
NEW!CRP FOTO 「鎌鼬の里} 2016-2022 ”かまいたちの里”  の記録。 撮影 小杉朋子。          現在無料キャンペーン中。 


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鎌鼬の里(かまいたちのさと) 撮影 小杉朋子
『鎌鼬の里』 小杉朋子

こうした土着の文化がいまだに息づく山あいの村に、毎年秋になると、舞踏のダンサーや俳優、美術家、音楽家たちが、日本国内からだけでなく世界中から訪れてくる。「鎌鼬の里芸術祭」が開催される”TASHIRO”を目指して。それはまるで、風が巻き起こす真空地帯に突如現れるという伝説の動物 鎌鼬(かまいたち)のように、観る者、演じる者、そして地元の人たちに一瞬にして妖艶な傷あとを残していく。

Village of the Kamaitachi
Tomoko Kosugi
Eikoh Hosoe's legendary photo collection, 'Kamaitachi,' was captured in Tashiro, Ugo-town, Akita Prefecture. Ever since my first visit to this place in 2016, I have been completely captivated by its charm.
Although it is one of the snowiest regions in Akita, the harsh winter eventually transitions into the season of rice planting and harvesting.
In the 1969 photo collection, renowned butoh dancer Tatsumi Hijikata is seen darting across the harvested fields of Tashiro, climbing the wooden frames used for drying rice. Catching sight of the surprise guest from Tokyo, the people of Tashiro wear carefree and bright expressions.
Half a century later, Tashiro's usually tranquil surroundings are still the scene of occasional gatherings. The Nishimonai Bon Odori (traditional Japanese summer dance), held every summer in neighboring Nishimonai, is considered one of the three major Bon Odori festivals in Japan. Dancers wearing black hoods, representing the spirits of the deceased, and women dressed in patched hanui kimonos made from the remnants of generations-old garments parade through the city while dancing together.
And then, there is the traditional "Yuki no Hanayome Dochu" (“the Snow Bride Procession”), which recreates an old-fashioned bridal procession. In it, a horse-drawn sleigh carrying the bride travels over snow-covered mountain passes.
In the secluded mountain villages where such indigenous cultures still thrive, every autumn, dancers, actors, artists, and musicians gather, not only from within Japan but from all around the world. Their destination is Tashiro, the site of the Kamaitachi Art Festival. It is as if, just like the legendary kamaitachi that suddenly appear in an empty space caused by swirling winds, the festival itself leaves behind an ephemeral and enchanting impression on the participants, performers, and local residents in an instant.
Over time, my collection of photographs taken in Tashiro has grown to tens of thousands. Each image, reminiscent of the haunting marks left by a kamaitachi, captivates me and prompts deep reflection on just when and where those marks were made. It is in this way that this village of the kamaitachi gives me precious moments of profound contemplation.

CRP FOTO Kamaitachi  英語版⇩

鎌鼬の里 英語版 ⇩ $15

小杉朋子 CRP FOTO  3部


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