
The university of Tokyo

These days, one of my colleagues talked about Japanese TV show "さんまの東大方程式". 

What is the university of Tokyo? The university is said as the most prestigious university in Japan. However, the university’s rank is so far so good in the world. In many cases, the university which you graduated is important in Japan. Japanese companies still check the educational background of job applicants. It is not special for Japan. It is same as other counties. I guess educational background is more important in the U.S. rather than Japan.

Japanese tend to appraise “東大”. There are many TV shows about the university. They are quiz, talking, and so on. I guess many people watch them and it enable that these shows are on air.
For now, many people enter the university or college. They choose the educational institution and take the entrance exam. Some people win and others lose. Many people do that. Therefore many people think “It is my level.”

I don’t think the educational background is equal to the person’s skill and ability. It is actually related to the ability but it does not decide the person’s value. Getting good score is very tough so that good educational background sometimes show the person’s diligence. It is not intelligence. Some people who graduate from good school are really genius. In the university of Tokyo, some are real genius. However, in many case, they just spend their time on studying whether or not they think so. There are few genius.

By the way, we can sometimes see a little bit eccentric or odd people. Some TV shows are showing the people who like that. It is no problem that he/she is just eccentric. Many of them are very kind, gentle, and sensible. The people who are said “eccentric” are not good at communication and expression. They learn how to behave and grow up after entering the university.

However, we can sometimes see people who are terribly arrogant. I think it is the worst. They think they have high level intelligence. They are misunderstanding that they have power, authority, and intelligence more or less. If they graduate without noticing the real, they have trouble after join the other organizations, like companies.

I think knowledge is very importnt but it's not intelligence. We have to know how to use it or knowledge is meaningless. I believe the attitude of learning from other people is essential.

Universities' brand is important but I hope
the brand is not getting inappropriate.
