エッセイ:あなたの女の一人 | Essay: One of Your Girls
Disclaimer: This blog post uses AI translation as a test of its use as a tool in translation. Usually I would spend more time on a translation but I wanted to use this opportunity to receive feedback on the translation as a form of research into evolving AI translation so please leave your feedback.
はじめに - Introduction
オーストラリアの音楽アーティスト、Troye Sivanは、YouTubeでの成功したキャリアを通じて有名になり、ヒット曲「My, My, My」やAriana Grandeとのコラボ曲「We can dance to this」などで知られています。そして最近、彼の最新トラック「Rush」を発表し、それがインターネットで話題となっています。このリリースをさらに魅力的にしているのは、その音楽ビデオでTroyeがドラッグを受け入れ、曲のインパクトと意義を深めている点です。最新のトラック「One of Your Girls」についても、インターネット上で大きな話題となっており、そのリリースが楽しみにされています。この楽曲におけるTroyeのドラッグの採用は、曲の印象と意義をより深める要素となっています。
Australian music artist Troye Sivan, whose journey to fame began with a thriving YouTube career featuring hits like 'My, My, My,' 'We can dance to this' (featuring Ariana Grande), and more recently, 'Rush,' has now unveiled his latest track, 'One of Your Girls,' and it's causing quite a stir on the internet. What makes this release even more compelling is the fact that in the music video, Troye embraces drag to deepen the song's impact and significance.
「One of Your Girls」は、しばしばゲイコミュニティ内で「Str8」男性と呼ばれる一群の個人に向けた感動的なオードとして機能します。これらの男性は、外見的には異性愛者として振る舞いながら、秘密裏に同性愛関係に参加している人々です。LGBTQ+コミュニティ内でのこのような複雑なダイナミクスの存在は、個人が自分の性的指向、関係、および彼らの経験を形作る社会の期待を航海する際に直面する持続的な困難を浮き彫りにしています。
'One of Your Girls' serves as a poignant ode to a group of individuals often referred to as 'Str8' men within the gay community. These are men who outwardly present as heterosexual while secretly engaging in homosexual relationships. The prevalence of such complex dynamics in the LGBTQ+ community highlights the enduring struggles individuals face in navigating their sexualities, relationships, and the societal expectations that shape their experiences.
The continued existence of 'Str8' culture worldwide is a direct reflection of society's shortcomings in creating and upholding healthy standards related to sexuality and gender. In a world where traditional and often toxic masculinity is heavily imposed on young minds, it becomes a breeding ground for unrealistic expectations, sexism, homophobia, and shame when individuals deviate from the conventional path.
In this piece, I'll delve into some examples from media to shed light on the pervasive issue that is 'Str8 culture, but before we dive deeper into the complexities of 'Str8 culture,' let's take a moment to explore the multifaceted nature of sexuality and its intricate relationship with gender identity and expression.
性的指向の理解:多面的なアイデンティティ - Understanding Sexuality: A Multifaceted Identity
Sexuality is a profound and multifaceted facet of human identity encompassing an individual's sexual orientation, desires, attractions, and behaviors. It plays a pivotal role in shaping our personal relationships, self-identity, and how we engage with the world around us. While it's an intimately personal aspect of who we are, it's profoundly influenced by societal norms, cultural values, and personal experiences.
At the core of one's sexuality lies their sexual orientation, which refers to an individual's emotional, romantic, and sexual attractions towards others. This aspect of identity is intrinsic and enduring, often emerging during adolescence or even earlier. It's important to note that recent years have witnessed a broadening of this definition, thanks to the global LGBTQIA+ movement.
In essence, there are six types of attraction: Aesthetic (physical appearance), Platonic (friendship), Emotional (deep connection without a romantic relationship), Romantic, Sensual (physical, non-sexual touch), and Sexual. A person's experiences may feature a mix of these attractions, leading to diverse combinations of attraction types. The Ace spectrum, for instance, refers to the absence of a particular type of attraction. An Asexual, Biromantic individual may experience romantic feelings for people of different genders but won't experience sexual attraction to either. Additionally, there's the dimension of plurality, such as polyamory, where individuals engage in relationships with multiple partners.
