YouTube動画「How to add 1 on an abacus ➀ そろばんで1を足す方法➀使っていない1だまがあるとき」公開!
YouTube動画[How to add 1 on an abacus ➀ そろばんで1を足す方法➀使っていない1だまがあるとき]
YouTube video [How to add 1 on an abacus ➀ When there is at least one bottom bead that is not used] with English subtitles,
has published.
Please take a look!
This video shows how to add 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 or 8 to 1 on an abacus.
This is one of three cases to add 1 on an abacus.
(with English and Japanese subtiles)