【ChatGPTによる和訳】Adobe (ADBE) Q4 2024 Earnings Call Transcript
Shantanu Narayen -- Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Thanks, Steve. Good afternoon, and thank you for joining us. In Q4, we achieved revenue of $5.61 billion, representing 11% year-over-year growth. In our Digital Media business, we delivered record net new ARR of $578 million.
And our Digital Experience business achieved subscription revenue of $1.27 billion, representing 12% year-over-year growth. 2024 was a year of records for Adobe. We achieved record revenue of $21.51 billion, representing 11% year-over-year growth. GAAP earnings per share was $12.36, and non-GAAP earnings per share was $18.42, representing 5% and 15% year-over-year growth, respectively.
We hit several new milestones with our AI innovations, enabling us to add more than $2 billion in Digital Media net new ARR and surpass $1 billion in the ending book of business for Adobe Experience Platform and native apps. The Digital Experience business crossed $5 billion in revenue, making us one of the mission-critical providers of marketing technology in the world. We exited the year with $19.96 billion in RPO and cash and short-term investments of $7.89 billion. 2024 was also a transformative year of product innovation, where we delivered foundational technology platforms.
AIの革新により、新規年間経常収益(ARR)で20億ドル以上を追加し、Adobe Experience Platformおよびネイティブアプリのビジネス規模が10億ドルを超えるという新たなマイルストーンを達成しました。デジタルエクスペリエンス事業では収益が50億ドルを超え、当社は世界的に重要なマーケティングテクノロジープロバイダーの一つとなりました。2024年末時点で、受注残高(RPO)は199億6,000万ドル、現金および短期投資は78億9,000万ドルに達しました。また、2024年は製品革新の転換期であり、基盤となるテクノロジープラットフォームを提供しました。
We introduced multiple generative AI models in the Adobe Firefly family, including Imaging, Vector, Design, and most recently, Video. Adobe now has a comprehensive set of generative AI models designed to be commercially safe for creative content, offering unprecedented levels of output quality and user control in our applications. We reimagined creativity and productivity for a broader set of customers with Adobe Express, the quick and easy create-anything app. The deep integration of Firefly across our flagship applications in Creative Cloud, Document Cloud, and Experience Cloud is driving record customer adoption and usage.
Adobe Fireflyファミリーでは、イメージング、ベクター、デザイン、そして最近ではビデオを含む複数の生成AIモデルを導入しました。現在、Adobeは商業利用に安全で、クリエイティブコンテンツ向けに設計された包括的な生成AIモデルを備えており、アプリケーション内でこれまでにない品質とユーザー制御を実現しています。また、「Adobe Express」という迅速かつ簡単に何でも作成できるアプリを通じて、より広範な顧客層に向けて創造性と生産性を再構築しました。FireflyをCreative Cloud、Document Cloud、Experience Cloudの主要アプリケーションに深く統合したことで、顧客の採用と利用が記録的な水準に達しています。
Firefly powered generations across our tools surpassed 16 billion, with every month this past quarter setting a new record. We enhanced document productivity with AI Assistant in Adobe Acrobat and Reader, unlocking even greater value from the trillions of PDFs around the world. We've successfully scaled Adobe Experience Platform and native apps to deliver the fundamental infrastructure required for customer engagement. We're accelerating automated decisioning and powering audiences, journeys, and channels to deliver truly personalized experiences at scale.
Fireflyを利用したツール全体での生成数は160億件を超え、この四半期の毎月が新記録を樹立しました。また、Adobe AcrobatとReaderにおけるAIアシスタントによってドキュメントの生産性を向上させ、世界中に存在する数兆ものPDFからさらに大きな価値を引き出しました。Adobe Experience Platformとネイティブアプリを成功裏にスケーリングし、顧客エンゲージメントに必要な基盤的インフラを提供しています。さらに、自動化された意思決定を加速し、オーディエンス、ジャーニー、チャネルを強化して、スケールで真にパーソナライズされた体験を提供しています。
We set the stage to drive an AI content revolution by bringing content and data together in Adobe GenStudio, integrating high-velocity creative expression with enterprise activation. The release of Adobe GenStudio for Performance Marketing integrates Creative Cloud, Express, and Experience Cloud and extends our end-to-end content supply chain solution, empowering freelancers, agencies, and enterprises to accelerate the delivery of content, advertising and marketing campaigns. I'll now turn it over to David to discuss the momentum in our Digital Media business.
Adobe GenStudioにおいてコンテンツとデータを融合させ、高速なクリエイティブ表現とエンタープライズの活性化を統合することで、AIコンテンツ革命を推進する準備を整えました。パフォーマンスマーケティング向けAdobe GenStudioのリリースにより、Creative Cloud、Express、およびExperience Cloudが統合され、エンドツーエンドのコンテンツサプライチェーンソリューションが拡張されました。これにより、フリーランサー、エージェンシー、エンタープライズがコンテンツ、広告、マーケティングキャンペーンの配信を加速できるようになりました。それでは、デジタルメディア事業の勢いについてデビッドにバトンタッチします。
David Wadhwani -- President, Digital Media
Thanks, Shantanu. Hello, everyone. In Q4, we achieved net new Digital Media ARR of $578 million and revenue of $4.15 billion, which grew 12% year over year, fueled by innovation in both our Creative and Document businesses. We ended the year with just over $2 billion of net new Digital Media ARR for the first time ever, as a result of accelerated product innovation, record traffic to adobe.com, and engagement on social and mobile, as well as increasing value for enterprise customers through Firefly Services and GenStudio, which bring together our Creative and Experience Clouds.
On the Document Cloud side, PDF continues to be the global standard for digital documents, and Adobe Acrobat is revolutionizing the way people engage with them across mobile, web, and desktop. We took a major step forward in FY '24 with the introduction of AI Assistant in Acrobat and Reader. AI Assistant and other AI features, like liquid mode and Firefly, are accelerating productivity through faster insights, smarter document editing, and integrated image generation. A recent productivity study found that users leveraging AI Assistant completed their document-related tasks four times faster on average.
ドキュメントクラウドについて、PDFは引き続きデジタルドキュメントの世界標準であり、Adobe Acrobatはモバイル、ウェブ、デスクトップ全般でのPDFの利用方法に革命を起こしています。2024会計年度には、AcrobatおよびReaderにAIアシスタントを導入するという大きな進歩を遂げました。AIアシスタントやLiquid Mode、Fireflyのような他のAI機能により、迅速な洞察、よりスマートなドキュメント編集、統合された画像生成を通じて生産性が加速しています。最近の生産性に関する調査では、AIアシスタントを活用したユーザーは、ドキュメント関連のタスクを平均で4倍速く完了したことが分かっています。
AI Assistant is now available in Acrobat across desktop, web, and mobile and integrated into our Edge, Chrome, and Microsoft Teams extensions. In Q4, we continued to extend its value with specialized AI for contracts and scanned documents, support for additional languages, and the ability to analyze larger documents. In Acrobat Web, our integrations with Adobe Express allow users to generate images and quickly stylize content. We saw AI Assistant conversations double quarter over quarter, driving deeper customer value.
AIアシスタントは現在、デスクトップ、ウェブ、モバイル向けのAcrobatで利用可能であり、Edge、Chrome、およびMicrosoft Teamsの拡張機能にも統合されています。第4四半期には、契約書やスキャンされたドキュメント向けの専門的なAI、追加の言語対応、大型ドキュメントの分析機能を通じてその価値をさらに拡張しました。また、Acrobat Webでは、Adobe Expressとの統合により、ユーザーが画像を生成し、コンテンツを迅速にスタイリングできるようになっています。第4四半期では、AIアシスタントの利用会話が四半期ごとに倍増し、より深い顧客価値を生み出しました。
In Q4, we achieved Document Cloud revenue of $843 million, growing 17% year over year. We set a record for net new Document Cloud ARR of $173 million, with ending ARR of $3.48 billion, growing 23% year over year. Other highlights include continued growth of monthly active users, which grew over 25% year over year, surpassing 650 million paid and free users; strong top of funnel momentum through Acrobat Web, with monthly active users up nearly 50% year over year; strength in Acrobat Pro single app in both Document Cloud and Creative Cloud offerings; a great back-to-school season with a new AI Assistant offering in education for students.