However, it's crucial to remember that sexuality transcends mere labels, encompassing a vast array of desires and attractions that can evolve and change over time. This fluidity underscores the richness and diversity of human experiences, emphasizing the importance of respecting and embracing each person's unique journey.
Beyond these primary categories, there are various subcultures, like the bear subculture within the LGBTQ+ spectrum, which appreciates larger, hairier men, promoting body positivity and challenging conventional attractiveness standards. These subcultures offer individuals a sense of belonging and understanding, ensuring they are not alone on their personal journeys of self-discovery.
性自認と表現 - Gender Identity and Expression
Understanding sexuality is closely linked to recognizing the interplay between an individual's gender identity and their sexual orientation. Gender identity relates to a person's internal understanding of their gender, whether they identify as male, female, a mix of both, or none of these. Gender expression encompasses how an individual chooses to present themselves through clothing, behavior, or other means in alignment with their gender identity. These components collectively shape a person's overall self-identity.
Gender identity, which has historically been confined to binary constructs based on physical sex, is influenced by societal norms and expectations linked to an individual's anatomical characteristics. However, many diverse cultures worldwide recognize more than just two gender options, and individuals may identify as intersex or embrace non-binary identities. Such diversity reinforces the idea that gender identity is a deeply personal and intricate aspect of human identity.
社会的な文脈 - The Societal Context
One's understanding of their sexuality doesn't happen in isolation; it's profoundly influenced by society. Social expectations, cultural norms, and historical context play a significant role in shaping how individuals perceive and navigate their sexual identity. These external factors can have both positive and negative impacts, molding the way people relate to their sexuality and to others.
In the sections that follow, we'll delve into the concept of 'Str8 Culture,' which exists within this complex framework of human sexuality. It involves a nuanced interplay of personal desires, societal expectations, and the potential for toxic and secretive relationships. By examining this phenomenon, we can gain valuable insights into broader issues related to identity, relationships, and the influence of cultural norms on individuals' lives.
男らしさ - Masculinity
Masculinity is a multifaceted concept encompassing a range of traits, behaviors, and expectations traditionally associated with being a man. While these expectations vary across cultures and time periods, there are common themes in discussions about masculinity.
Traditionally, masculinity has been tied to qualities like strength, courage, independence, and emotional restraint. However, it's important to recognize that these traditional notions of masculinity are not universally applicable and can be limiting. Contemporary conversations around masculinity emphasize the importance of breaking free from rigid stereotypes. Men are encouraged to express a fuller range of emotions, build nurturing and supportive relationships, and challenge harmful behaviors associated with toxic masculinity, such as aggression or emotional suppression.
Healthy masculinity promotes self-worth based on one's character rather than conforming to stereotypical ideals. It encourages men to be authentic, compassionate, and respectful individuals, fostering not only their own well-being but also more inclusive and harmonious relationships with others.
Toxic masculinity, on the other hand, describes harmful and restrictive behaviors or attitudes associated with traditional male stereotypes. It encompasses expectations and norms that can be detrimental to both men and society as a whole. Some characteristics of toxic masculinity include emotional suppression, aggression, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, pressure to conform, and inhibition of self-expression. These aspects can have far-reaching consequences, contributing to issues like domestic violence, gender inequality, and mental health struggles.
Efforts to combat toxic masculinity involve encouraging open conversations about gender, promoting emotional intelligence, and challenging harmful stereotypes. By acknowledging these issues and working towards a more inclusive and positive understanding of masculinity, we can create a healthier and more equitable society for everyone.
An example of toxic masculinity in popular media can be found in the character of Nate Jacobs in the series 'Euphoria.' His reaction to discovering his father's secret homosexual relationships with feminine men and trans-women drove him to conform rigidly to traditional standards of masculinity, resulting in aggressive, toxic, and obsessive behavior.
