Five Good Habits To Succeed in Life
The Successful people see every problems as opportunity to grow. There are two way to see the World, One is there is opportunity everywhere, second there is competition and excuses everywhere, decide whom you want to be. The Successful people live their life with habits Which give them return in future, they never spend time on watching Netflix or watching television, they always try to improve themselves which make them remarkable in their journey.
Be Honest
Telling the truth and making someone cry is better than telling a lie and making someone smile. --Paolo Coelho
Being honest does not only mean being honest to others, but it means honest to yourself first. How can we trust a person who does not honest with herself can be honest to others. Honesty means you are completely objective with yourself with the world around you When you are living your life with your decision, your values, your goals, dreams and you never compromise with your integrity or peace of mind with anyone in this world.
Being Grateful
Start Each day with positive thought and a grateful heart. --Roy T. Bennet
Starting a day with grateful thoughts is the meaningful pleasure of life, it gives you positive feeling about life, when you are grateful for what you have in life you feel more positive, it can completely change your mindset from negative thoughts to positive thoughts. Being grateful is the quality of thankful, start your day with thankful thoughts like you can thank god for your lovely mom and dad, when you are grateful you see positive things in every person, you see them as you are that the point of gratitude. Express Being grateful can take us from negative feeling to positive thoughts and feeling which can make an impact in your whole life.
Don't procrastinate
No more excuses or procrastination stop allowing your days to be stolen by busy nothingness. --Dr. Steve Maraboli
The reason we procrastinate because we don't have clarity about our goals and dreams, remember when you set goal for yourself set with it clarity because When you have clarity it becomes easy for you to take action on it. Start your day with top three Be self aware about your thoughts and habits, stay out of your comfort zone do your work with uncomfortable exciting, make your environment distraction free, close your mobiles and do your priority work.
Never Give up
Never give up great things take time. --Unknown
Success usually comes to those who never give on their journey. The Successful people are those who don't take defeat seriously, they learn from their failure, they see their failure as an opportunity to learn, they know success comes when we overcome obstacles as We go along in our calling. If you want something bad enough nothing in this world can stop you from getting it. Learn from you failure, failure gives you experience, it give you clarity about your destination when we learn from our failure we become unstoppable In our journey. The difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is Successful people have never give attitude, they never give up on their journey no matter what happen to them. Don't give up just because its got hard.
If you Can't figure out your passion purpose, figure out your passion. For your passion will lead you right into your purpose. --Bishop Jakes
As Steve Jobs says the only way to do great work is to love what you do, if you haven't found yet keep looking for it don't settle. The people who are passionate about their work, they don't need any vocation to go, for them their work is vocation, find something that you love to do which excites you to get up in the morning, when you find what you love to do, it becomes easy for you to overcome defeats and problems as yo go along in your life journey.