第4四半期には、ドキュメントクラウドの収益が8億4,300万ドルに達し、前年比で17%成長しました。また、ドキュメントクラウドの新規ARRは1億7,300万ドルで過去最高を記録し、期末のARRは34億8,000万ドルに達し、前年比で23%増加しました。他の重要な成果として、月間アクティブユーザー(MAU)の成長が前年比25%以上となり、有料および無料ユーザーを合わせて6億5,000万人を超えたことが挙げられます。また、Acrobat Webを通じたトップファネルの勢いが強く、月間アクティブユーザーが前年比で50%近く増加しました。ドキュメントクラウドおよびクリエイティブクラウドの両方でAcrobat Pro単体アプリが好調であり、学生向けの新しいAIアシスタント提供により「Back-to-School」シーズンも成功を収めました。
Key enterprise customer wins include Abbott Laboratories, BWI GmbH, Defense Information Systems Agency, Kaiser Permanente, Novo Nordisk, Truist, U.S. Cellular, and the U.S. Department of State. Creative Cloud also had a strong year, as demand for content continues to grow across mobile, desktop, and streaming platforms. Adobe MAX, the premier creativity conference, showcased our FY '24 innovation and drove over half a billion video views across all channels.
主要なエンタープライズ顧客の獲得事例としては、Abbott Laboratories、BWI GmbH、米国国防情報システム局(Defense Information Systems Agency)、Kaiser Permanente、Novo Nordisk、Truist、U.S. Cellular、米国国務省(U.S. Department of State)などが挙げられます。Creative Cloudも好調な1年となり、モバイル、デスクトップ、ストリーミングプラットフォーム全体でコンテンツ需要が引き続き増加しました。クリエイティブ分野の主要カンファレンスであるAdobe MAXでは、2024会計年度の革新を発表し、すべてのチャネルで合計5億回以上の動画視聴を記録しました。
We have made major strides with our generative AI models with the introduction of Firefly Image Model 3, enhancements to our Vector models, richer design models, and the all-new Firefly Video Model. These models are incredibly powerful on their own, and their deep integration into our tools, like Lightroom, Photoshop, Premiere, InDesign, and Express have brought incredible value to millions of creative professionals around the world. We have brought our Creative and Experience Clouds together through the introduction of Firefly Services in GenStudio, addressing the growing need for scaled content production in enterprises. Firefly generations continue to accelerate and now have crossed 16 billion cumulative generations.
生成AIモデルの分野では、Firefly Image Model 3の導入、ベクターモデルの強化、より充実したデザインモデル、新たに開発したFirefly Video Modelなどにより、大きな進展を遂げました。これらのモデルはそれ自体で非常に強力であり、Lightroom、Photoshop、Premiere、InDesign、Expressといったツールに深く統合されることで、世界中の数百万のクリエイティブプロフェッショナルに驚くべき価値を提供しています。また、GenStudioにおけるFirefly Servicesの導入を通じて、Creative CloudとExperience Cloudを統合し、企業におけるスケールされたコンテンツ制作の高まるニーズに対応しました。Fireflyによる生成は加速を続け、累計160億回を超えました。
In Q4, we achieved $3.3 billion in revenue, which grew 11% year over year. Net new Creative Cloud ARR was $405 million. Other highlights include adoption of Adobe Express by approximately 4,000 businesses in the quarter and an 84% year-over-year increase in the number of students with access to Express Premium as part of this year's back-to-school season. Adobe Express saw strong ecosystem growth, with over 180 plugins available in the Express marketplace and integrations into leading social, productivity, and collaboration apps like ChatGPT, Google, Slack, Wix, Box, HubSpot, and Webflow, significantly increasing our customer reach.
第4四半期には、収益が33億ドルに達し、前年比11%の成長を遂げました。Creative Cloudの新規ARRは4億500万ドルでした。その他の成果として、この四半期でAdobe Expressを導入した企業が約4,000社に達したこと、今年の「Back-to-School」シーズンにおいてExpress Premiumを利用可能な学生の数が前年比84%増加したことが挙げられます。また、Adobe Expressはエコシステムの成長が著しく、Expressマーケットプレイスで利用可能なプラグインが180以上となり、ChatGPT、Google、Slack、Wix、Box、HubSpot、Webflowといった主要なソーシャル、生産性、コラボレーションアプリとの統合が進み、顧客へのリーチが大幅に拡大しました。
The launch of the Firefly Video Model and its unique integration in Premiere Pro in limited public beta garnered massive customer interest. And we look forward to making it more broadly available in early 2025. This feature drove a 70% increase in the number of Premiere Pro beta users since it was introduced at MAX. Enhancements to Firefly Image, Vector, and Design models include four times faster image generation and new capabilities integrated into Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere Pro, and Adobe Express.
Firefly Video Modelのリリースと、Premiere Proにおける限定公開ベータ版での独自統合は、多くの顧客の関心を集めました。この機能は、Adobe MAXで発表されて以来、Premiere Proベータ版ユーザー数を70%増加させました。また、Firefly Image、Vector、Designモデルの改良により、画像生成が4倍速くなり、Photoshop、Illustrator、Premiere Pro、Adobe Expressに統合された新しい機能が追加されました。
Strong adoption of Lightroom Mobile, with customers embracing innovations like generative remove and lens blur, as well as quick actions, which streamlines editing and increases discovery and adoption of premium features. Just this morning, Adobe Lightroom was recognized as the Mac App of the Year in Apple's Annual App Store Awards. The launch of the new Frame.io V4 streamlines creative management for video projects to enable end-to-end editing capabilities and seamless collaboration between editors and their stakeholders.
Lightroom Mobileの採用が好調で、生成型削除やレンズぼかしなどの革新機能、さらに編集を簡素化し、プレミアム機能の発見と採用を促進するクイックアクションが顧客に受け入れられています。本日、Adobe LightroomがAppleの年間App Store Awardsで「Mac App of the Year」に選ばれました。また、新しいFrame.io V4のリリースにより、動画プロジェクトのクリエイティブ管理が効率化され、エンドツーエンドの編集機能と編集者とその関係者間でのシームレスなコラボレーションが可能になりました。
Firefly Services adoption continued to ramp as enterprises, such as Pepsi and Tapestry, use it to scale content production given the robust APIs and ease of creating custom models that are designed to be commercially safe. Key enterprise customer wins include Alphabet, American Express, Coca-Cola, Johnson & Johnson, LVMH, Nestle, Procter & Gamble, T-Mobile, and the U.S. Department of Defense.
Firefly Servicesの採用は引き続き拡大しており、PepsiやTapestryといった企業が、商業的に安全な設計の堅牢なAPIとカスタムモデルの作成の容易さを活用して、コンテンツ制作をスケール化しています。主要なエンタープライズ顧客として、Alphabet、American Express、Coca-Cola、Johnson & Johnson、LVMH、Nestle、Procter & Gamble、T-Mobile、米国国防総省(U.S. Department of Defense)などが挙げられます。
Our AI product releases and business evolution in FY '24 has set the stage for another strong year ahead as we expand to new audiences, deliver more value to existing users, and increasingly integrate our Digital Media and Digital Experience clouds to create differentiated business solutions. We will do this by accelerating the adoption of freemium offers, including Express, Lightroom, and Acrobat on web and mobile, as well as expanding access to Acrobat AI Assistant, which delivered strong financial performance in FY '24, growing our core creative business by continuing to expand our AI innovations in our flagship applications, as well as bringing them to web and mobile.
2024会計年度におけるAI製品のリリースとビジネスの進化は、次年度のさらなる成長の基盤を築きました。当社は新しいオーディエンスへの拡大、既存ユーザーへのさらなる価値提供、そしてデジタルメディアとデジタルエクスペリエンスのクラウドを統合することで差別化されたビジネスソリューションを提供していきます。具体的には、Express、Lightroom、Acrobatのウェブおよびモバイル版を含むフリーミアムオファーの採用を加速し、2024会計年度において強力な財務実績を達成したAcrobat AIアシスタントの利用をさらに拡大します。これにより、主力アプリケーションでのAIイノベーションを引き続き拡大し、それらをウェブやモバイルに展開していきます。
In addition, we will soon introduce a new higher-priced Firefly offering that includes our video models as a comprehensive AI solution for creative professionals. This will allow us to monetize new users, provide additional value to existing customers, and increase ARPU. And further accelerating Firefly Services, which saw significant demand in FY '24, by integrating it into GenStudio to provide enterprises with solutions to exponentially scale their content production capabilities with AI.
