Barrier between coach and player ①
As I said before, the high school baseball coach is absolute. And, coach seems to be bossy. There was no conversation with the players. Even if there is a conversation, it is from the player, but from the coach. Coach always have his/her nose in the air, that is not a conversation at all. In such an atmosphere the player who got a call shrinks and shrinks and can only says “yes” “yes”. It is self-satisfaction and superiority of the coach, it is only a voice call. By doing this kind of exchange, the player further atrophies, troublesome, consultation, even if it is not such a serious thing, it is impossible to talk about little things and public affairs. It is hard to believe that it will work out with the atmosphere of such coach and players. It is not an education. Players have no choice but to endure. Even if it is being bullied, they cannot tell anyone. It deprives the character of the player.
Speaking of coach’s leadership method, until then, if he/she do not get results or his/her reputation is bad from players he/she need to get fired. However, coaches of the current high school baseball, whatever they do, even if they have unreasonable guidance, their status remains unchanged.
The atmosphere and environment in which players can tell are important. It is no exaggeration to say that coach of high school baseball is a dictator now.
It is fine if the player wants such guidance, but I do not think everyone think so.