This is just the beginning of our exploration into 'Str8 Culture' and the complex dynamics that define it. In the subsequent sections, we will delve deeper into the various facets of this phenomenon and its impact on individuals' lives and relationships.
有害な男らしさ + 性的指向 = Str8(異性愛者と偽装するゲイ)男性 - Toxic Masculinity + Sexuality = Str8 Men
When these unrealistic expectations bare down on young men they feel forced into being straight. It is a common experience amongst AMAB (Assigned Male at Birth) individuals to be surrounded by older men talking about women in an objective way from a young age and bringing them into the conversation with taunts and digs at their lack of experience. These circles also commonly include homophobic and transphobic comments. From microaggressions such as referring to something as 'gay' to mean bad or straight up slur dropping these experiences shape the perspective of boys as they grow up. So, when homosexual thoughts begin to manifest there is almost a panic. A pressure to hide it and a shame that follows you around like a shadow when you act on it.
This leads to many young men hiding this part of them until it builds up and they need to act out. Acting out can be seen both in acts of aggression and bullying but also in engaging in secret sexual activities. Often, both align where a someone will bully and degrade publicly someone who they are sleeping with secretly.
An example of this in the media can be seen with Ben and Charlie's relationship in Heartstopper. In the opening episodes of Heartstopper, one of our main characters Charlie Spring. In Heartstopper, Ben took advantage of Charlie Spring's fragility after learning that he was gay and had been outed by calling him "brave" before kissing him and forcing him into a covert relationship where he dictated where they went to have fun. He reprimanded Charlie whenever he made even the tiniest mistake and also threatened to keep their relationship a secret. Charlie texted Ben to break up their relationship after learning that Ben had a girlfriend their argument grew violent. After this Ben remained bitter to Charlie throughout the season and constantly tried to get in between Charlie and his new partner, Nick.
Ben was apart of 'the boys', a group of lads, mostly on the rugby team who are known for being homophobic and bullying characters such as Charlie in the past. It's possible that this is why Ben did not feel safe to come out himself in the story, after seeing how his friends treated the only openly gay person in the school and feeling the fear of the same happening to him. However, this does not justify the characters actions.
"One of Your Girls"
トロイ・シヴァンの曲「One of Your Girls」は、特定の文化的なダイナミクスを考えさせる表現を提供し、主にそのような関係に巻き込まれたゲイの個人の視点から見ています。これらの特定の関係では、ゲイのパートナーはしばしば秘密に追いやられ、時折、その関係を正当化する手段として女性化されることがあります。この複雑なダイナミクスは、曲のミュージックビデオで鮮やかに描かれており、シヴァンは遅い90年代から2000年代初頭の女優やモデルを思わせるドラッグのペルソナに変身し、曲のタイトルの本質を効果的に表現しています。要するに、シヴァンは異性愛者の個人に対して、「私はあなたの女性の友達のようになることができる」と伝えています。
Troye Sivan's song, "One of Your Girls," offers a thought-provoking representation of a certain cultural dynamic, primarily from the perspective of the gay individual involved in such relationships. In these particular relationships, the gay partner often finds themselves relegated to secrecy and, at times, feminized as a way to justify the infatuation of their straight counterpart. This complex dynamic is vividly portrayed in the song's music video, where Sivan transforms into a drag persona reminiscent of late 90s to early 2000s actresses and models, effectively encapsulating the essence of the song's title—Sivan, in essence, tells the straight individual, 'I can be just like one of your female friends.'
Examining the chorus of the song, we can delve deeper into the type of relationship Sivan is shedding light on:
"Give me a call if you ever get lonely
I'll be like one of your girls or your homies
Say what you want, and I'll keep it a secret
You hold the key to my heart, and I need it
Give me a call if you ever get desperate
I'll be like one of your girls."
"Give Me a Call if You Ever Get Lonely." This line alludes to the idea that these relationships often stem from a sense of desperation. The straight individual, grappling with pent-up desires, turns to a vulnerable gay partner to alleviate their loneliness. This relates to the lines, 'give me a call if you ever get desperate' and 'Say what you want I'll keep it a secret,' as these actions driven by loneliness and desperation often leave the straight individual with a sense of "post-nut clarity"—a feeling of shame experienced after acting impulsively on sexual desires.