さらに、クリエイティブプロフェッショナル向けの包括的なAIソリューションとして、ビデオモデルを含む新しい高価格帯のFireflyオファリングをまもなく導入する予定です。これにより、新規ユーザーから収益を得るだけでなく、既存顧客にさらなる価値を提供し、ユーザーあたりの平均収益(ARPU)を増加させることが可能になります。また、2024会計年度に大きな需要を見せたFirefly Servicesをさらに加速させ、これをGenStudioに統合することで、企業がAIを活用してコンテンツ制作能力を指数関数的に拡大するソリューションを提供します。
We're thrilled with the response to our innovations in FY '24, excited to release new capabilities, and look forward to delighting customers in the year ahead. I'll now pass it to Anil.
Anil S. Chakravarthy -- President, Digital Experience
Thanks, David. Hello, everyone. The Experience Cloud business had a strong close to the year, achieving revenue of $1.40 billion for the quarter and a record $5.37 billion in revenue in fiscal 2024. Subscription revenue in the quarter was $1.27 billion, representing 12% year-over-year growth. The book of business for Adobe Experience Platform and native apps, Real-Time CDP, Customer Journey Analytics, and Journey Optimizer, surpassed $1 billion in the quarter, with 48 of the Fortune 100 companies now leveraging these solutions.
デビッド、ありがとうございます。皆さん、こんにちは。Experience Cloud事業は年末に向けて非常に好調で、第4四半期の収益は14億ドル、2024会計年度の収益は過去最高の53億7,000万ドルに達しました。この四半期のサブスクリプション収益は12億7,000万ドルで、前年比12%の成長を示しました。Adobe Experience Platformとネイティブアプリ(Real-Time CDP、Customer Journey Analytics、Journey Optimizer)のビジネス規模は四半期中に10億ドルを超え、フォーチュン100企業のうち48社がこれらのソリューションを活用しています。
The market opportunity for customer experience management is large and growing. Both B2B and B2C companies are selecting Adobe as their strategic technology partner to accelerate customer acquisition, engagement, and retention. Our leading solutions spanning content, data and customer journeys empower businesses to drive top-line growth while simultaneously delivering productivity gains. The AI innovations we have delivered enable our customers to accelerate the delivery of personalized experiences at scale and have been built to satisfy enterprise governance requirements.
Adobe Experience Platform AI Assistant empowers marketers to automate tasks and generate new audiences and journeys. Adobe Experience Manager Generate Variations provides dynamic and personalized content creation natively through AEM, enabling customers to deliver more compelling and engaging experiences on their websites.
Adobe Experience PlatformのAIアシスタントは、マーケターがタスクを自動化し、新しいオーディエンスやジャーニーを生成できるようにします。また、Adobe Experience Managerの「Generate Variations」機能は、AEMを通じて動的かつパーソナライズされたコンテンツ制作をネイティブで可能にし、顧客がウェブサイトでより魅力的でエンゲージングな体験を提供できるようにします。
We are transforming the content supply chain for enterprises with Adobe GenStudio, which natively integrates multiple Adobe applications across Creative Cloud and Experience Cloud, including Express, Firefly, Workfront, Experience Manager, Customer Journey Analytics, and Journey Optimizer. GenStudio enables agencies and enterprises to unlock new levels of creativity and efficiency across content creation and production, workflow and planning, asset management, delivery and activation, and reporting and insights.
当社は、Adobe GenStudioを使用して、企業向けのコンテンツサプライチェーンを変革しています。GenStudioは、Express、Firefly、Workfront、Experience Manager、Customer Journey Analytics、Journey Optimizerを含むCreative CloudおよびExperience Cloud全体にわたる複数のAdobeアプリケーションをネイティブに統合しています。これにより、代理店や企業は、コンテンツ制作と生産、ワークフローと計画、アセット管理、配信と活用、レポートと洞察において、新たなレベルの創造性と効率性を実現できます。
Adobe GenStudio for Performance Marketing is a great addition to the GenStudio portfolio, offering an integrated application to create paid social ads, display ads, banners and marketing emails by leveraging pre-approved, on-brand content. It brings together creative teams that define the foundational requirements of a brand, including guidelines around brand voice, channels and images, with marketing teams that need to deliver numerous content variations with speed and agility.
Adobe GenStudio for Performance Marketingは、GenStudioポートフォリオに新たに加わった優れた追加機能であり、事前承認されたブランドコンテンツを活用して、ソーシャル広告、ディスプレイ広告、バナー広告、マーケティングメールを作成する統合アプリケーションを提供します。この機能は、ブランドの基盤要件(ブランドボイス、チャネル、イメージに関するガイドラインなど)を定義するクリエイティブチームと、多様なコンテンツバリエーションを迅速かつ柔軟に提供する必要があるマーケティングチームを結びつけます。
We're seeing strong customer demand for Adobe GenStudio for Performance Marketing since its general availability at MAX. GenStudio is the answer to address how marketing is going to transform in the era of AI for CMOs, CIOs and CFOs.
Adobe GenStudio for Performance Marketingは、Adobe MAXで一般提供が開始されて以来、顧客からの強い需要を得ています。GenStudioは、CMO、CIO、CFOがAI時代においてマーケティングをどのように変革していくかという課題に対する解決策です。
Other highlights include expanded partnership with Amazon to make Adobe Experience Platform available on Amazon Web Services and extend our leadership across public clouds. Enterprises will soon be able to access the full power of AEP and native apps on AWS. Integration partnerships with Google's Campaign Manager 360, Meta, Microsoft Advertising, Snap and TikTok, offering marketing teams a holistic view of campaign performance directly in Adobe GenStudio to optimize the ROI of their ad spend.
その他のハイライトとして、Adobe Experience Platform(AEP)をAmazon Web Services(AWS)上で利用可能にするためにAmazonとのパートナーシップを拡大し、パブリッククラウドでのリーダーシップを強化したことが挙げられます。企業は間もなく、AWS上でAEPとネイティブアプリのすべての機能を利用できるようになります。また、GoogleのCampaign Manager 360、Meta、Microsoft Advertising、Snap、TikTokとの統合パートナーシップにより、マーケティングチームがAdobe GenStudio内でキャンペーンパフォーマンスを包括的に把握し、広告支出のROIを最適化することが可能になります。
Strong industry analyst recognition in major analyst reports, including the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Digital Commerce and the Forrester Wave for Cross-Channel Marketing Hubs. In particular, Gartner recognized Adobe's critical capabilities for multichannel marketing, such as our differentiated ability to adapt customer journeys in real time based on customer behavior.
業界アナリストからの強力な評価も注目されます。たとえば、「Gartner Magic Quadrant for Digital Commerce」や「Forrester Wave for Cross-Channel Marketing Hubs」などの主要なアナリストレポートで評価を得ています。特にGartnerは、顧客行動に基づいてカスタマージャーニーをリアルタイムで適応させるという当社の差別化されたマルチチャネルマーケティングの能力を高く評価しました。
AI innovations delivered in the premium tiers, and add-ons helped us close our largest bookings quarter ever, with key global customer wins, including Air Canada, Allianz, American Express, Bank of America, BMW, Centene, CIBC, Cisco, Disney, Fanatics, GAP, GM, JPMorgan Chase, PayPal, Samsung, Tesco, and Wells Fargo.
プレミアムティアやアドオンで提供されたAIイノベーションが、過去最大の受注を記録した四半期の締めくくりに貢献しました。また、Air Canada、Allianz、American Express、Bank of America、BMW、Centene、CIBC、Cisco、Disney、Fanatics、GAP、GM、JPMorgan Chase、PayPal、Samsung、Tesco、Wells Fargoといった主要なグローバル顧客を新たに獲得しました。
Digital remains a critical growth imperative for businesses around the world. Adobe Digital Insights, which analyzes trillions of data points, reported that both Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales hit record highs of $10.8 billion and $13.3 billion, jumping 10.2% and 7.3% from last year, respectively.
