大学入試「自由英作文」問題の深淵 2.2.1



[1] Write an English paragraph of about 80 words to argue either for or against the following statement: People live longer now, so the normal retirement age should be raised to 70.

[2] 高校あるいは大学卒業後、定職につかずアルバイトで生活する若者が少なくありませんが、その理由はどこにあると思いますか。あなたの意見を80語程度の英語でまとめなさい。

[3] Do leading professional athletes earn too much money? Give your opinion including reasons in an English paragraph of 80-to-100 English words.

気をつけてください。argue とか「あなたの意見を」とか give your opinion とか書いてあっても、個人の勝手な考えを書いてはいけません。



People live longer.

他にどんな事実があるでしょうか? 次の記事をお読みください。

The Cabinet has approved bills requiring companies to retain their workers until they are 70 years old, effectively raising the retirement age from 65 to 70.

The move is part of an effort to address the country’s falling birthrate and an aging population, and the consequent labor shortage and the rising cost of pensions.

The bills give companies five options for retaining older workers:
  ■ Raising the retirement age.
Abolishing the retirement age.
Allowing employees to work beyond the age limit.
Outsourcing work to retirees as freelancers.
Supporting employees who move on to work for non-profits and
  other entities that provide a public benefit.

The new law requires both companies and employees to reach a consensus on the chosen option.

However, the Labour Standards Act is not applicable to contract workers and those who work for non-profit organizations, where some workers may not be eligible for unemployment benefits.  As such, companies with a majority of unionized workers must have the union’s consent to exercise the last two options, according to NHK.

The new set of laws would effectively raise the retirement age from 65 to 70.  The government is also planning to reduce benefits for workers aged 60 to 64.  The Cabinet, though, is not considering raising the starting age for those due to receive their pensions, reported UPI.

Charles Chau (2021). Japan approves law raising retirement age to 70. hrmAsia, April 6, 2021.



  • 現行の定年年齢は65歳が多い。

  • 働き続けたい人には70歳まで機会を与えることが企業の努力義務になる。

  • 政府は定年年齢を引き上げることによって、少子高齢化と、それに伴う労働力不足や、年金等の社会保障費の増大に対応しようとしている。


  • 労働力不足への決め手になるかもしれない。

  • 年金等の社会保障費の増加に歯止めがかかるかもしれない。


なお、argue とあるので、できれば複数の理由を挙げたいところですが、それができる人は限られています。総語数80語でそれをするには、かなり高い英語力(偏差値で言えば70以上=上位2%以内)が必要です。その意味では巷の参考書が「理由をいくつか挙げる」としているのは、ほとんど受験生には非現実的なアドバイスであると言えるでしょう。

