


// This Pine Script™ code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// Thank you LeviathanCapital

indicator("Performance From Bottom")

// Plotting data
dddd = input.int(168, 'PivotLeft')
ssss = input.int(24, 'PivotRight')

// Groups
g0 = 'Options' 
g1 = 'Asset Group 1'
g2 = 'Asset Group 2'
g3 = 'Asset group 3'
g4 = 'Table'
g5 = 'Other Settings'

// Tooltips
tt1    = 'Period (eg. 1 DAY) determines when the percentage change values reset and from where they get cumulated. Timeframe determines which timeframe candles are used in the calculation (leave this input as "Chart" unless you want to check the structure of higher timeframe change)'
tt2    = 'Select the data that should be displayed. You can view % changes in either price, open interest or on balance volume. You can also select which group of 30 assets should be displayed'
tt3    = 'Select the type of the visualization (lines, circles, areas, columns) and the coloring from 6 pre-prepared color palettes'
tt4    = 'Select the style and size of labels that display the asset name. You can also uncheck the checkbox to hide the labels'
tt5    = 'Smooth the values with a Simple Moving Average of custom length'
tt6    = 'Highlight top and bottom X plots based on performance of percentage change in a given period. Select the color of the plots that are shadowed'
tt7    = 'Select the mean of the asset group (average or first ticker on the list). You can also choose to plot the mean with a custom color by checking the checkbox'
tt8    = 'Display a vertical profile of how the assets are distributed around the mean. Profile can be moved left and right by adjusting the offset value.'
tt9    = 'Color the plots with a gradient based on max value, zero and min value.'
tt10   = 'Select the position and the size of the table'
tt11   = 'Select the size of table borders and table text'
tt12   = 'Select the length (number of historical bars) that is used for calculating the correlation and beta'
tt13   = 'Select the length (number of historical bars), that is used for calculating the Relative Strength Index'
tt14   = 'Select an exact point in time that is used as an anchor when Timestamp is selected as a period.'
tt15   = 'Select the width of the plots (eg. lines)'
tt16   = 'Select the offset (number of bars to the right) for labels'
tt17   = 'Select the horizontal size of the distribution profile.'

// User Inputs - General
tf2       = input.string('1 DAY', 'Period        ', options = ['Visible Range', 'Timestamp', '5 MIN', '15 MIN', '30 MIN', '45 MIN', '1 HOUR', '2 HOURS', '4 HOURS', '12 HOURS', '1 DAY', '2 DAYS', '3 DAYS', '1 WEEK', '2 WEEKS', '1 MONTH', '2 MONTHS', '3 MONTHS', '6 MONTHS', '1 YEAR'], inline = '1')
tf        = input.timeframe('', '', inline = '1', tooltip = tt1)
gn        = input.string('Group 1', '', options = ['Group 1', 'Group 2', 'Group 3'], inline = '2', tooltip = tt2)
disp      = input.string('Lines', 'Appearance   ', options = ['Lines', 'Circles', 'Area', 'Columns'], inline = '3')
