
Never-give-up spirit

Coach of high school baseball in Japan has a platitude saying, “run and run” “swing and swing” “take and take”.

Certainly, amounts are necessary. But the above is too simple and shallow. Just simply doing the above things, player will get crushed by injury. Also, if you do not think about anything, you may get into the habit of the wrong form.

It is good to do the above with efficient and no wasteful body movements. However, if player can move efficiently and no wastefully his/her body (there is a form of his/her body), they do not need to do so much.

Whether or not one thousand Knock is effective is a topic, but before talking about one thousand Knock, it is important to discuss topics about how to catch, how efficiently it is taken.

It is most important to pursue efficient and effective way to move, such as how to hit, throw, catch and run. Quantity is necessary to acquire these, to make it your own form.

Player should quit playing games, simply doing just the amount. It is useless time.
