Great achievements, super techniques, elaborate moves, questionable strategies. It has nothing to do with the power of the masters, but rather with the weakness of the disciples.
This happens when we ignore logic, evidence, common sense, and even the laws of physics. It stems from two factors: fear of confrontation.
Sometimes, at a certain point in life, we rely on certain beliefs to find a certain peace of mind.
In the world of martial arts, it's no different. Rituals and beliefs make you focus more on training.
There are methods that help you progress in martial arts training by disregarding minor discomforts like pain, breathlessness, fatigue, etc. This is beneficial in fights. However, practitioners must be careful not to go overboard and lose touch with reality.
A dedicated practitioner increases their threshold for pain. A charlatan claims not to feel pain due to their conditioning training. A practitioner gains power in their strikes. A charlatan claims their training makes their strikes lethal, capable of killing a person with a single blow. Ill-intentioned individuals can exploit this to manipulate naive or desperate people. Naive or desperate individuals exist for various reasons, such as movies, cartoons, and sensational scenes in magazines. The violence of our present days.
Anger, apathy, and fear are normal feelings that, when out of control, may require an environment or a belief to eliminate them, to guide and direct oneself towards a better situation.
The need to have a belief can be used detrimentally by a malevolent person.
Those who are desperate for answers can be easily deceived.
We all face desperation—robberies, financial problems, illness, and aggression can affect anyone.
We are always confronted with the possibility of failure and injury. This type of thinking always haunts our minds, generating a search for answers.
The possibility of problems, awareness of risk, gives rise to fantastical beliefs. However, the possibility of problems is an awareness of the risk of not being able to solve the problem.
The mind is vast, and fantastical beliefs can turn into panic, apathy, or even anger, which, in excess, becomes a problem.
It is during these moments that the search for a solution based on beliefs can emerge. It can either help you pursue your goals without losing touch with reality or plunge you into the world of illusion, especially when fueled by someone who wants to harm you.
Why does a master perform fantastical feats? Simply to convince you. Whether it's through tricks, miraculous techniques, or clever editing, the goal is to convince you that they possess powers, secrets, and conditions that only they can teach you.
Be extremely cautious of excessive payments.
Promises of miraculous techniques, methods that lead to magical solutions, individuals with supernatural powers, and beliefs that no harm will come to you. Power leads individuals to believe in anything.
An individual can amplify this belief because the mind is vast, and they will spend time, money, and devotion on a charlatan who is taking advantage of their goodwill.
Martial arts allow you to be prepared for everyday situations. It may involve certain rituals, such as belt graduations. However, these rituals should be something that motivates you to act and to stay rooted in reality.
These rituals should never overshadow actual practice.
Don't rely solely on carrying a weapon for personal defense and treating it as an amulet. While it may give you a sense of security, simply carrying an object for personal defense does not guarantee your safety. You must know how to use that object in self-defense.
Valid tools exist if they are not corrupted. It could be prayer, martial arts rituals, or an object for personal defense. Just make sure not to disconnect from reality,