colpal    = input.string('Palette 1', '', options = ['Palette 1', 'Palette 2', 'Palette 3', 'Palette 4', 'Palette 5', 'Palette 6'], inline = '3', tooltip = tt3)

// User Inputs - Options
showlbl   = input.bool(true, 'Labeling  ', inline = 'a', group = g0)
lbltyp    = input.string('Label', '', options = ['Label', 'Label and Line', 'Text Label'], inline = 'a', group = g0)
lblsize   = input.string('Small', '', options = ['Tiny', 'Small', 'Normal', 'Auto'], inline = 'a', group = g0, tooltip = tt4)
highlight = input.bool(false, 'Highlight                  ', inline = 'hg', group = g0)
counthl   = input.int(3, "", inline = 'hg', group = g0)
nonhlcol  = input.color(color.rgb(120, 123, 134, 63), '', inline = 'hg', group = g0, tooltip = tt6)
hm        = input.bool(false, 'Gradient                  ', inline = 'hm', group = g0)
hm1       = input.color(#5b9cf6, '', inline = 'hm', group = g0)
hm3       = input.color(#ce93d8, '-', inline = 'hm', group = g0)
hm2       = input.color(#f7525f, '-', inline = 'hm', group = g0, tooltip = tt9)

// User Inputs - Table
showtable = input.bool(false, 'Show Table', group = g4)
tablepos  = input.string('Middle Right', 'Position & Size    ', options = ['Middle Right', 'Top Right', 'Bottom Right', 'Middle Left', 'Top Left', 'Bottom Left'], group = g4, inline = 'ta1')
tablesize = input.float(3, '', minval = 1, maxval = 20, group = g4, inline = 'ta1', tooltip = tt10)
textsize  = input.string('Tiny', 'Text & Border Size ', options = ['Tiny', 'Small', 'Normal', 'Auto'], group = g4, inline = 'ta2')
bordsize  = input.int(0, '', group = g4, inline = 'ta2', tooltip = tt11)

show_tick = true
show_chg  = input.bool(true, 'Percent Change ', group = g4, inline = 'ta4')

// User Inputs - Other
starttime = input.time(timestamp("Mar 1 2024 00:00:00"), 'Timestamp', group = g5, tooltip = tt14)
linewidth = input.int(1, 'Plot Width', group = g5, tooltip = tt15)
offs      = input.int(3, 'Label Offset', group = g5, tooltip = tt16)
showtitle = input.bool(true, 'Show Title      ', group = g5, inline = 'title')
titcol    = input.color(color.gray, '', group = g5, inline = 'title')
showsep   = input.bool(true, 'Show Separators', group = g5, inline = 'sepa')
bgcol     = input.color(#787b8629, '', group = g5, inline = 'sepa')

// User Inputs - Groups
group1     = input.string('Group 1', 'Group name', group = g1)
group2     = input.string('Group 2', 'Group name', group = g2)
group3     = input.string('Group 3', 'Group name', group = g3)

// User Inputs - Bools
showsym1   = input.bool(true, '', group = g1, inline = '1'  ), showsym1_  = input.bool(true, '', group = g2, inline = '1_'  ), showsym1__  = input.bool(true, '', group = g3, inline = '1__' )
showsym2   = input.bool(true, '', group = g1, inline = '2'  ), showsym2_  = input.bool(true, '', group = g2, inline = '2_'  ), showsym2__  = input.bool(true, '', group = g3, inline = '2__' )