デジタルは、世界中の企業にとって依然として重要な成長の原動力です。何兆ものデータポイントを分析するAdobe Digital Insightsによると、ブラックフライデーとサイバーマンデーの売上は、それぞれ108億ドルと133億ドルに達し、前年から10.2%と7.3%の増加を記録し、過去最高となりました。
We expect the full holiday season to hit $240.8 billion, up 8.4% year over year. With the availability of our new offerings, in FY '25, Adobe has a unique opportunity to capitalize on the breadth of these solutions to further optimize our integrated go-to-market field organization. We are expanding our enterprise go-to-market teams to sell these integrated solutions that cut across Digital Media and Digital Experience, globally under the new GenStudio umbrella.
We have seen early success for this strategy that included Express and Firefly Services in Q4. As we enable our worldwide field organization in Q1, we anticipate acceleration of this pipeline throughout the rest of the year and beyond. We are confident of continuing our leadership and momentum into 2025. I will now pass it to Dan.
この戦略は、第4四半期にExpressおよびFirefly Servicesを含む形で早期に成果を上げています。第1四半期に世界的なフィールド組織を強化することで、このパイプラインが年内を通じて、さらにその先まで加速すると予測しています。2025年に向けて、当社がリーダーシップと勢いを維持し続けることを確信しています。それでは、ダンにバトンタッチします。
Daniel J. Durn -- Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer
Thanks, Anil. Our earnings report today covers both Q4 and FY '24 results, highlighting growth drivers across our businesses, and I'll finish with financial targets. We are proud of the performance we have driven in FY '24, delivering record revenue, EPS, and operating cash flows while aggressively investing in AI product innovation.
New AI releases, including Express, Acrobat AI Assistant, Firefly Services, DX premium tiers, and GenStudio for Performance Marketing have expanded the portfolio of products, driving proliferation and meaningful gen AI monetization. We had a strong finish to the year with records in Digital Media net new ARR and Digital Experience bookings. In FY '24, Adobe achieved record revenue of $21.51 billion, which represents 11% year-over-year growth as reported and in constant currency. GAAP EPS for the year was $12.36, and non-GAAP EPS was $18.42, growing 5% and 15% year over year, respectively.
Express、Acrobat AI Assistant、Firefly Services、DXのプレミアムティア、GenStudio for Performance Marketingなどの新しいAI製品がポートフォリオを拡大し、製品の普及と生成AIの収益化に貢献しました。デジタルメディアの新規ARRおよびデジタルエクスペリエンスの受注で記録的な年末を迎えました。2024会計年度において、アドビは記録的な215億1,000万ドルの収益を達成し、報告ベースおよび一定為替レートベースで前年比11%の成長を遂げました。GAAPベースの年間EPSは12.36ドル、Non-GAAPベースの年間EPSは18.42ドルで、それぞれ前年比5%および15%増加しました。
FY '24 business and financial highlights included Digital Media revenue of $15.86 billion, net new Digital Media ARR of $2.00 billion, Digital Experience revenue of $5.37 billion, cash flows from operations of $8.06 billion, RPO of $19.96 billion exiting the year, and repurchasing approximately 17.5 million shares of our stock during the year.
In the fourth quarter of FY '24, Adobe achieved revenue of $5.61 billion, which represents 11% year-over-year growth as reported and in constant currency. GAAP diluted earnings per share in Q4 was $3.79. And non-GAAP diluted earnings per share was a record $4.81, growing 17% and 13% year over year, respectively.
Q4 business and financial highlights included Digital Media revenue of $4.15 billion, net new Digital Media ARR of $578 million, Digital Experience revenue of $1.40 billion, cash flows from operations of $2.92 billion, and added $1.82 billion to RPO in the quarter.
Digital Media: In our Digital Media segment, we achieved Q4 revenue of $4.15 billion, which represents 12% year-over-year growth as reported and in constant currency. We exited the quarter with $17.33 billion of Digital Media ARR, growing our ending ARR book of business 13% year over year in constant currency.
Adobe achieved Document Cloud revenue of $843 million, which represents 17% year-over-year growth as reported and in constant currency. In the quarter, we added $173 million of net new Document Cloud ARR, growing our ending ARR book of business 23% year over year in constant currency.
Fourth quarter Document Cloud growth drivers included strong growth across Reader and Acrobat on web and mobile and extensions such as Edge and Chrome; Acrobat subscription demand across all customer segments, routes to market and geographies; accelerated adoption and monetization of AI Assistant driven by product enhancements and delivery of French and German language support; and year-end seasonal strength in the enterprise.
We achieved Creative revenue of $3.30 billion, which represents 10% year-over-year growth, or 11% in constant currency. In the quarter, we added $405 million of net new Creative ARR, growing our ending ARR book of business 11% year over year in constant currency.
Fourth quarter Creative growth drivers included strong demand for new subscriptions for Creative Cloud All Apps, across individuals, teams, enterprise, and education; strength in Creative Cloud single apps for Acrobat Pro, Lightroom, and Photoshop; momentum with new subscriptions in emerging markets; demand for Adobe Express across education, SMB, and enterprises; and Adoption of Firefly Services in the enterprise.
第4四半期におけるクリエイティブの成長要因には、個人、チーム、エンタープライズ、教育市場におけるCreative Cloud All Appsの新規サブスクリプション需要の増加、Acrobat Pro、Lightroom、PhotoshopといったCreative Cloud単体アプリの好調な需要、新興市場での新規サブスクリプションの勢い、教育、SMB(中小企業)、エンタープライズ市場でのAdobe Expressの需要、そしてエンタープライズ分野でのFirefly Servicesの採用が含まれます。
Turning to our Digital Experience segment, in Q4, we achieved revenue of $1.40 billion, which represents 10% year-over-year growth as reported and in constant currency. Digital Experience subscription revenue was $1.27 billion, growing 13% year over year or 12% in constant currency.
Fourth quarter Digital Experience growth drivers included strong finish to the year, with the largest-ever bookings quarter and robust performance across geographies including the U.S. and EMEA and multiple verticals including financial services; strong subscription revenue growth, led by Adobe Experience Manager, Adobe Journey Optimizer, Real-Time-Customer data platform, Customer Journey Analytics and Workfront; continued strength in retention and expansion across our enterprise customers, with Digital Experience solutions being leveraged by 85 of the Fortune 100 companies; momentum with AEP and native apps, in growing greater than FY '24 ending book of business surpassing $1.0 billion and growing greater than 40% year over year; and strong bookings for our umbrella GenStudio solution with interest and momentum for our new GenStudio for Performance Marketing offering.
第4四半期におけるデジタルエクスペリエンスの成長要因には、過去最大の四半期受注を記録し、米国やEMEA(欧州、中東、アフリカ)を含む地域全体、金融サービスなど複数の業界で堅調なパフォーマンスを見せたこと、Adobe Experience Manager、Adobe Journey Optimizer、リアルタイム顧客データプラットフォーム、Customer Journey Analytics、Workfrontが牽引したサブスクリプション収益の強い成長、フォーチュン100企業の85社がデジタルエクスペリエンスソリューションを活用しており、エンタープライズ顧客のリテンションと拡大が引き続き堅調であること、Adobe Experience Platform(AEP)とネイティブアプリの勢いが増し、2024会計年度の期末ビジネス規模が10億ドルを超え、前年比40%以上成長したこと、新しいGenStudio for Performance Marketingオファリングへの関心と勢いにより、GenStudioソリューション全体での強い受注があったことが挙げられます。
Adobe's effective tax rate in Q4 was 15.5% on a GAAP basis and 18.5% on a non-GAAP basis. RPO exiting the quarter was $19.96 billion, growing 16% and cRPO growing 13% year over year as reported. Our cash flows from operations in the quarter were a record $2.92 billion, and ending cash and short-term investment position exiting Q4 was $7.89 billion. In Q4, we entered into a $2.5 billion share repurchase agreement, and we currently have $17.65 billion remaining of our $25 billion authorization granted in March 2024.
Now, turning to our FY 2025 financial targets. We measure ARR on a constant currency basis during the fiscal year and revalue ending ARR at year-end. FX rate changes between the end of FY '23 and the end of FY '24 have resulted in a $117 million decrease to the Digital Media ARR balance entering FY '25, from $17.33 to $17.22 billion and is reflected in our investor data sheet.
