the field of music, John Cage's “4:33” is an example.
The duration of the performance, with no instruments playing,
encourages the active participation of the audience,
and the unfinishedness is an element of the work itself.
The effect is to make the audience imagine completion
because of the unfinished nature of the work.
For example, the area left to the interpretation of the recipient is greater
for a less finished piece,
because there is more room for imagination
when compared to a more finished piece.
One study offers reasons for this phenomenon using Gestalt theory.
In his own explanatory note lecture outline
“On Gestalt Theory”,
he uses famous pictures as examples,
such as those that look like a vase or a human face.
◉Partial information (figure)
◉The structure of the whole that we perceive (ground)
→ We think of the whole (ground) from the part (figure)
The most basic idea of Gestalt psychology
is that perception is not merely formed
by the individual sensory stimuli derived from the things under consideration,
but that these
The most basic idea of Gestalt psychology is that perception
is not merely formed by the individual sensory stimuli
derived from the object in question,
but is largely defined by an overall framework
that is not reducible to these individual stimuli.
The overall framework is called gestalt (form).
source:from wikipedia
Thank you. Reconsideration. And
I am very honoured that you said "it was lovely".
It has been a healing experience for you.
I feel envious of your work of perfection.
Thank you for your thoughtful words.
I finally got around to replying.
Your message has made me think about many things.
I am a person who is keenly learning kind words and pictures
in order to become a kind person.
With all my heart.
Have a good day.
#whispering #life, learning #John Cage's “4 minutes 33 seconds”
#Gestalt theory #unfinished #the beauty of blank space
#the beauty of blan space #I am a keen learner of photography
#I want to be a kind human being
#an exploration of the beauty of the heart #an inner polish