showsym3   = input.bool(true, '', group = g1, inline = '3'  ), showsym3_  = input.bool(true, '', group = g2, inline = '3_'  ), showsym3__  = input.bool(true, '', group = g3, inline = '3__' )
showsym4   = input.bool(true, '', group = g1, inline = '4'  ), showsym4_  = input.bool(true, '', group = g2, inline = '4_'  ), showsym4__  = input.bool(true, '', group = g3, inline = '4__' )
showsym5   = input.bool(true, '', group = g1, inline = '5'  ), showsym5_  = input.bool(true, '', group = g2, inline = '5_'  ), showsym5__  = input.bool(true, '', group = g3, inline = '5__' )
showsym6   = input.bool(true, '', group = g1, inline = '6'  ), showsym6_  = input.bool(true, '', group = g2, inline = '6_'  ), showsym6__  = input.bool(true, '', group = g3, inline = '6__' )
showsym7   = input.bool(true, '', group = g1, inline = '7'  ), showsym7_  = input.bool(true, '', group = g2, inline = '7_'  ), showsym7__  = input.bool(true, '', group = g3, inline = '7__' )
showsym8   = input.bool(true, '', group = g1, inline = '8'  ), showsym8_  = input.bool(true, '', group = g2, inline = '8_'  ), showsym8__  = input.bool(true, '', group = g3, inline = '8__' )
showsym9   = input.bool(true, '', group = g1, inline = '9'  ), showsym9_  = input.bool(true, '', group = g2, inline = '9_'  ), showsym9__  = input.bool(true, '', group = g3, inline = '9__' )
showsym10  = input.bool(true, '', group = g1, inline = '10' ), showsym10_ = input.bool(true, '', group = g2, inline = '10_' ), showsym10__ = input.bool(true, '', group = g3, inline = '10__')
showsym11  = input.bool(true, '', group = g1, inline = '11' ), showsym11_ = input.bool(true, '', group = g2, inline = '11_' ), showsym11__ = input.bool(true, '', group = g3, inline = '11__')
showsym12  = input.bool(true, '', group = g1, inline = '12' ), showsym12_ = input.bool(true, '', group = g2, inline = '12_' ), showsym12__ = input.bool(true, '', group = g3, inline = '12__')
showsym13  = input.bool(true, '', group = g1, inline = '13' ), showsym13_ = input.bool(true, '', group = g2, inline = '13_' ), showsym13__ = input.bool(true, '', group = g3, inline = '13__')
showsym14  = input.bool(true, '', group = g1, inline = '14' ), showsym14_ = input.bool(true, '', group = g2, inline = '14_' ), showsym14__ = input.bool(true, '', group = g3, inline = '14__')
showsym15  = input.bool(true, '', group = g1, inline = '15' ), showsym15_ = input.bool(true, '', group = g2, inline = '15_' ), showsym15__ = input.bool(true, '', group = g3, inline = '15__')
showsym16  = input.bool(true, '', group = g1, inline = '16' ), showsym16_ = input.bool(true, '', group = g2, inline = '16_' ), showsym16__ = input.bool(true, '', group = g3, inline = '16__')
showsym17  = input.bool(true, '', group = g1, inline = '17' ), showsym17_ = input.bool(true, '', group = g2, inline = '17_' ), showsym17__ = input.bool(true, '', group = g3, inline = '17__')
showsym18  = input.bool(true, '', group = g1, inline = '18' ), showsym18_ = input.bool(true, '', group = g2, inline = '18_' ), showsym18__ = input.bool(true, '', group = g3, inline = '18__')
