Understanding Islam: Faith,Upbringing, and Divine Mercy イスラムの理解:信仰、育ち、そして神の慈悲
一つの家族で生まれると、どんな道を歩むか、考えたことがありますか? 子どもの頃は無邪気に始まり、家族の教えで形作られる旅。今日は、非ムスリムの家庭に生まれた人が、教えられたことに従った場合、どんな責任が生じるのか、興味深い話をします。一緒に、信仰や家庭での影響、そして神の慈悲について探求してみましょう。
Have you ever wondered about the path one follows when born into a particular family's beliefs? Imagine a journey that begins with the innocence of childhood, shaped by the teachings of one's family. Today, let's delve into the intriguing question: What responsibility lies upon those born in non-Muslim families if they choose to adhere to the lessons imparted to them? Join me on a fascinating exploration that unfolds the dynamics of faith, upbringing, and divine mercy.
In a world of diverse beliefs, questions arise about faith and responsibility, particularly for those born into non-Muslim families. This article delves into Islam's perspective on upbringing, choice, and divine mercy through a dialogue inspired by Dr. Zakir Naik's insights. Exploring the concept that every child is born in a state of fitrah, it navigates the complexities of faith and accountability within Islam.
Question Asked
People Who Born In Non-Muslim Families, What Is Their Fault If They Follow What Is Taught To Them?
a girl questions to dr naik (Islam scholar) with all due respect to islam you said that idol worship is the greatest sin in islam and allah does not forgive an idol worshiper for this but what about people who have been born into families of religions other than islam. for example in india most of the population is hindu and lifelong they may not have had exposure to islam or somebody else who may have educated them about that what is the fault of those people will they never reach paradise? will allah never let these people enter paradise? what is their fault? if they believe what is being taught to them since the day they were born. does allah not have mercy on them ?thank you.
DR ZAKIR NAIKS RESPONSE: ask a very good question. Its a very logical question what about those human beings who are born in non-muslim families and their parents are doing idol worship so who's to blame. how can Allah punish them and that's a very good question.
That's the reason of beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said that every child is born in deen-ul-fitr. every child is born as a muslim. irrespective is born in a jewish family or a christian family or a hindu family or a muslim family he is born as a muslim.muslim by definition means a person who submits his will to almighty god. so every child when he's born he submits his will to almighty god later on he is influenced by his elders by his parents by his teachers then he may start doing idol worship he may start doing fire worship and he may go to the wrong path.That's the reason. whenever a non-muslim accepts islam the more appropriate word is revert it's not convert. convert means going from one faith to another faith. revert means a person was on the right faith went to a wrong faith and came back to the right faith so the more appropriate word sister is revert.
now coming to your question how can allah hold responsible a person if he's born in a non-muslim family. that's the reason if a child is born a non-muslim family before he gains maturity if he dies he will go to jannah inshallah. why because every child submits his will to almighty god. he's a muslim. he may have a hindu name or a christian name john,ramu etc. it doesn't make a difference but as long as he's a child and if he dies as a child, then that child will go to jannah irrespective whether he's born in a muslim family or non-muslim family.
later on when a child grows up and he becomes an adult then it is his responsibility what he does. that's the reason if a child commits a crime the court is lenient. when he becomes adult then he cannot say that my father taught me to rob therefore i'm robbing. if a child grows up at the age of 22 and if the police catches him after robbing he cannot say that my father taught me to rob therefore i'm robbing.will the judge let him go ? if he's a child at the age of five the judge may say fine. he's a child he hasn't attained maturity but once he becomes an adult and then if that adult tells the judge that i'm robbing because my father taught me to rob he will not be excused.everyone is responsible for his or her own deed.
now once a person becomes an adult it's the duty of that adult to find the truth. And also it's the duty of us muslims to convey the message to the non-muslim. but irrespective whether a person gets the message or not if a human being is let free, they obey the almighty. there were two tribes which did not come in contact with modern civilization till as late as 1950. one tribe was the kapauku tribe and the second was the australian aboriginals. these two tribes did not come in contact with modern civilization till as late as 1950 and when researchers went and tried to find out what was the way of life. it was nothing but islam but they didn't call themselves muslims. they believed in one god .they believed that god.had got no images he had no idols. they prostrated when they worshiped god. it was everything of islam but in name. so if a child is not given any external influence he submits his will to almighty god and remains on that path.
人が大人になったら、イスラム教のメッセージを伝えるのが私たちイスラム教徒の義務です。伝えなければ、アッラーが私たちに責任を負わせるでしょう。 しかし、私たちがその仕事をするかどうかに関係なく、アッラーは、クルアーン・フシラト章41節53節で、間もなくわれわれは、地平線の最も遠い領域と魂の奥深くにおいて、これが真理であることがかれらに明らかになるまで、われわれの印をかれらに示すであろうと述べておられる。アッラーは、このメッセージをすべての人々に直接伝えることを自らに課しています。したがって、ムスリムがその役割を果たすかどうか、良い例であるか悪い例であるかに関係なく、アッラーはすべての人間の心に、ムスリムであろうと非ムスリムであろうと、真実なる唯一の神についての真実を直接刻み込みます。
now once a person becomes an adult it's the duty of us muslims to convey the message of islam if we do not convey allah will hold us responsible, he'll hold responsible. but irrespective whether we do the job or not we'll be responsible but allah says in the quran in surah Fussilat chapter number 41 verse number 53, that soon we shall show them our signs in the furthest regions of the horizons and into the soul until it is clear to them that this is the truth. Allah has taken upon himself that he will directly convey this message to every human being himself so if a muslim does his job or not whether you're good example is a bad example allah will directly put in the heart of every human being whether muslim or non-muslim about the truth about one god.
so once the message comes that human being may follow may not follow. he may not follow thinking that if i accept islam i may have to give up the things which i like. i have to give up my alcoholism. i may have to give up dating and dancing and you know whatever thing which is haram in islam. he may not accept the message then he's responsible. similarly if the father teaches him something wrong, like to rob. then it's his duty to realize that robbing is haram. it's a sin. it's the thing which is wrong he cannot go and tell the judge that because my father taught therefore i'm robbing.
similarly when Allah directly puts the message into the heart of every human being about the oneness of god and the idol of worship is prohibited. yet if the individual continues he or she is responsible. so on the day of judgement therefore Allah says that no non-muslim will ever object to the justice of Allah. Because your organs will give witness about you, your eyes, your hands will speak about you. so on the day of judgement, even those people who will be put in hell they will never object to the justice of Allah. what they will say is please give us one more chance and Allah will say it's too late.
there are many chances given in this world but you live only once in this world so on the day of judgement, no non-muslim, no human being even if he's put in hell will ever object to the justice of allah. he'll only say that please forgive me and it will be too late.
as allah says in surah al mulk, chapter 67 and verse number 2, whatever is there in this world is a test for the hereafter. hope that answer the question sister.
In conclusion, the dialogue between Dr. Zakir Naik and a questioner offers profound insights into the essence of faith, upbringing, and divine mercy within Islam. It emphasizes the importance of personal responsibility, the pursuit of truth, and the boundless mercy of Allah.
This article is authored by Aliza Khan. For those interested in personal connections, you can find me on Instagram: @lisaalovelisaa
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