Netflix Show-Queer eyes 2/7
I'm watching "Queer eyes" with my wife. As the show name, five homosexual guys are staring. They are professionals of some fields like, fashion, cuisine, interiors and so on. The show's theme is "encouraging", I think. They teach people who have problems many lessons. The lessons are how to be beautiful, active, and positive. The five guys encourage people who were bullied and can't have confidence for themselves. It is very beautiful and nice story because people who have problems change through communicating with five "queer" guys. The five guys have had a tough time in their life time because they have a little bit different idea regarding with love. I'm not LGBT but I guess they had trouble for living "ordinary" lifes. And they can understand how bothered people feel. They know what to say for cheering up others.
In terms of me, I don't have interst in fashion. I couldn't afford to buy clothes so I lost my interest in what to wear. For now, I'm just interested in what to buy for my daughter. But I think I have to chose what to wear a little bit. I don't want to be said "bad looking" by my daughter in the future.