Latest Exam Updates RBI Grade B 2020

As per the latest newsbyRBI, the official notification of RBI Grade B Officer 2020 exam is expected to be released by October 2020.

The Reserve Bank of India is the central bank for the country. The organization every year conducts recruitment exams to fill up various posts. One of such exams conducted by the organization is RBI Grade B.

The exam is conducted for direct recruitment of Grade B Officers in Combined Seniority Group (CSG) streams. RBI Grade B exam is a very popular exam for those seeking a career in the finance sector.

As the organization offers an excellent pay scale and job profile, a large number of candidates appear in the exam. Successful candidates through RBI Grade B recruitment are inducted into the following departments:

Officers in Grade B (General)

Officers in Grade B (Department of Economic and Policy Research)

Officers in Grade B (Department of Statistics and Information Management)

RBI Grade B 2020 Latest Updates:

Oct 5: RBI Grade B 2020 notification has been delayed by the Reserve Bank of India. Earlier, the notification was scheduled to be released in September.
