DIARY 3/5-3/6 娘と遊んでた土日
I couldn't keep diary yesterday because I had been playing with my daughter yesterday. My wife went to Disney Land with her friend so I was dating with my daughter yesterday. We went to a park near my house and took a walk around my home town. In the park, we came across my daughter's friend. She looked happy to meet them. I was also happy to see she enjoyed her time. I take my daughter like a lesson. It is "Dorakids". It is not for specific things but for sing, dancing, making somethings and so on. I don't thing kids and babies need to study. However it is good for mental health and help my daughter make friends with some kids. I want my daughter to enjoy playing with other kids.
Today, my family didn't have any plan. So we went around our home town two days in a row. My daughter may get tired so she was grumpy just before sleeping.
The tension in Ukraine isn't easing yet. Russian troops are aiming at power plant and attack Ukrainean people. Many Western companies stop dealing in Russia. In terms of Visa and Master Card, people in Russia will not be able to use the credit cards. People can't buy apple products in Russia. I'm afraid of increasing the many risks.