
Modeling & Pole Dance

I have been interested in "Pole Dance" for a long time. When I talk about "Pole Dance" with other people, especially women, I feel a little bit nervous because I am misunderstood by them. Frankly speaking, the image of "Pole Dance" is not so good in general. Not so a few people think that it is a sexy (in a bad meaning, in other words, "erotic") dance. I guess that they are affected by gangster movies or something. In my opinion, "Pole Dance" is a sexy (of course, with a good meaning) and attractive dance. 
To tell the truth, I'm not familiar with "Pole Dance". But if we read the article about the "Pole Dance" on Wikipedia, we can get the overall "Pole Dance". What I'm interested in "Pole Dance" is not the viewpoint of sports. I'm interested in "Pole Dance" as a modeling tool. I will explain it in brief to let you understand it clearly.

Needless to say, a Pole Dancer lets herself (or himself) rotate using a pole. It reminds me of pottery using its wheel. Namely, the rotation of human beings becomes modeled objects. Especially, I expect quite unique objects made by the rotation because the form of a pole dancer will change while rotating. For example, can you imagine what kind of objects are modeled by the following pole dance? I'm not sure but so exciting.

As a sport, there are many techniques and methods how to evaluate in "Pole Dance". For example, if we go on the website of "International Pole Sports Federation", we can see so many techniques of "Pole Dance" as follows.

In the future, I want to make quite unique objects based on the "Pole Dance". It's quite interesting in the following two points. The first is the objects using the whole body of human beings. The second is the objects have the beauty of the body line of the pole dancer directly.