We expect an approximate $200 million headwind to FY '25 revenue as a result of the effect of foreign exchange and a smaller impact of the continued move to subscriptions from perpetual offerings. Factored into our financial targets is an ongoing strategy to introduce new tiered subscription offerings and add-ons.
For FY '25 we are targeting total Adobe revenue of $23.30 to $23.55 billion; Digital Media segment revenue of $17.25 to $17.40 billion; Digital Media ending ARR book of business growth of 11% year over year; Digital Experience segment revenue of $5.80 to $5.90 billion; Digital Experience subscription revenue of $5.375 to $5.425 billion; GAAP earnings per share of $15.80 to $16.10, and non-GAAP earnings per share of $20.20 to $20.50.
We expect non-GAAP operating margin of approximately 46% and a non-GAAP tax rate of approximately 18.5%. For Q1 fiscal '25, we are targeting total Adobe revenue of $5.63 to $5.68 billion, Digital Media segment revenue of $4.17 to $4.20 billion, Digital Experience segment revenue of $1.38 to $1.40 billion, Digital Experience subscription revenue of $1.27 to $1.29 billion, GAAP earnings per share of $3.85 to $3.90, and Non-GAAP earnings per share of $4.95 to $5.
In summary, I'm proud of our outstanding performance, which combines robust product leadership, velocity of innovation, and financial discipline, positioning us to achieve strong revenue and EPS growth in the year ahead. Shantanu, back to you.
Shantanu Narayen -- Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Thanks, Dan. This quarter, Adobe was once again recognized for our exceptional culture and industry leadership including on Forbes World's Best Employers, Fortune's 50 AI Innovators and Fortune's Best Workplaces in Technology, and the Wall Street Journal's Best-Managed Companies list. At MAX, we announced a new global initiative aimed at helping 30 million next-generation learners develop AI literacy, content creation, and digital marketing skills using Adobe Express to thrive in the modern workforce, working with education partners and schools, nonprofits, and online learning platforms to provide training, certifications, and career pathways.
ダン、ありがとうございます。この四半期、アドビは「Forbes World's Best Employers(フォーブス世界最高の雇用主)」、「Fortune's 50 AI Innovators(フォーチュンAIイノベーター50)」、および「Fortune's Best Workplaces in Technology(フォーチュン技術業界における最高の職場)」、さらに「The Wall Street Journal's Best-Managed Companies(ウォールストリートジャーナル最良経営企業)」リストで当社の卓越した文化と業界リーダーシップが再び認められました。Adobe MAXでは、次世代の学習者3,000万人がAIリテラシー、コンテンツ制作、デジタルマーケティングスキルを習得し、現代の労働力として成功するための支援を目指す新たなグローバルイニシアチブを発表しました。この取り組みは、教育パートナーや学校、非営利団体、オンライン学習プラットフォームと連携して、トレーニング、認定資格、およびキャリアパスを提供します。
Our strategy to unleash creativity for all, accelerate document productivity and power digital businesses represents a massive addressable market opportunity. Adobe continues to build on its strong foundation of transformative innovation, category and brand leadership, financial performance, and profitable growth. We're delivering Adobe magic to an expanding set of global customers and executing on the massive market opportunity ahead. Adobe couldn't be better positioned for 2025 and beyond. Thank you, and we will now take questions.
[Operator instructions] And the first question will come from Kash Rangan with Goldman Sachs. And, Kash, [Operator instructions] We'll go next to Michael Turrin with Wells Fargo.
[オペレーターの指示] 最初の質問は、ゴールドマンサックスのKash Ranganさんからです。そして次に、ウェルズ・ファーゴのMichael Turrinさんに移ります。
Michael Turrin -- Analyst
Hey. Thanks very much. Appreciate you taking the questions. David, you mentioned in your prepared remarks a few things, focusing on expanding innovations, including newer higher-priced Firefly offerings and potentially accelerating Firefly by integrating further into GenStudio.
I was hoping you could maybe expand on how you're thinking about the adoption curves of those efforts. And as a second part, Dan, if you can just add any commentary on how, you know, you're incorporating some of these newer efforts into forecasts, if there's conservatism just given they're newer, or just how to think about that, also useful. Thank you.
David Wadhwani -- President, Digital Media
Sure, yeah, I'll go ahead and get started. So, AI, obviously, has been a huge area of focus for us, and, frankly, our community has been using it at amazing rates. So, we're very excited you heard the $16 billion -- sorry, not dollar, 16 billion generations that we talked about in the prepared remarks. And that's really a function of the investments we've made in creating the broadest set of models.
You know, we've talked about Imaging, Vector, Design in the past. We now have Video and Audio in beta form as well. And the foundational difference between what we do and what everyone else does in the market really comes down to three things. One is commercially safe, the way we train the models. Two is the incredible control we bake into the models. And three is the integration that we make with these models into our products.
Increasingly, of course, you know, our CC flagship applications, but also in Express and Lightroom and these kinds of applications, but also in Anil's DX products as well. So, that set of things is a critical part of the foundation and adorable differentiator for us as we go forward.
もちろん、CC(Creative Cloud)の主力アプリケーションだけでなく、ExpressやLightroomのようなアプリケーション、さらにアニルのDX(デジタルエクスペリエンス)製品にもますます統合されています。これら一連の取り組みは、今後の当社にとって基盤となる重要な要素であり、愛される差別化要因となっています。
Now, as we introduce the Video model, which we expect to have in market early next year, that's going to create an opportunity to further tier our Creative Cloud offerings. As you, I'm sure, understand, video generation is a much higher value activity than image generation. And as a result, it gives us the ability to start to tier Creative Cloud more actively there.
そして、来年初めに市場に出す予定のビデオモデルの導入により、Creative Cloudオファリングをさらに階層化する機会が生まれます。皆さんもご理解いただいていると思いますが、ビデオ生成は画像生成よりもはるかに高い価値のある活動です。そのため、Creative Cloudをより積極的に階層化する能力が当社に与えられます。
In addition to that, we introduced this year, we introduced Firefly Services. That's off to a great start. We have a lot of customers that are using that. A couple we talked about on the call include Tapestry. They're using it for scaled content production. Pepsi for their Gatorade brand is enabling their customers to personalize any merchandise that they're buying, in particular starting with Gatorade bottles.
さらに、今年はFirefly Servicesを導入しました。このサービスは素晴らしいスタートを切っています。多くの顧客がこれを活用しています。コールで取り上げた例としては、Tapestryが挙げられます。同社はこれを大規模なコンテンツ制作に利用しています。また、PepsiはGatoradeブランドにおいて、特にGatoradeボトルから始めて、顧客が購入する商品をパーソナライズできるようにしています。
And these have been very, very productive for them. And we are seeing this leveraged by a host of other companies for everything from localization at scale to personalization at scale, to user engagement, or just raw content production at scale as well.
And then, last, not to get missed in all of this, is everything we're doing with AI Assistant. AI Assistant for Acrobat is off to an incredibly strong start, and we see it continuing to accelerate. So, all of this has built a great foundation for us in FY '24. It's given us a lot of signal from our customer base. And it's really, we've learned a lot that we intend to apply as we optimize the value and the, you know, the tiering for our customers going forward.
Daniel J. Durn -- Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer
Yeah. And just building on David's comments as it relates to the FY '25 guide, we talk about all of the great innovation that's in flight. I would say the velocity of innovation is greater today than it's ever been. We called out products like Express, AI Assistant, Firefly, premium tiers in DX, GenStudio.
The good thing is, is they're meaningful contributors today to the financial performance and extrapolating the momentum that we see in those products, taking a point of view on the future pipeline of innovation, how we bring that to life deeply natively integrated into our products, and further extend the value we offer to customers, as well as the additional segments we can access. All of this comes together to take a perspective of what 2025 looks like based on the strong start that we have and the meaningful contribution in FY '24.
Michael Turrin -- Analyst
Thanks very much.
And we'll take our next question from Alex Zukin with Wolfe Research.
次の質問は、Wolfe ResearchのAlex Zukinさんからです。
Alex Zukin -- Analyst
Hey, guys. Thanks for taking the question. I guess maybe to the point that you just alluded to in terms of the AI being meaningful as part of growth narrative for the business, can you maybe talk about how you're thinking about the growth driver from Firefly, from GenStudio? And when -- how will we see that percolate through the year in terms of the net new Digital Media ARR? Is that something that you think is more going to be showing up in the DX business? It'd be great to get some color there.
