ABEVMY 400 毫 (贝 贝)
贝 是抗必 ev Abevmy 400 的 形式形式形式 形式, 其一于 抗体药抗体 药抗体药 药 ev. Antibody and body foreign antigen active molecule. Absence of antibody in the treatment room and later antibody. 这些 试剂 对于 它们 forming molecular very important, Inaba 为 靶 为 靶 疗.
Abevmy 400 Ab Abevmy 400 适 适
于 疗 疗;
转移of colon cancer some straight colorectal cancer
non-鳞状, non-small cell lung cancer
胶质mother - cell mass
转移of cervix cancer:
epithelial egg nests,输卵tube some peritoneal cancer:
Abevmy 400毫克药理
line Motivation system
贝伐单抗reason靶细胞组formed, referred为血tube endothelial students长因Ko (VEGF). 这种 Protein 质 于 发, 此 它们 从 获 氧气 氧气 food 和 氧气. Owning cancer disease city demand blood supply talented living harmony exhibition.
Cutting and blocking anti-inhibition 质 并 protein 质 并 suppression cancer disease growth blood vessels, invading the invading and incapable growth. Prohibited blood supply Comprehensive treatment called anti-angiogenesis treatment.
动 过 测 总 贝 贝 ev Ab Abevmy 400 药 药 形式 形式 形式 形式 ev ev ev ev ev ev ev ev ev ev ev ev ev ev ev ev ev ev ev.
distribution 为 2.9 (22%) L
Anti dividing
贝伐单抗manner终末half衰期currency and 20 top (11 Itaru 50 heaven)
Abevmy 给药 和 给药
给药: Abevmy 术 在术2828 不 给药, Ab 完全
cell lung cancer passing grade, Japanese acupuncture and moxibustion, Abevmy-like regular dose volume 3 weeks 15 counts / kg silent injection
转 性 结 性 过 基于
基于 5- 于 性 化学 疗法 合 疗 的 Abebmy 剂量 Ab 量
2 laps of silent injection 5 weeks / kg Abevmy, simultaneous recommended IFL and
FOLFOX 4 combinations, 2 cycles of silent injection 10 cycles / kg
Abevmy 3 weeks of silent injection 5 weeks / kg silent injection Abevmy or 3 weeks injection 7.5 weeks / kg Abevmy, simultaneous use 氟 嘧啶 氟 嘧啶 沙 沙 铂
细 通常 剂 周 周 施用 施用 10 kg / kg Abevmy
Epithelial eggshell, oviduct or peritoneal cancer
platinum reaction:
Abevmy's custom-made weight; Yosuke Sugi, Shibori 质 质 柔 扑 扑, 联 2 使用 10 毫 / kg Abevmy
Important point
Abevmy's regular use amount; Tong-Yu-Yu, Qian-Yong-Yu, Z-Wai-Wong IV IV 15 years / kg Abevmy
Platinum pot
Abevmy's estimated amount; silent injection 15 cycles / kg, Yose Kazusuesugi co-simulation 3 laps, co 6-8 cycles
Abevmy's estimated amount; Tsuyoshi Yoyoshi Nishi et al. 6 to 10 cycles periodical silence injection 3 weeks 15 cycles / kg Abevmy
肾 细 性 肾 细 过
通 扰 α, 使用 的 量 的 2 的 10ev / kg IV
Transference abscess cancer
Abevmy's usual dose; silence injection 15 毫 kg / kg Abevmy 400 毫 每 每 周 每 醇 醇 顺 铂 紫 紫 醇 扑 康 康
injection for liquid preparation management Abevmy
At the beginning of the first day of the period: 90 minutes
After injection: Once received 60 minutes, the second line injection
30 min. Completed owned by Sugauchi
Abevmy IV 备 condition control
Containing 16 ml solution Abevmy 400 毫 Containing 4 ml 100 毫
Abevmy rare composition 100ml 0.9% NS
Unwanted sucrose solution rare
Shiodome's small bottle
Side effects
static脉血plug thromboembolism incident
after part reversible脑病综合Conqueror
artery thromboembolic events
Infusion anti-应
congestive heart force衰竭
neutral particle Cell减少,
mucous membranes Inflammation,
Nose bleeding,
药物mutual Kage响
same时使for Abevmy 400毫克given Murasakisugi AtsushiKazu卡铂, standing four个疗Hodokisaki, Murasakisugi Atsushiteki contact减少
Patient who has been afflicted with Shibetsu cedar 醇和 醇 6.
Contraindication to
Conspiracy Consciousness Yayoi
standing如下conditions used时要timid
术 和 术 合 合 观, 而 给药 可能 伤 生 伤 的 发 Exhibition. Patients who are in need of medical treatment.
Hemorrhage, hemorrhage, gastric fistula hemorrhage, phlebotomy hemorrhage, central phlegm system hemorrhage hemorrhage Japanese hemorrhage. Unnecessary grace and heavy bleeding.
Severe, timely fatal fatal thrombotic embolism case (ATE), hemorrhagic infarction, short-term hemorrhagic hemorrhage, cardiac skin infarction, heartache pain and various other ATE;
Yuka Abevmy 400 可能 可能 有 较高 心 心 竭 竭 随 疗 疗
议 和 女性 女性 女性 疗 疗 个 个 个 个 内 6 months after treatment
: D
Root-dwelling research harmonization effect, Abevmy 400 Possible Possible damage. Meeting period use life form.
human breastfeeding excretion unknown unknown. 不 议 议
400 pieces small bottle free standing 2 to 8 o C (36 to 46 o F)
Primary use vial anti-globe irradiation
No need for cold or movement vials
错过 量
错过 成 错过 量 剂 有 环, 环 要 科 医生 并 生 并 方 规 给药 方案 案 量 错过 量 错过 体 忘 量 错过 环 量 环, 环 须 咨询 肿 科 医 并 并 案 案 须 咨询 肿 案 须 咨询 肿 案 错过 错过 错过 错过 错过 错过 忘 忘 忘 忘 忘, 剂 则 须 咨询 肿 须 咨询 肿 并 规 给药 plan draft
Unnecessary dose amount. Standing medical student