
2022年02月26日 初回記録
2022年03月13日 編集・更新

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of February 26, 2022

By terrazetzz -

Saturday, 26 February 2022, 1:09 AM093

  • Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 26 Feb. 2022

    Compiled Sat. 26 Feb. 2022 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.

    “Why do we close our eyes when we pray, cry, kiss or dream? Because the most beautiful things in life are not seen but felt by the heart.” …Denzel Washington

    Look to the Day, by John Rutter (thetabernaclechoir.org)

    Judy Note: On Tues. 1 March 2022, it appeared a Global Currency Reset would occur that would take citizen taxpayer monies away from Cabal control and return it back to The People across the globe. Project Odin would be in effect in conjunction with that historical moment: Mossad Media Satellites would be knocked down to black out the Mass Media worldwide and there would be a switch over to the Quantum Star Link Satellite System – all of which would activate a Military Emergency Broadcast System. Global Martial Law would maintain order until nations of the world could hold free and fair elections using the transparent Quantum Voting System.

    The Global Currency Reset:


    According to Texas Snake last night Thurs. 24 Feb on MarkZ, the majority of Bond Holder Paymasters will be liquid between now and this weekend.

    Texas Snake:
    Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) will be exchanging by Tues. 1 March.

    The UN Security Council
    has published papers releasing Iraq from all Chapter 7 sanctions and the Iraqi Dinar has gone international.

    Bruce: Nesara should kick in on Tues. 1 March.

    Fri. evening 25 Feb. MarkZ:

  • We will see full payments on Historic Bonds, and then within 3 to 5 days after that we get our appointments and the Emergency Broadcast System.

  • Today was a topsy turvy day…..my bond folks started out being told appointments would start in March….then they were told later today…..then they were told it defiantly would be this weekend…..They had them all over the place today. Now they have them “on call.”

  • They never want us to know the exact timing so no one can move massive amounts of money at the last second. If everyone knew the timing people would be dumping stocks and quit paying bills to buy more currency so to avoid this, they cover us up with smoke.

  • My redemption center folks are still planning on working this weekend.

  • I am told the military and US Treasury is handling the RV in the US.

  • On the Zim we take home about $30M US per 1-$100T note.

  • Anything you receive on the Zim over that will go 100% to humanitarian projects. The additional amounts you will be given will be based solely on the quality of your projects. This has been explained to me multiple times by multiple people so I believe it to be accurate.

  • Mod: Estimated rates: Dong – low to mid $2 (up to $4.00?), Dinar – $6.00 (up to $11.00?), Zim – .30 (per million) without projects, higher rate with projects only for projects, Indo Rupiah $1.47.

  • Black Swan Scare Event:

  • The switch has been flipped! Remember, you are in the biggest military psychological operation in human history. You are watching a movie!

  • A Planned False Flag scare event Russia war is happening right now. What you see on fake news TV is only 1% of the reality. You’re missing the 99%. Q says, scare event necessary. This is it!

  • Like Trudeau in Canada declaring emergency act for couple days. Do you really think it was only to remove couple trucks from the city? That is what fake news TV told people and wants people to think to awaken them. That was just a distraction. They did WAY more in the back.

  • Fake war between Russia and Ukraine. This will trigger cyberattacks not only in Ukraine but worldwide which will trigger World war 3.

  • The global market crash started already and it will be way worst now.

  • The cyber attacks and market crash will trigger the Global Reset, shutdown of communications and Internet for 3+10 days. So people will be spared to see the huge crash and panic too much.

  • They will then move to the new QFS Quantum Financial System under GESARA NESARA. And a new world will emerge from there.

  • All the videos footage you see on fake news are mostly old footage NOT happening right now. It’s been filmed in the past and/or it’s CGI, VGX, etc.

  • When you get cyber attacked on pipelines, banks, essential infrastructures it is an act of war against the country, they will then trigger martial law.

  • Most countries will trigger martial law NOT to go to war with guns and jets but to do way more. They use martial law to make mass arrests of corrupt people for crimes against humanity. They use this to in store faster in emergency the new quantum financial system, to get things done way faster than usually possible.

Global Financial Crisis:


GCRによる共和国復活:2022年2月26日時点の更新情報 By terrazetzz -2022年2月26日(土) 午前1時09分09秒 GCRで復元された共和国:2022年2月26日(土)時点の更新情報

Compiled Sat 26 Feb 2022 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: "Twenty Two Faces: Inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities"(「22の顔:ジェニー・ヒルと22の多重人格の驚くべき人生」)。

「私たちはなぜ、祈るとき、泣くとき、キスするとき、夢を見るときに目を閉じるのでしょうか?人生で最も美しいものは、目に見えるものではなく、心で感じるものだからです。" ...デンゼル・ワシントン





2月24日木曜日、MarkZのテキサス・スネイクによると、債券保有者の大半は、今から今週末にかけて流動的になるそうです。 テキサス・スネーク。Tier 4B(我々インターネットグループ)は、3月1日(火)までに交換を開始する。

国連安全保障理事会は、イラクを第7章制裁から解放する文書を発表し、イラク・ディナールは国際通貨になった。 Bruce: Nesaraは3月1日(火)に開始されるはずです。 2月25日(金)夜 MarkZ:

私たちは、歴史的な債券の完全な支払いを見て、その後3〜5日以内に私たちの予定と緊急放送システムを取得します。 今日はてんやわんやでした...私の債券の人々は、予約が3月に始まると言われて始まりました...そして彼らは今日遅くなると言われました...そして彼らは間違いなく今週末になると言われました...彼らは今日すべての場所でそれらを有した。今は "オンコール "状態だ。

彼らは、誰も最後の瞬間に多額の資金を動かすことができないように、正確なタイミングを私たちに知らせようとしないのです。もしタイミングが分かれば、人々は株を捨てたり、紙幣を払うのをやめて通貨を買ったりするだろうから、それを避けるために煙で覆い隠しているのだ。 私の換金所の人たちは、今週末も仕事をする予定です


アメリカでは軍と米国財務省がRVを扱っていると聞いています。 ジムの場合、1-$100T紙幣1枚につき約$30M USを持ち帰ることができます。


Mod: 推定レートです。ドン - 2ドル前半から半ば(最大4ドル?)、ディナール - 6ドル(最大11ドル?)、ジム - 0.30(100万あたり)プロジェクトなし、プロジェクトありのみ高レート、インド・ルピア 1.47ドル。 ブラックスワンの恐怖のイベント。

スイッチが入ってしまった! あなたは、人類史上最大の軍事心理作戦の中にいることを忘れないでください。あなたは映画を見ているのです!

計画された偽旗恐怖事件 ロシア戦争が今まさに起きている。あなたがフェイクニュースTVで見ているものは、現実の1%に過ぎない。あなたは99%を見逃してる。Qは、恐怖のイベントが必要だと言っている。これがそうだ!


ロシアとウクライナの間の偽の戦争。これはウクライナだけでなく世界中でサイバー攻撃を引き起こし、第3次世界大戦の引き金になるだろう。 世界市場の暴落はすでに始まっており、これからもっとひどくなるだろう。