David Wadhwani -- President, Digital Media
Sure, I'm happy to take that. So, first of all, yeah, as we mentioned, we're really excited about the FY '24 momentum that we're seeing that we're carrying into it. And, you know, we've had this conversation in the past around how we think about the growth algorithm for the digital media business. So, maybe kind of let me reiterate a little bit of that.
We've talked about this in the context of P times Q plus V in the past, you know, where P is new users bringing in more people into the franchise. We're continuing to do that, obviously, with the introduction of Express, we're seeing a lot of great growth there, whether it's through our phones channel reaching out to SMB, whether it's corporate reaching out to the mid-market, or whether it's working more closely with Anil and the DX business and the integrations we have between Express and the DX business, reaching into large companies.
We're doing a lot in terms of proliferation of Express into education. We're done a number of partnerships that we talked about with Box, ChatGPT, HubSpot, and others, but also our own products like Acrobat Workflows from Acrobat and Reader into Express. So, really pushing to drive more new customers into the franchise, in addition to the continued growth that we're getting in our core creative products.
Second, in terms of the core creative products, this is where the queue -- sorry, I said it backwards. The price actually increases with core value because when we are introducing Firefly models into the mix, we get the opportunity to integrate them more into the flagship applications. And as I mentioned earlier with the Firefly web application, we have the opportunity to create more tiers across the creative products so that we can get people in the right plan for their needs.
And we're very bullish about video and the breadth of our customer base that are going to need access to these video models. Again, remember they're integrated deeply into our applications, including Premiere. So, we're very excited about what that could mean for us.
And then lastly, the business value for customers and enterprise or corporate, that's where the value-based selling that we do along with the digital experience business really plays out. Firefly Services, as I mentioned, with Gatorade, Tapestry, and a whole host of others that have come, everyone in this space is driving toward personalization of that content, and they absolutely need a scale production and automation pipeline to generate more content.
最後に、顧客および企業や法人向けのビジネス価値についてですが、これはデジタルエクスペリエンス事業と連携して行う価値ベースの販売が真価を発揮する領域です。Firefly Servicesについては、先ほどGatoradeやTapestryなどの例を挙げましたが、この分野のすべての企業がコンテンツのパーソナライズ化に向けて取り組んでおり、より多くのコンテンツを生成するための大規模な生産と自動化パイプラインが絶対に必要です。
That's what Firefly Services does. And as it has hit this level of escape velocity, we're now integrating it more into the DX products, in particular, GenStudio, so that it becomes a more holistic solution as we go into FY '25 and accelerate that.
これがFirefly Servicesの役割です。そして、現在この分野での加速的な勢いを獲得しているため、これをDX製品、特にGenStudioにさらに統合し、2025会計年度に向けてより包括的なソリューションとなるよう加速させています。
And that's -- you know, Alex, that's what's leading to the guide of 11%. If you really take a step back, that's one of the best guides we've given in terms of, you know, next-year ARR growth. But one thing maybe to keep in mind is the composition of that growth is going to be a little different next year compared to FY '24.
Again, the growth algorithm is new users, new products, and value and pricing. New users and new products will be a more significant part of the mix as we go into FY '25. And we look forward to sort of that foundational base of the business growing and driving the business.
Daniel J. Durn -- Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer
And then, just to build on that, Alex, and I appreciate the question around the shape of FY '25, here's what I'll share about it. We all know we changed the guidance methodology into 2025. The guide around the ending ARR book of business growth, we just have a strong point of view. It's a better indicator of business health trajectory.
David talked about the growth algorithm, the growth agenda, the company. New subscribers, the predominant driver of growth, has been, continues to be. The second leg, cross-sell, up-sell, this is something the company's honed a really great skill at over time once we bring people into the Adobe ecosystem to journey them through the rich set of technologies and products that we have to bring them deeper into the ecosystem. That's an important element.
And then lastly, you know, David mentioned pricing. This is about how we segment the product portfolio, the value that we deliver to our customers. So, as we think about the innovation, as we think about the growth algorithm, and as we think about increasingly monetizing the rich set of innovation that we've already brought to market, quarterly profile, we view it as less important. Really want to focus on revenue and EPS.
That's also how we as the management team run the business.
Alex Zukin -- Analyst
Understood. Thank you guys.
And the next question will come from Kirk Materne with Evercore ISI.
次の質問は、Evercore ISIのKirk Materneさんからです。
Kirk Materne -- Analyst
Yeah. Thanks very much. David, I was wondering if I could just follow up on your last comment on sort of obviously driving new users, new adoptions, you know, incredibly important. I just -- is there pricing sensitivity? Meaning, you're delivering so much value. I think that pricing, given the value you're delivering, would be a bigger lever, you know, unless there's pricing sensitivity. So, can you just walk through that a little bit more because it feels like you should be able to get sort of all three vectors going at the same time, whereas I know you're going to focus more on bringing people in and making them successful. But I'm sort of -- I guess, is there something else on the pricing side that I'm missing while you're not getting that as well? Thanks.
David Wadhwani -- President, Digital Media
Yeah. We've talked about this in the context of proliferation versus short-term monetization and how we have to balance both of those, and that's something that we take very seriously and we look at that. If you look at the, you know, lower end of the market as we have entered with Express and Lightroom, Acrobat -- and by the way, the web and mobile motion for us has been productive in bringing in a lot more new users.
And so, you'll expect to see us do more of that and introduce more products in that segment in FY '25 as well. And there is certainly price sensitivity at that side of the market when it comes to both premium users and also converted to paid users, and we'll continue to enable that.
And when it comes to the core business, and this is the business of creative professionals, we are very focused on introducing new value that is going to create more segmentation and more tiering and, you know, get aligned value and pricing to what we are delivering there. So, we do see a tremendous amount of opportunity there going forward because the value that we bring and the efficiency we bring to the content creation process there is very significant.
And then last and certainly not least, as we talked about in core enterprises, that's where we've been able to sort of cross that chasm from a P times Q business over to a value sale business, and we are able to start to get more automation and workflows in place there as well.
So, it's a mix of these things. You know, we are going to continue to balance. We are obviously tracking. And we believe that proliferation, as we've said, you know, for some time, maintains as one of the top priorities because we know that if people start using our products today, we have the opportunity to continue to deliver value for a long time to come.
Kirk Materne -- Analyst
I guess as a quick follow-up for Dan. Dan, obviously, Black Monday fell into your first quarter this current year. Any color you can offer in terms of what that meant, if at all, to Creative Cloud net new ARR this quarter?
ダンに対して簡単なフォローアップです。ダン、今年度の第1四半期にはブラックマンデーが含まれていましたが、今四半期のCreative Cloudの新規ARRに対して、それがどのような影響を与えたのか教えていただけますか?
Daniel J. Durn -- Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer
Yeah, Black Friday, Cyber Monday played out about as expected. You know, we've been talking about a multiyear trend where commercial activity is shifting left in terms of timing. We run our promotions over a larger window of time to reflect consumer behavior, and we see a similar pattern commercially from our customers this year that we've seen in prior years.
If we think about, you know, online shopping this year, up 8.4%. You can see last year, that's up from 4.8%. So, a nice step-up this year versus last year. But you can see Cyber Monday from a contribution standpoint, even though the growth last year was down relative to this year. Cyber Monday grew at 9.6%; this year, at 7.3%. Just illustrates the flattening of the profile and consumer behavior around that. So, you know, performance as expected.
Kirk Materne -- Analyst
Thank you.
And the next question will come from Keith Weiss with Morgan Stanley.
次の質問は、モルガン・スタンレーのKeith Weissさんからです。
Keith Weiss -- Analyst
Excellent. Thank you, guys, for taking the question. A lot of excitement from you guys on the car school about the piece of innovation going on in the business. And we hear it that excitement from creative professionals as they talk about an acceleration in the case of innovation.
But apologies to state the obvious, but investors aren't, you know, that excited or are showing that excitement. The stock is a major under-performer on a year-to-date date. It's down again on an after-hours basis today. And I would point to it's the lack of acceleration that we're seeing in the numbers, right? Digital Media net new ARR this quarter grew just -- or in Creative Cloud grew 2%.