showsym19  = input.bool(true, '', group = g1, inline = '19' ), showsym19_ = input.bool(true, '', group = g2, inline = '19_' ), showsym19__ = input.bool(true, '', group = g3, inline = '19__')
showsym20  = input.bool(true, '', group = g1, inline = '20' ), showsym20_ = input.bool(true, '', group = g2, inline = '20_' ), showsym20__ = input.bool(true, '', group = g3, inline = '20__')
showsym21  = input.bool(true, '', group = g1, inline = '21' ), showsym21_ = input.bool(true, '', group = g2, inline = '21_' ), showsym21__ = input.bool(true, '', group = g3, inline = '21__')
showsym22  = input.bool(true, '', group = g1, inline = '22' ), showsym22_ = input.bool(true, '', group = g2, inline = '22_' ), showsym22__ = input.bool(true, '', group = g3, inline = '22__')
showsym23  = input.bool(true, '', group = g1, inline = '23' ), showsym23_ = input.bool(true, '', group = g2, inline = '23_' ), showsym23__ = input.bool(true, '', group = g3, inline = '23__')
showsym24  = input.bool(true, '', group = g1, inline = '24' ), showsym24_ = input.bool(true, '', group = g2, inline = '24_' ), showsym24__ = input.bool(true, '', group = g3, inline = '24__')
showsym25  = input.bool(true, '', group = g1, inline = '25' ), showsym25_ = input.bool(true, '', group = g2, inline = '25_' ), showsym25__ = input.bool(true, '', group = g3, inline = '25__')
showsym26  = input.bool(true, '', group = g1, inline = '26' ), showsym26_ = input.bool(true, '', group = g2, inline = '26_' ), showsym26__ = input.bool(true, '', group = g3, inline = '26__')
showsym27  = input.bool(true, '', group = g1, inline = '27' ), showsym27_ = input.bool(true, '', group = g2, inline = '27_' ), showsym27__ = input.bool(true, '', group = g3, inline = '27__')
showsym28  = input.bool(true, '', group = g1, inline = '28' ), showsym28_ = input.bool(true, '', group = g2, inline = '28_' ), showsym28__ = input.bool(true, '', group = g3, inline = '28__')
showsym29  = input.bool(true, '', group = g1, inline = '29' ), showsym29_ = input.bool(true, '', group = g2, inline = '29_' ), showsym29__ = input.bool(true, '', group = g3, inline = '29__')
showsym30  = input.bool(true, '', group = g1, inline = '30' ), showsym30_ = input.bool(true, '', group = g2, inline = '30_' ), showsym30__ = input.bool(true, '', group = g3, inline = '30__')

// User Inputs - Symbols
sym1    = input.symbol('BINANCE:BTCUSDT.P',       '', group=g1, inline = '1'   ), sym1_   = input.symbol('BINANCE:BTCUSDT.P',      '', group=g2, inline = '1_'  ), sym1__  = input.symbol('BINANCE:BTCUSDT.P',   '', group=g3, inline = '1__' )
sym2    = input.symbol('BINANCE:ETHUSDT.P',       '', group=g1, inline = '2'   ), sym2_   = input.symbol('BINANCE:BLZUSDT.P',      '', group=g2, inline = '2_'  ), sym2__  = input.symbol('BINANCE:NEARUSDT.P',  '', group=g3, inline = '2__' )
sym3    = input.symbol('BINANCE:BNBUSDT.P',       '', group=g1, inline = '3'   ), sym3_   = input.symbol('BINANCE:CYBERUSDT.P',    '', group=g2, inline = '3_'  ), sym3__  = input.symbol('BINANCE:ATOMUSDT.P',  '', group=g3, inline = '3__' )
