
Kintsugi - 金継ぎGolden Bonds of Friendship





— それぞれの亀裂は独自の物語を語ります。金に新たな輝きを与えましょう、と彼は答えた。


一方、村の別の場所では、幼い頃からの友人である 4 人の若い女性が茶屋に集まり、悩みや喜びを分かち合いました。ソラ、ハナ、ナツミ、ユキでした。彼らはそれぞれ夢や希望を持っていましたが、同時に恐怖や秘密も抱えていました。

— ハナさん、結婚式の準備は順調ですか?ソラは紅茶に指を浸しながら尋ねた。


— すべてが順調に進んでいますが、時々何かが足りないように感じます。まるでこの準備のせいで、これから起ころうとしていることの本当の意味が見えにくくなったかのように。

――ストレスを感じるのは普通のことです。 「これは大きな一歩です」とユキさんは常に楽観的に付け加えた。

  • 夏美さんはどうですか?まだ東京への旅行を夢見ていますか? ――合流したばかりのアキラが尋ねた。









— すべての傷、すべての痛み、すべての喜びがあなたの物語の一部であることを忘れないでください。金継ぎの金のように、隠すのではなく祝ってください。


In a small Japanese village hidden in a valley, time passed peacefully and the lives of the inhabitants went on to the rhythm of nature. There was a workshop where the master kintsugi ceramicist, Hisao, repaired broken vessels by filling the cracks with gold. Instead of hiding imperfections, this art emphasized them, creating unique works of art out of them.

One day, a young woman, Akira, came to Hisao's workshop. She held in her hands a broken vase that she had inherited from her grandmother.

“Please, Master, help me fix it,” she said with hope in her eyes.

Hisao smiled gently.

— Every crack tells its own story. Let the gold give it a new shine, he replied.

Akira watched as Hisao connected the pieces of the vase with delicacy and precision. Gold veins spread like rivers across the surface of the pottery, creating beautiful, shiny patterns.

Meanwhile, in another part of the village, four young women, friends since childhood, met in a teahouse to share their worries and joys. They were Sora, Hana, Natsumi and Yuki. Each of them had their dreams and hopes, but also their fears and secrets.

— Hana, how are the preparations for your wedding going? Sora asked, dipping her finger into her cup of tea.

Hana smiled, but her eyes showed some concern.

— Everything's going well, but... sometimes I feel like I'm missing something. As if all this preparation obscured the true meaning of what was about to happen.

— It's normal to be stressed. “It's a big step,” added Yuki, ever optimistic.

  • What about you, Natsumi? Still dreaming of traveling to Tokyo? - Akira, who had just joined them, asked.

Natsumi nodded.

— Yes, but I'm afraid to leave the village. Here is my heart, but there is my future.

The conversations took place at a leisurely pace, and the atmosphere was warm and full of understanding.

That evening, after returning home, each woman took a moment to reflect. Memories, dreams and fears swirled in their minds. It was then that a vision appeared - each of them saw themselves as a figure in the art of kintsugi, with cracks that were filled with gold, creating something beautiful and unique out of them.

Sora remembered her lost love and how the experience taught her strength and independence. Hana realized that her doubts were a natural part of the path to happiness, and the golden veins were a symbol of her inner strength. Natsumi felt that her dreams were part of her soul and her fears were only temporary. Yuki realized that her optimism was a gift that allowed her and others to get through the most difficult times.

They met again the next day at Master Hisao's. Akira held a repaired vase that gleamed in the sunlight.

“See, every scratch is now part of something bigger,” she said, handing the vase to her friends.

Hisao looked at them with wisdom in his eyes.

— Remember that every scar, every pain and every joy is part of your story. Don't hide them, but celebrate them, like gold in kintsugi.

The women smiled at each other, feeling that they had found new strength in their relationship and individual experiences. They knew that their friendship was like a beautiful, repaired vessel - made stronger by the cracks that were filled with love and understanding.