しかし、率直に申し上げると、投資家は必ずしもそのように興奮しているわけではないようです。年初来のパフォーマンスで見ると、株価は大幅に下回っており、今日の時間外取引でも下落しています。その理由は、数字で見られる加速が不足していることだと思います。今四半期のデジタルメディアの新規ARR、あるいはCreative Cloudの成長率はわずか2%でした。
You're guiding to decelerating growth into the forward year despite all this innovation. And I think the question that it brings up in investors' mind is, is there some leak in the bucket, right? All this innovation, new monetization avenues, pricing going up, but the growth is going in the wrong direction. Like is there a part of the equation that's not working? Is there share losses? Is there something that we're not seeing that is taking away that momentum in the numbers that's not -- sort of not in the acceleration in the numbers, if you will?
Shantanu Narayen -- Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Well, Keith, maybe I'll talk about that. I mean, if you take a step back and think about the year, and I'll certainly address the feedback that you're sharing. From our perspective, you know, when we guided at the beginning of the year, when we reguided then in the middle of the year to 19.50, and then, when we guided in Q3, I mean, the reality is we beat all those three targets that we had issued, beginning of the year, middle of the year, and end of the year.
I think, specifically, maybe as it relates to the Q4 Digital Media net new ARR, and thinking about it from the Creative, the one thing that I'll point out there is that, actually, Creative did better than probably is evident in that if you think about the contribution of Acrobat that went into the Creative bucket versus the, you know, Document Cloud business. So, certainly, Acrobat continues to do well record as you saw. But the non-Acrobat contribution in Creative actually had more growth than what you would see if you just look at it from a Creative Cloud ARR.
特に第4四半期のデジタルメディア新規ARRに関して、クリエイティブの観点から見ると、1つ指摘しておきたいのは、実際のところ、CreativeはAcrobatがCreativeのカテゴリーに寄与した部分とDocument Cloudビジネスに寄与した部分を考慮すると、おそらく見た目よりも良い成績を収めています。ご覧いただいた通り、Acrobatは引き続き好調で記録的な成績を示しています。しかし、Creativeにおける非Acrobatの貢献は、Creative CloudのARRだけを見た場合よりも成長しているのです。
I think to your bigger question about what's happening in the business, and as we think about it, you know, at the scale of the business right now, certainly, as this entire world moves toward generative AI, as David said, you know, we're executing on both the proliferation play at the bottom with Express and Acrobat. And at the high end, with the Creative Pro and with the enterprise, we are seeing significant adoption of that.
ビジネスで何が起きているのかというあなたの大きな疑問についてですが、現時点でのビジネスの規模を考えれば、確かに、世界全体が生成AIに向かって進んでいる中で、デビッドが述べたように、ExpressやAcrobatを活用した普及戦略を下層市場で実行しています。そして、上層市場ではCreative Proやエンタープライズ向けソリューションで、これらの技術が大きく採用されているのを目の当たりにしています。
And I think GenStudio will also be a good unlock because GenStudio actually brings this all together in the enterprise in a way that nobody else can. And so, when we think about Firefly Services, you think about the custom models, you think about the ability to move all of that into campaigns at pace, you know, that, we are seeing significant traction in that particular space.
また、GenStudioは良い突破口になると考えています。というのも、GenStudioはエンタープライズの分野でこれらすべてを統合する方法を提供しており、他にはない独自性を持っています。そのため、Firefly Services、カスタムモデル、そしてそれらを迅速にキャンペーンに移行する能力を考えると、この特定の分野で大きな進展を遂げているのが分かります。
So, the business is going through a change as it relates to the lower end. But for the core Creative, as well as for the enterprise, it's actually headed absolutely in line with our expectations with good acceleration. And on the consumer communicator space, I think the traction that we're seeing with Express on proliferation also gives us a lot of optimism for how that part of the business is also doing well.
And so, you know, we take our target seriously. It's the beginning of the year. We want to go keep executing and innovating on it. To the point that I think you as well as others have asked, is there, you know, opportunity in the growth agenda, not just to think about the innovation and the offerings, but to make sure that as we tier these, that the pricing and the value is appropriate? Absolutely.
And I think you'll continue to see us -- I think David mentioned that in his prepared remarks, as well as Dan did, that you'll see us also have new tiered offerings that reflect that value that we're providing to the Creative, Pro, as well as to the business segments.
Keith Weiss -- Analyst
Excellent. Thanks for the feedback.
And moving on to Keith Bachman with BMO.
次の質問は、BMOのKeith Bachmanさんからです。
Keith Bachman -- Analyst
Hi. Thank you very much. I wanted to ask David to you if I could on Doc Cloud specifically. Growth was certainly strong this quarter, and I just wanted to understand some of the context associated with durability.
And if you could break it into some of the parts, it looks like your monthly active users continues to grow well. And in addition to that, how are you thinking about leveraging the value there in terms of price specifically within the growth of Doc Cloud. And again, the broader question is just on the durability of Doc Cloud, grew 23% over the course of the quarter in terms of ARR. Trying to understand how durable it is and what the pieces are.
いくつかの要素に分けて説明していただけますか?月間アクティブユーザー数が引き続き順調に成長しているようです。それに加えて、Doc Cloudの成長の中で、特に価格設定における価値をどのように活用しているかについても教えてください。そして、より広い視点で、Doc Cloudの持続性についての質問です。ARRベースでは四半期中に23%成長しましたが、この持続性がどのようなもので、何がその構成要素になっているのかを理解したいと思っています。
David Wadhwani -- President, Digital Media
Yeah. I think Document Cloud has been -- you know, if you think about the fact that we're 40 years into this business, it's really just the foundation is the fact that PDF has become the de facto standard for unstructured data in the world, and Adobe and Acrobat are the most trusted providers of solutions for that. And that's really what is the foundation of what is driving the business, including the fact that it's the most secure platform for leveraging and accessing the content.
I think there are two things that are really the growth drivers of this business -- or a number of things. First is exactly like you said. I mean, monthly active users, and free and paid is a key stat that we keep looking at. We are very effective at taking free users of Reader and converting them to paid users of Acrobat. And we continue to do that across more services.
It used to be predominantly a focus on desktop applications. As we've noted in the past, we now have Edge integrations and Chrome integrations. We're also available in Teams. We're also available on mobile devices for iOS and Android. And the mix of all those continue to grow on a monthly basis.
One of the things that we are doing to drive that growth is helping people see the value of sharing a link to the PDF as opposed to sharing the document itself. That in doing so, you get a lot more control in terms of the conversation and feedback and review around that. But it also drives the fact that the recipient is then guaranteed to be viewing the PDF in an Adobe service that we can then use to close that viral loop and, you know, drive further top of funnel opportunity to convert.
So, that foundation is very strong. In addition to that, AI Assistant has been really a phenomenal ad. You know, unlike many other players in the space, we don't require significant security and governance reviews because people can have conversations around the documents that they view. And one of the big things that I think has been unlocked this year is moving not just by looking at a PDF that you happen to be viewing, but being able to look at and have a conversation with multiple documents, some of which don't even have to be PDF.
So, that transition and that gives us the ability to really take Acrobat and make it more of a general purpose productivity platform. And that's really what drove the adoption that we saw in education this year.
Shantanu Narayen -- Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Maybe the thing I'll add to that is the durability of that, to your point, in languages, as we roll that out in languages, as we roll it out across multiple documents, and as we roll it out in enterprises and B2B specifically. So, again, significant headroom in terms of the innovation agenda of how Acrobat can be made even more meaningful as a knowledge tool within the enterprise.
Keith Bachman -- Analyst
OK, it sort of leads into my follow-up question, if I could sneak it in, is we've talked about, during the course of this call tonight, the various drivers of growth for ARR. And I just wanted to specifically ask about consumption as we think about FY '25. And the question is, is that going to be a contributor toward ARR growth? Or should investors really be thinking about trying to maximize seats, if you will, and really shouldn't be about consumption being additive to growth in '25? That's it for me. Thank you.
Shantanu Narayen -- Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
I think, Keith, you're going to see a "consumption add" to ARR in two or maybe three ways, more so in '25 than in '24. The first, and David alluded to this, is if you have a video offering. And that video offering, that will be a pure consumption, you know, pricing associated with it. I think the second is in GenStudio and for enterprises and what they are seeing with respect to Firefly Services, which, again, I think David touched on, you know, how much momentum we're seeing in that business.
