7月2日に開催された「インバウンドサミット2022」は、120名を超える登壇者と4000名を超えるリアルタイム視聴者が集まり、これまで最大規模の業界サミットとなりました。このイベントに参加する機会を与えてくれたMATCHA Inc.の素晴らしいチームに、深く感謝したいと思います。前夜祭のパーティーと合わせて、全体の企画・運営は非の打ち所がなく完璧でした。インバウンドサミットの成功については、こちらで詳しくご紹介しています。
- 高橋 敦司、(株)ジェイアール東日本企画 常務取締役 CDO デジタル本部長 ソーシャルビジネス・地域創生本部長
- Ruth Marie Jarman, (株)ジャーマン・インターナショナル 代表取締役社長
- 櫻井 亮太郎、株式会社ライフブリッジ 代表取締役
Inbound Summit 2022, held on July 2, turned out to be the biggest industry summit so far, with over 120 speakers and over 4000 real-time viewers. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the amazing team of Matcha for the opportunity to be part of this event. Together with the party gathering the night before, the entire organization was impeccable. You can read more about the success of Inbound Summit here.
The panel where I appeared as a speaker had the sensitive topic “What to do when locals don’t want inbound travelers anymore?”. Inspired by some of my previous observations on the current issues of accepting foreign travelers, the organizers included this topic in the summit’s program, for which I’m very thankful. As I have stated before, the disappearance of the iconic Japanese omotenashi hospitality towards foreign travelers is presently the most pressing issue for the recovery of Japan’s inbound industry. I had the opportunity to discuss this together with the following respected industry professionals:
- Atsushi Takahashi, Chief Digital Officer, Managing Director, JR East Marketing & Communications, Inc.,
- Ruth Marie Jarman, President of Jarman International K.K.
- Ryotaro Sakurai, President of LifeBridge, Inc.
Starting at June 10 the government allowed entry of foreign travelers under special conditions such as signing up for strictly monitored and guided tours and following very strict guidelines for prevention of infection spreading. The results of this partial opening of the borders is underwhelming, with travel agents and foreign travelers rejecting the opportunity due to the lack of free movement characteristic for the predominant FIT (individual) travel style (see opinions of travel agents and foreigners here, here and here). In addition, the government’s decision was harshly criticized by foreign media and compared to the strictly monitored tours in North Korea (see this). According to the media, just about 2800 applications for tourist visas have been received by the end of June, making the daily cap of 20 000 entrants per day quite a distant goal.
During the panel discussion, I proposed my idea for the necessity of inner marketing, e.g. working closely with the local communities to explain the benefits from inbound travelers including the indirect benefits to the community as a whole. Ruth Marie Jarman suggested that the foreign residents in Japan can be a valuable intercultural bridge and help local communities change their perception of the “dangerous foreign travelers”. Ryotaro Sakurai informed that there is natural resistance against controlled tours among prospective foreign travelers and emphasized on the benefit for the local communities that stem from current global travel trends such as sustainable tourism. JEKI’s Takahashi-san reminded us about the historical ambition of Japan for internationalization that occurred during the Meiji period and warned against returning back to a “sakoku” era.
You can hear the entire discussion from this archive.
I hope that there will be more discussions in the industry about the necessity to resume non-restricted individual foreign travel and the pressing need to work more devotedly with local communities on accepting foreign travelers with genuine hospitality. Other Asian countries have already reopened and if this issue is not dealt with highest priority, Japan will quickly and irreversibly lose in the field of global travel competition, which will lead to further damages of the economy and regional revitalization.