
I dedicate these words to Putin and Zelensky(part 2).

No wound can truly heal unless it is healed by the person who has hurt.
This may sound like a harsh statement, both to the person who has hurt and to the person who has been hurt.
In most cases, the person who has hurt is unaware that he or she has hurt someone else. Therefore, it seems that the injured party has no choice but to become the one who hurts in order to have it noticed. The blade may not always be aimed at the person who has hurt. The logic of the injured party is, "If someone is allowed to hurt me, I don't mind hurting someone else, too”.
There is another tragedy that comes at the end.
If you cannot punish someone else, you have no choice but to punish yourself.
Retribution is the sum total of all these tragedies.
Thus begins the never-ending battle for retribution. In this seesaw game of endless retribution, in the end, everyone loses something important, including those who are caught up in the game. There is no winner in this game.
In fact, by fights between parents and children and between siblings, it is "home" that is hurt the most. Likewise, by quarrels between neighbors, it is "the earth" that is hurt the most.
Who should heal this wound?
