Hey everyone, it's me again. I was hesitant to write something this year as Sakuma Nobuyuki already approached me to list my favorite songs of 2023 for AVYSS ENCOUNTERS 2023. That's why, this year, I have decided to do something different and list my favorite albums from 2023, and just general albums that have been on repeat for me this year. Due to limited time (as I am writing this on the 31st of December), I will not be posting a Japanese translation, so I suggest just using DeepL instead. Sorry.
Favorite Albums Released in 2023
Some Honorable Mentions
I would like to write about every album obviously but I don't have the time or energy for that at all so here are some other albums from this year which I enjoyed.
Albums Not From 2023
A lot of my time listening to music is usually spent listening to albums not from the current year, so here is what else I have been enjoying a lot that is not new. (without embeds so the page doesnt get much longer lol)
ゑでぃまぁこん - カミナリデンゴン (2013) ゑでぃまぁこん - かおがある (2007) スチャダラパー - 5th WHEEL 2 the COACH (1995) DJ Rashad - Double Cup (2013) SLAUSON MALONE 1 - A Quiet Farwell, 2016–2018 (Crater Speak) (2019) SALON MUSIC - MASH (1995) 岩本清顕 - SOUGI+ (1983) Various Artists - Namba BEARS omnibus "Japan liberation" (2020) パスカルズ - 映画「川っぺりムコリッタ」 (オリジナル・サウンドトラック) (2022)
Thanks! (End)
I wanted to include more about my own works and DJ in 2023, but I have already written so much, and my head is starting to hurt, so I may start a bit earlier next year so I can do this part how I want to next year. I just want to say thank you to everyone who has been supporting me since 2021. It's hard to believe I started making music 3 years ago now, and while that may seem like a short time to most, I never even thought I would still be doing it for this long. Thanks to everyone who listens to me or invites me to DJ for their parties. I'm immensely grateful for all the opportunities I have been given, and I can't stress that enough.
If you have made it to the end of this, congratulations and Happy New Year.