sym4    = input.symbol('BINANCE:XRPUSDT.P',       '', group=g1, inline = '4'   ), sym4_   = input.symbol('BINANCE:RUNEUSDT.P',     '', group=g2, inline = '4_'  ), sym4__  = input.symbol('BINANCE:YGGUSDT.P',   '', group=g3, inline = '4__' )
sym5    = input.symbol('BINANCE:ADAUSDT.P',       '', group=g1, inline = '5'   ), sym5_   = input.symbol('BINANCE:LEVERUSDT.P',    '', group=g2, inline = '5_'  ), sym5__  = input.symbol('BINANCE:SANDUSDT.P',  '', group=g3, inline = '5__' )
sym6    = input.symbol('BINANCE:DOGEUSDT.P',      '', group=g1, inline = '6'   ), sym6_   = input.symbol('BINANCE:SFPUSDT.P',      '', group=g2, inline = '6_'  ), sym6__  = input.symbol('BINANCE:GMTUSDT.P',   '', group=g3, inline = '6__' )
sym7    = input.symbol('BINANCE:SOLUSDT.P',       '', group=g1, inline = '7'   ), sym7_   = input.symbol('BINANCE:SUIUSDT.P',      '', group=g2, inline = '7_'  ), sym7__  = input.symbol('BINANCE:DYDXUSDT.P',  '', group=g3, inline = '7__' )
sym8    = input.symbol('BINANCE:TRXUSDT.P',       '', group=g1, inline = '8'   ), sym8_   = input.symbol('BINANCE:OPUSDT.P',       '', group=g2, inline = '8_'  ), sym8__  = input.symbol('BINANCE:KAVAUSDT.P',  '', group=g3, inline = '8__' )
sym9    = input.symbol('BINANCE:DOTUSDT.P',       '', group=g1, inline = '9'   ), sym9_   = input.symbol('BINANCE:UNFIUSDT.P',     '', group=g2, inline = '9_'  ), sym9__  = input.symbol('BINANCE:ASTRUSDT.P',  '', group=g3, inline = '9__' )
sym10   = input.symbol('BINANCE:MATICUSDT.P',     '', group=g1, inline = '10'  ), sym10_  = input.symbol('BINANCE:CRVUSDT.P',      '', group=g2, inline = '10_' ), sym10__ = input.symbol('BINANCE:MANAUSDT.P',  '', group=g3, inline = '10__')
sym11   = input.symbol('BINANCE:LTCUSDT.P',       '', group=g1, inline = '11'  ), sym11_  = input.symbol('BINANCE:COMPUSDT.P',     '', group=g2, inline = '11_' ), sym11__ = input.symbol('BINANCE:AAVEUSDT.P',  '', group=g3, inline = '11__')
sym12   = input.symbol('BINANCE:1000SHIBUSDT.P',  '', group=g1, inline = '12'  ), sym12_  = input.symbol('BINANCE:TIAUSDT.P',      '', group=g2, inline = '12_' ), sym12__ = input.symbol('BINANCE:WIFUSDT.P',   '', group=g3, inline = '12__')
sym13   = input.symbol('BINANCE:BCHUSDT.P',       '', group=g1, inline = '13'  ), sym13_  = input.symbol('BINANCE:APEUSDT.P',      '', group=g2, inline = '13_' ), sym13__ = input.symbol('BINANCE:EDUUSDT.P',   '', group=g3, inline = '13__')
sym14   = input.symbol('BINANCE:AVAXUSDT.P',      '', group=g1, inline = '14'  ), sym14_  = input.symbol('BINANCE:1000PEPEUSDT.P', '', group=g2, inline = '14_' ), sym14__ = input.symbol('BINANCE:FETUSDT.P',   '', group=g3, inline = '14__')
sym15   = input.symbol('BINANCE:LINKUSDT.P',      '', group=g1, inline = '15'  ), sym15_  = input.symbol('BINANCE:WAVESUSDT.P',    '', group=g2, inline = '15_' ), sym15__ = input.symbol('BINANCE:AXSUSDT.P',   '', group=g3, inline = '15__')