In these relationships, as exemplified by characters like Ben and Charlie in "Heartstopper," the straight individual typically wishes to keep the relationship a secret. The notion of a clandestine affair with a straight partner is overly romanticized in the gay community, media, and pornography. It's seen as alluring, a form of accomplishment, and even a rite of passage for young gay men. Unfortunately, this culture fosters unrealistic expectations that can lead young gay men into toxic and abusive relationships. The allure of being someone's secret is powerful, and the overwhelming desire to fulfill the straight individual's lustful fantasies can cloud the judgment of young gay men, preventing them from recognizing the abuse they may be enduring. This can often lead to the gay individual developing romantic feelings for the straight counterpart and desiring the relationship to progress further, which, in turn, can lead to the gay individual acting more "couple-like" and embarrassing the straight partner, resulting in further mistreatment. If these feelings are ever revealed, they are often met with taunts and belittlement. The straight partner's aim is to keep the relationship hidden and purely physical, a sentiment echoed in the line, 'You hold the key to my heart, and I need it.'
この歌の他の2つの行,「私はあなたの女性の友達か仲間のようにいるわ,」 は、ゲイの男性の女性化を試みて、自分の魅力を合理化しようとする異性愛者による試みに言及するだけでなく、ゲイの個人がより深い関係を望んでいることを表現しています。まるで彼らが異性愛者の友達の一部になれるかのようです。'One of your homies' という言葉も同様に注目すべきです。この行は「homie culture」という言葉をほのめかしています。これは、異性愛者の文化の一側面で、広く普及したミームに進化しています。この文化では、一部の異性愛者の男性は、特定の活動は「homiesと一緒に行えばゲイではない」と主張しています。このトレンドはTikTokで人気を博し、議論を引き起こしました。一部は、これが伝統的な性別と性的規範に挑戦し、同性愛嫌悪の壁を崩し、受け入れを促進すると主張していますが、他の人は、これがステレオタイプを強化し、同性愛の愛情を客観化し、LGBTQ+の文化を娯楽のために利用してしまう可能性があると主張しています。このトレンドは、性的指向、性別、オンライン文化の複雑な交差を反映しており、LGBTQ+の受け入れにおける進歩と潜在的な落とし穴を示しています。
「homie」の初回の使用後は、カタカナで表現されます。「homie culture」は「ホーミー・カルチャー」と表記します。
The other two lines in the song, 'I'll be like one of your girls or your homies; I'll be like one of your girls,' not only reference the feminization of gay men by straight individuals in an attempt to rationalize their attraction but also express the gay individual's longing for a more profound relationship as if they could be a part of the straight individual's circle of friends. The mention of 'One of your homies' is equally noteworthy. This line alludes to 'homie culture,' a facet of straight culture that has evolved into a widespread meme. In this culture, some straight men claim that certain activities are 'not gay if done with the homies.' This trend, popularized on TikTok, has sparked debates—some argue that it challenges traditional gender and sexual norms, breaking down barriers of homophobia and promoting acceptance, while others contend it may reinforce stereotypes and objectify same-sex affection, potentially appropriating LGBTQ+ culture for entertainment. This trend reflects a complex intersection of sexuality, gender, and online culture, highlighting both progress and potential pitfalls in LGBTQ+ acceptance.
However, the origins of this meme do not lie in a TikTok trend but rather in a different type of relationship common among young males: two straight individuals secretly engaging in activities. These acts are often justified as typical "lad behavior" and helping out your friend, eventually evolving into a comedic trope and, finally, a widespread meme. This illustrates yet another way in which toxic masculine expectations warp the minds of young people, preventing them from pursuing fulfilling and meaningful relationships, and reducing everything to jokes or mere acts of lust, thereby impeding the possibility of finding genuine love.