キース、2024年よりも2025年の方が、ARRに対する「消費の追加」が2つ、場合によっては3つの方法で見られることになると思います。1つ目は、デビッドも触れたように、ビデオ製品を提供する場合です。このビデオ製品は純粋に消費ベースの価格設定が関連付けられるでしょう。2つ目はGenStudioおよびエンタープライズ向けのものであり、Firefly Servicesに関するエンタープライズでの勢いがどれほど大きいかという点についてもデビッドが触れましたが、まさにその事業分野での勢いです。
So, that is, in effect, a consumption business as it relates to the enterprise, so I think that will also continue to increase. And then, I think you'll see us with, perhaps, you know, more premium price offering. So, the intention is that consumption is what's driving the increased ARR, but it may be as a result of a tier in the pricing rather than a consumption model where people actually have to monitor it.
And we think that that's both a better way to deliver value, as well as to get the monetization.
And moving on to Brad Sills with Bank of America.
次の質問は、バンク・オブ・アメリカのBrad Sillsさんからです。
Brad Sills -- Analyst
Wonderful. Thank you. Let me ask a question, David, of you, please. In the past, you provided some good color -- it sounds like there's momentum there. It seems like this will be the year with all the Firefly Services integration into the core franchises that we could see some acceleration and conversion of that funnel. So, we'd love to get some updates from you on that effort and how you see that unfolding throughout the year. Thank you.
素晴らしいです。ありがとうございます。デビッドに質問させてください。これまでにいくつか良い見通しを示していただきましたが、勢いがあるようですね。今年はFirefly Servicesがコアフランチャイズに統合され、ファネルの加速や転換が見られる年になりそうです。その取り組みに関する最新情報や、1年を通じてどのように進展するのかについて教えていただけると幸いです。ありがとうございます。
Shantanu Narayen -- Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
For a second, you actually cut out. And so, you said Firefly, we heard that. Did you mention any other product before we answer that question, Brad, just to make sure we capture your question?
Brad Sills -- Analyst
Really, just Firefly services across all the franchises, you know, Photoshop, Lightroom, etc. You know, what could that integration effort do to the conversion activity with the top of funnel?
David Wadhwani -- President, Digital Media
Yeah. So, a number of things. So, first of all, you're exactly right in terms of, you know, Firefly is a platform and a foundation that we're leveraging across many different products, as we talked about. Everything from Express and Lightroom and even in Acrobat on mobile for broad base, but then also in our core Creative products, Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere.
And, you know, as we've alluded to a number of times on this call with the introduction of Video, even a stand-alone offer for Firefly that we think will be, you know, more valuable from a tiering perspective there. And then, into Firefly Services through APIs and connection to GenStudio. So, we are looking at leveraging the power of this AI foundation in all the activities.
また、このコールで何度も触れたように、ビデオの導入により、Fireflyをスタンドアローンのオファーとして提供することが可能になり、それが階層化の観点からより価値のあるものになると考えています。そして、Firefly ServicesをAPIやGenStudioとの接続を通じて活用しています。このAI基盤の力をすべての活動に活用していきたいと考えています。
Now, as it relates to top of funnel and conversion, we're very excited -- let's start with new users and more closer to the low end of the market. We're very excited with the signal we're getting from Express and Lightroom on mobile and web. Again, you know, as we talked about, Express is seeing some really good new user acquisition. We added 4,000 new businesses this year. We increased education access by 84% this back-to-school versus last back-to-school.
We're seeing, you know, really strong adoption through social, digital, and mobile traffic as well. So, we see that when we invest in mobile and web, we are getting some very positive signals in terms of user adoption and user conversion rates.
The second thing is we are seeing in the core Creative business, when people try something like Photoshop, the onboarding experience is faster to success because of the use of generative AI and generative capabilities. So, you'll start to see us continuing to drive more proliferation of those capabilities earlier in the user journeys, and that has been proven very productive.
But we also noticed that more people use generative AI. Again, we've always had good retention rates, but the more people use generative AI, the longer they retain as well. And so, we are definitely leveraging generative AI for the entire flow in the funnel.
Brad Sills -- Analyst
Steve Day -- Chief Financial Officer and Senior Vice President, Digital Experience
And as we pass the top of the hour --
スティーブ・デイ(デジタルエクスペリエンス部門 CFO兼シニアバイスプレジデント)
We'll just have time for one more question. Thank you.
And that question will come from Jay Vleeschhouwer with Griffin Securities.
次の質問は、グリフィン・セキュリティーズのJay Vleeschhouwerさんからです。
Jay Vleeschhouwer -- Analyst
Thank you. Good evening. Dan, you noted that your current RPO was up 13% in the quarter, which results in a 10% three-year CAGR for current RPO. Would you expect that over time, or at least in fiscal '25, that your current RPO growth would be closer to what you just reported for Q4? Or might it revert more to the lower three-year CAGR?
Daniel J. Durn -- Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer
Yeah. Thanks, Jay. And what I definitely don't want to do is get into guiding of cRPO. But when I take a step back and think about the rhythm and flow of the business, what we're seeing on the enterprise side, winning large transformational deals, exiting the year with the largest bookings quarter ever, having premium tiers in that product portfolio, momentum around AEP and apps continuing to grow at scale, and when we think about content supply chain and bringing cross cloud opportunities together that really get at meaningful pain points of customers over time, and then we think about the innovation that we're driving through the Digital Media business, I feel really good about our ability to continue to drive the business going forward, and I'm very encouraged by what I see.
Jay Vleeschhouwer -- Analyst
Thank you. And for David, if I could, just since there were so many mentions of tiered offerings, is the concept there more around functionality at the product level as compared to the olden days of tiering that was more about segmentation and packaging, as in the old CS days? Or is it more currently around the functionality that you're offering on a product-by-product basis?
David Wadhwani -- President, Digital Media
Yeah. And then, just adding on briefly to the question on tiering. Yeah, Jay, if you think about what we've done over the last year, there's been a bit of experimentation. Obviously, in the core Creative applications, we've done the generative credits model.
What we saw with Acrobat was this idea of, you know, a separate package and a separate SKU that created a tier that people were able to access the feature through. And as we learn from all of these, we think, as Shantanu had mentioned earlier, that the right tiering model for us is going to be a combination of feature -- access to certain features and usage limits on it. So, the higher the tier, the more features you get and the more usage you get of it.
Shantanu Narayen -- Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
And since that was the last question, let me again maybe, in quick summary, just talk about first, you know, we had a strong '24. But I think that really sets us up even better for a strong '25, given the innovation that we've had. I think as it relates to all three businesses that we have, the Creative Cloud, with everything that we've done around AI, we have a lot of momentum going into the business and a really great diverse portfolio in terms of both the customers, as well as our offerings.
最後の質問でしたので、簡単にまとめさせていただきます。2024年は力強い年でしたが、これまでのイノベーションを考えると、2025年はさらに良い年になると思います。当社が持つ3つの事業すべてに関連して言えば、AIを活用したCreative Cloudでは、事業に大きな勢いがあり、顧客層と提供製品の両方において非常に多様なポートフォリオを持っています。
Acrobat continues to perform really well with AI Assistant as we bring it to other languages, get more vertical use cases for that particular solution, and extend it beyond a single document. We continue to think that the Document Cloud has significant opportunity ahead of us.
And I think bringing that all together with Digital Experience, Q4 was really an extremely strong quarter as it related to us bringing all these solutions together in GenStudio. I think much like we did with AEP and apps and data and have driven that to a billion-dollar business, I feel just the same amount of excitement with what we can do with content and AI and how we can accelerate the creation of that all the way from ideation to the multiple variations that's required.
そして、これらすべてをDigital Experienceと統合したことで、第4四半期はGenStudioでこれらのソリューションを統合するという点で非常に強力な四半期でした。AEP(Adobe Experience Platform)やアプリ、データで1ビリオンドルのビジネスを築いたように、コンテンツとAIで実現できること、アイデア段階から必要な複数のバリエーションまでの作成をどのように加速できるかに対して同じくらいの興奮を感じています。
So, we look forward to sharing more with you at the end of our Q1. But in the interim, thank you for joining us, and happy holidays.
Thank you. And that does conclude today's conference.