sym16   = input.symbol('BINANCE:XLMUSDT.P',       '', group=g1, inline = '16'  ), sym16_  = input.symbol('BINANCE:LPTUSDT.P',      '', group=g2, inline = '16_' ), sym16__ = input.symbol('BINANCE:SNXUSDT.P',   '', group=g3, inline = '16__')
sym17   = input.symbol('BINANCE:XMRUSDT.P',       '', group=g1, inline = '17'  ), sym17_  = input.symbol('BINANCE:MKRUSDT.P',      '', group=g2, inline = '17_' ), sym17__ = input.symbol('BINANCE:ALGOUSDT.P',  '', group=g3, inline = '17__')
sym18   = input.symbol('BINANCE:UNIUSDT.P',       '', group=g1, inline = '18'  ), sym18_  = input.symbol('BINANCE:OXTUSDT.P',      '', group=g2, inline = '18_' ), sym18__ = input.symbol('BINANCE:TRUUSDT.P',   '', group=g3, inline = '18__')
sym19   = input.symbol('BINANCE:THETAUSDT.P',     '', group=g1, inline = '19'  ), sym19_  = input.symbol('BINANCE:CFXUSDT.P',      '', group=g2, inline = '19_' ), sym19__ = input.symbol('BINANCE:AMBUSDT.P',   '', group=g3, inline = '19__')
sym20   = input.symbol('BINANCE:ATOMUSDT.P',      '', group=g1, inline = '20'  ), sym20_  = input.symbol('BINANCE:WLDUSDT.P',      '', group=g2, inline = '20_' ), sym20__ = input.symbol('BINANCE:C98USDT.P',   '', group=g3, inline = '20__')
sym21   = input.symbol('BINANCE:HBARUSDT.P',      '', group=g1, inline = '21'  ), sym21_  = input.symbol('BINANCE:INJUSDT.P',      '', group=g2, inline = '21_' ), sym21__ = input.symbol('BINANCE:KNCUSDT.P',   '', group=g3, inline = '21__')
sym22   = input.symbol('BINANCE:ICPUSDT.P',       '', group=g1, inline = '22'  ), sym22_  = input.symbol('BINANCE:LINAUSDT.P',     '', group=g2, inline = '22_' ), sym22__ = input.symbol('BINANCE:SXPUSDT.P',   '', group=g3, inline = '22__')
sym23   = input.symbol('BINANCE:FILUSDT.P',       '', group=g1, inline = '23'  ), sym23_  = input.symbol('BINANCE:EOSUSDT.P',      '', group=g2, inline = '23_' ), sym23__ = input.symbol('BINANCE:ARKMUSDT.P',  '', group=g3, inline = '23__')
sym24   = input.symbol('BINANCE:LDOUSDT.P',       '', group=g1, inline = '24'  ), sym24_  = input.symbol('BINANCE:SEIUSDT.P',      '', group=g2, inline = '24_' ), sym24__ = input.symbol('BINANCE:CELOUSDT.P',  '', group=g3, inline = '24__')
sym25   = input.symbol('BINANCE:GRTUSDT.P',       '', group=g1, inline = '25'  ), sym25_  = input.symbol('BINANCE:BAKEUSDT.P',     '', group=g2, inline = '25_' ), sym25__ = input.symbol('BINANCE:SUSHIUSDT.P', '', group=g3, inline = '25__')
sym26   = input.symbol('BINANCE:APTUSDT.P',       '', group=g1, inline = '26'  ), sym26_  = input.symbol('BINANCE:FTMUSDT.P',      '', group=g2, inline = '26_' ), sym26__ = input.symbol('BINANCE:ARPAUSDT.P',  '', group=g3, inline = '26__')
sym27   = input.symbol('BINANCE:OPUSDT.P',        '', group=g1, inline = '27'  ), sym27_  = input.symbol('BINANCE:MASKUSDT.P',     '', group=g2, inline = '27_' ), sym27__ = input.symbol('BINANCE:MTLUSDT.P',   '', group=g3, inline = '27__')
sym28   = input.symbol('BINANCE:ARBUSDT.P',       '', group=g1, inline = '28'  ), sym28_  = input.symbol('BINANCE:STMXUSDT.P',     '', group=g2, inline = '28_' ), sym28__ = input.symbol('BINANCE:RNDRUSDT.P',  '', group=g3, inline = '28__')
