

"I like manga."
"I'm into manga."
I’m a big manga fan.”

海外では日本の漫画がそのまま "manga" として認識されており、
英語圏で "comic" というと、西洋の漫画(例えばスーパーヒーロー系の
日本の漫画を説明したい場合は "manga" を使うのがベストです。

会話例 ”I like manga.”

What do you like to do in your free time?

B: I like manga. Recently, I’ve been reading One Piece.

A: Oh, One Piece! That’s super popular. 

B: Yeah, I love the characters. Plus, the story is so deep!

会話例 ”I’m really into manga.”

A: What do you do for fun?

B: Oh, I’m really into manga. I read Attack on Titan all the time.

A: Attack on Titan? That sounds intense. What do you like about it?

B: I love the action and the plot twists. It’s so thrilling!

会話例 ”I’m a big manga fan.”

A: Got any hobbies?

B: Yeah, I’m a big manga fan. I love Naruto. It’s so fun!

A: Naruto? That’s a classic! What do you like about it?

B: I love the characters and the epic battles. It’s such an inspiring story.
