Towards the Next Stage
Last year, I moved to another university. This is the 5th university I work for. I remember that my turning point always came when I moved to another university. Tonight, I would like to look back at my turning points of myself.
After I earned my Ph.D in computer science, I began to work for my graduate school. My supervisor recommended that I would be an assistant professor at my university. So I became an assistant professor. My Ph.D thesis was about programming language implementation, so I continued to study programming language after I became an assistant professor. I had worked for my university for about 10 years. I studied on programming languages, system software, middleware, libraries, and so on. I enjoyed studying at my university so much. I liked my work.
However, I was an assistant professor with a limited term. So I had to look for another university before the term terminated. It was quite hard to look for the next university. I struggled to continue to be a researcher at university. I applied to many universities and failed. I couldn't remember all the universities to which I applied. As a result, I couldn't help giving up my major interests. Finally, I got an associate professor at a university but I couldn't continue to study computer science. It was the first turning point for me. After I moved to the 2nd university, I worked on FD (Faculty Development) and Educational Technology including LMS (Learning Management System). I worked for my 2nd university for about 10 years. I was an associate professor without a limited term. But I was not satisfied with my job at that time. So I moved to the 3rd university. At my third university, I became a tenured professor. My job was still FD and ET (including LMS). But I moved to the fourth university for personal reasons.
At my 4th university, I worked on entertainment computing and media art. I'm still working on them. I quit my 4th university for several reasons. Now I'm working for my 5th university. I still enjoy studying entertainment computing and media art. But I'm now feeling that I should go to the next stage. To tell the truth, I sowed seeds for the next stage last year. Fortunately, I got good news about the next stage during New Year's Holiday. But I can't tell it in detail anybody now because of several reasons. I definitely begin to move into the next stage this year. I'm so excited to think about the next stage. I wish the time would fly fast.