sym29   = input.symbol('BINANCE:QNTUSDT.P',       '', group=g1, inline = '29'  ), sym29_  = input.symbol('BINANCE:GALAUSDT.P',     '', group=g2, inline = '29_' ), sym29__ = input.symbol('BINANCE:STXUSDT.P',   '', group=g3, inline = '29__')
sym30   = input.symbol('BINANCE:VETUSDT.P',       '', group=g1, inline = '30'  ), sym30_  = input.symbol('BINANCE:WOOUSDT.P',      '', group=g2, inline = '30_' ), sym30__ = input.symbol('BINANCE:API3USDT.P',  '', group=g3, inline = '30__')

// Assigning colors based on the selected palette
sym1col    = colpal=='Palette 1' ? color.rgb(141, 211, 199) : colpal=='Palette 2' ? #1f77b4 : colpal=='Palette 3' ? #a0e4c0 : colpal=='Palette 4' ? #98bae3 : colpal=='Palette 5' ? #cc6565 : #1f77b4
sym2col    = colpal=='Palette 1' ? color.rgb(255, 255, 179) : colpal=='Palette 2' ? #aec7e8 : colpal=='Palette 3' ? #7d8bae : colpal=='Palette 4' ? #8fb2dc : colpal=='Palette 5' ? #cc7a65 : #aec7e8
sym3col    = colpal=='Palette 1' ? color.rgb(190, 186, 218) : colpal=='Palette 2' ? #ffbb78 : colpal=='Palette 3' ? #e5857b : colpal=='Palette 4' ? #86aad6 : colpal=='Palette 5' ? #cc8e65 : #ff7f0e
sym4col    = colpal=='Palette 1' ? color.rgb(251, 128, 114) : colpal=='Palette 2' ? #2ca02c : colpal=='Palette 3' ? #f1b2b2 : colpal=='Palette 4' ? #7da2d0 : colpal=='Palette 5' ? #cca365 : #ffbb78
sym5col    = colpal=='Palette 1' ? color.rgb(128, 177, 211) : colpal=='Palette 2' ? #98df8a : colpal=='Palette 3' ? #e8ccc7 : colpal=='Palette 4' ? #749bca : colpal=='Palette 5' ? #ccb765 : #2ca02c
sym6col    = colpal=='Palette 1' ? color.rgb(253, 180, 98)  : colpal=='Palette 2' ? #d62728 : colpal=='Palette 3' ? #506488 : colpal=='Palette 4' ? #6c93c5 : colpal=='Palette 5' ? #cccc65 : #98df8a
sym7col    = colpal=='Palette 1' ? color.rgb(179, 222, 105) : colpal=='Palette 2' ? #ff9896 : colpal=='Palette 3' ? #849bb1 : colpal=='Palette 4' ? #648bbf : colpal=='Palette 5' ? #b7cc65 : #d62728
sym8col    = colpal=='Palette 1' ? color.rgb(252, 205, 229) : colpal=='Palette 2' ? #9467bd : colpal=='Palette 3' ? #e89c8f : colpal=='Palette 4' ? #5d83ba : colpal=='Palette 5' ? #a3cc65 : #ff9896
sym9col    = colpal=='Palette 1' ? color.rgb(217, 217, 217) : colpal=='Palette 2' ? #c5b0d5 : colpal=='Palette 3' ? #f3c3c3 : colpal=='Palette 4' ? #557bb4 : colpal=='Palette 5' ? #8ecc65 : #9467bd
sym10col   = colpal=='Palette 1' ? color.rgb(188, 128, 189) : colpal=='Palette 2' ? #8c564b : colpal=='Palette 3' ? #eddbd2 : colpal=='Palette 4' ? #4e72ae : colpal=='Palette 5' ? #7acc65 : #c5b0d5
sym11col   = colpal=='Palette 1' ? color.rgb(204, 235, 197) : colpal=='Palette 2' ? #c49c94 : colpal=='Palette 3' ? #5b7085 : colpal=='Palette 4' ? #466aa9 : colpal=='Palette 5' ? #65cc65 : #8c564b
sym12col   = colpal=='Palette 1' ? color.rgb(222, 203, 228) : colpal=='Palette 2' ? #e377c2 : colpal=='Palette 3' ? #8badb5 : colpal=='Palette 4' ? #3f62a3 : colpal=='Palette 5' ? #65cc7a : #c49c94