結論 - Conclusion
まとめますと、Troye Sivanの最新曲「One of Your Girls」は、いわゆる「Str8カルチャー」と呼ばれる文化内の複雑なダイナミクスを象徴的に反映しており、この文化は現実的でない期待、社会的な圧力、そしてしばしば有害な男性性と性的要素の相互作用に根ざしています。この議論で探究したように、性的指向の多面的な性質は、存在する社会的文脈によって深く形作られたさまざまな魅力、欲望、アイデンティティを包括しています。また、性別アイデンティティと性的指向との相互作用は、人間のアイデンティティとその発展の複雑さをさらに強調しています。
In conclusion, Troye Sivan's latest track, "One of Your Girls," serves as a poignant reflection of complex dynamics within what has been termed 'Str8 culture'—a culture rooted in unrealistic expectations, societal pressures, and the often toxic interplay of masculinity and sexuality. As we have explored in this discussion, the multifaceted nature of sexuality encompasses an array of attractions, desires, and identities, each profoundly shaped by the societal context in which they exist. The interplay between gender identity and sexual orientation further highlights the intricacy of human identity and its development.
Toxic masculinity, as portrayed in the media and experienced by many young individuals, contributes to the perpetuation of 'Str8 culture,' where young men often feel forced into conforming to heteronormative standards. This results in the suppression of their true selves, fostering a climate of shame and secrecy. As a consequence, individuals may engage in covert relationships, sometimes involving toxic or abusive behaviors.
Sivanの曲「One of Your Girls」は、直交性の個人がしばしばゲイのパートナーを秘密にし、時折、その魅力を正当化するために女性化しようとする、これらの隠れた関係の本質を捉えています。秘密の魅力は強力ですが、非現実的な期待、潜在的な虐待、より深いつながりへの切望につながることがあります。
Sivan's song "One of Your Girls" captures the essence of these hidden relationships, where the straight individual often relegates their gay partner to secrecy and, at times, attempts to feminize them in order to justify their attraction. The allure of secrecy is powerful but can lead to unrealistic expectations, potential mistreatment, and a longing for more profound connections.
この曲はまた、「homie culture」というミームやトレンドに触れており、性的指向、性別、オンライン文化の複雑な交差を包括しており、LGBTQ+の受け入れにおける進歩と潜在的な落とし穴を反映しています。また、直交性の一部の男性が友達と活動に参加することを「homiesと一緒に」行える限り行うという点を強調し、有害な男性的期待が認識を歪め、意味のある本物の関係を追求することを妨げる方法を示しています。
The song also alludes to 'homie culture,' a meme and trend that encapsulates the complex intersection of sexuality, gender, and online culture, reflecting both progress and potential pitfalls in LGBTQ+ acceptance. It highlights how some straight men engage in activities with friends as long as they are done "with the homies," illustrating how toxic masculine expectations can warp perceptions and hinder the pursuit of meaningful, authentic relationships.
要するに、「Str8 culture」は性的指向と性別の期待に対処する社会の不足を具現化したものです。この文化に対抗するためには、有害な男性性を挑戦し続け、性別と性的指向についてのオープンな対話を促進し、感情の知性を奨励することが重要です。これらの問題を認識することにより、誰もが恐れや恥を感じることなく、自分のアイデンティティと関係を探求する自由がある、包括的で公平で理解のある社会に向けて取り組むことができます。Troye Sivanの「One of Your Girls」は、これらの問題についての持続的な対話における重要な貢献であり、21世紀における人間のアイデンティティと関係の複雑さについて考えるきっかけとなっています。
In essence, 'Str8 culture' is a manifestation of societal shortcomings in addressing sexuality and gender expectations. To combat this culture, it is crucial to continue challenging toxic masculinity, fostering open conversations about gender and sexuality, and promoting emotional intelligence. By acknowledging these issues, we can work towards a more inclusive, equitable, and understanding society for everyone, where individuals are free to explore their identities and relationships without fear or shame. Troye Sivan's "One of Your Girls" is an important addition to the ongoing conversation about these issues, and it invites us to reflect on the complexities of human identity and relationships in the 21st century.