Learning English Enhances Japanese Skills

Recently, I have been practicing my English by writing blogs. My goal is to improve my English comprehension. However, I have discovered that learning English also enhances my Japanese skills.

One reason for this is that it provides an opportunity to refine my Japanese. For example, when I learn a new word in English, I often look up its meaning in Japanese. If I don’t know the Japanese translation, I consult a dictionary. This process allows me to learn a new word in both languages. Therefore, when I check the meaning of a new English word in Japanese, I also ensure that my understanding of the Japanese word is accurate.

Another reason is that learning a second language makes me more aware of grammatical structures. When speaking only in my native language, I may not pay much attention to proper grammar. However, when I learn a second language, I become more conscious of grammatical rules. This habit of focusing on grammar helps me use correct grammar in my native language as well.

For these reasons, learning English allows me to enhance my Japanese skills too. I would like to practice English not only to improve my English but also to boost my Japanese.