sym13col   = colpal=='Palette 1' ? color.rgb(254, 217, 166) : colpal=='Palette 2' ? #f7b6d2 : colpal=='Palette 3' ? #d17584 : colpal=='Palette 4' ? #375a9e : colpal=='Palette 5' ? #65cc8e : #e377c2
sym14col   = colpal=='Palette 1' ? color.rgb(255, 237, 111) : colpal=='Palette 2' ? #7f7f7f : colpal=='Palette 3' ? #f4c8c5 : colpal=='Palette 4' ? #2f5298 : colpal=='Palette 5' ? #65cca3 : #f7b6d2
sym15col   = colpal=='Palette 1' ? color.rgb(152, 223, 138) : colpal=='Palette 2' ? #c7c7c7 : colpal=='Palette 3' ? #ddd8da : colpal=='Palette 4' ? #284a93 : colpal=='Palette 5' ? #65ccb7 : #7f7f7f
sym16col   = colpal=='Palette 1' ? color.rgb(158, 218, 229) : colpal=='Palette 2' ? #bcbd22 : colpal=='Palette 3' ? #667c91 : colpal=='Palette 4' ? #20428d : colpal=='Palette 5' ? #65cccc : #c7c7c7
sym17col   = colpal=='Palette 1' ? color.rgb(213, 62, 79)   : colpal=='Palette 2' ? #dbdb8d : colpal=='Palette 3' ? #92c0b8 : colpal=='Palette 4' ? #193a88 : colpal=='Palette 5' ? #65b7cc : #bcbd22
sym18col   = colpal=='Palette 1' ? color.rgb(244, 109, 67)  : colpal=='Palette 2' ? #17becf : colpal=='Palette 3' ? #be6e8d : colpal=='Palette 4' ? #113282 : colpal=='Palette 5' ? #65a3cc : #dbdb8d
sym19col   = colpal=='Palette 1' ? color.rgb(253, 174, 97)  : colpal=='Palette 2' ? #9edae5 : colpal=='Palette 3' ? #f7dde0 : colpal=='Palette 4' ? #0a2a7c : colpal=='Palette 5' ? #658ecc : #17becf
sym20col   = colpal=='Palette 1' ? color.rgb(171, 221, 164) : colpal=='Palette 2' ? #9e4a55 : colpal=='Palette 3' ? #d4d9dd : colpal=='Palette 4' ? #5981b1 : colpal=='Palette 5' ? #657acc : #9edae5
sym21col   = colpal=='Palette 1' ? color.rgb(128, 177, 211) : colpal=='Palette 2' ? #d9afa3 : colpal=='Palette 3' ? #70878e : colpal=='Palette 4' ? #6a89b5 : colpal=='Palette 5' ? #6565cc : #ff9896
sym22col   = colpal=='Palette 1' ? color.rgb(253, 180, 98)  : colpal=='Palette 2' ? #42675a : colpal=='Palette 3' ? #99d2bc : colpal=='Palette 4' ? #7a91ba : colpal=='Palette 5' ? #7a65cc : #c5b0d5
sym23col   = colpal=='Palette 1' ? color.rgb(179, 222, 105) : colpal=='Palette 2' ? #95aba7 : colpal=='Palette 3' ? #aa688b : colpal=='Palette 4' ? #8a99bf : colpal=='Palette 5' ? #8e65cc : #8c564b
sym24col   = colpal=='Palette 1' ? color.rgb(252, 205, 229) : colpal=='Palette 2' ? #7d5ba6 : colpal=='Palette 3' ? #fad2e3 : colpal=='Palette 4' ? #9aa1c4 : colpal=='Palette 5' ? #a365cc : #c49c94
sym25col   = colpal=='Palette 1' ? color.rgb(217, 217, 217) : colpal=='Palette 2' ? #b9a8d3 : colpal=='Palette 3' ? #ccd3d9 : colpal=='Palette 4' ? #aab9c9 : colpal=='Palette 5' ? #b765cc : #e377c2
sym26col   = colpal=='Palette 1' ? color.rgb(188, 128, 189) : colpal=='Palette 2' ? #407088 : colpal=='Palette 3' ? #7c938a : colpal=='Palette 4' ? #bac1ce : colpal=='Palette 5' ? #cc65cc : #f7b6d2
sym27col   = colpal=='Palette 1' ? color.rgb(204, 235, 197) : colpal=='Palette 2' ? #8aacc8 : colpal=='Palette 3' ? #a0a2e4 : colpal=='Palette 4' ? #cac9d3 : colpal=='Palette 5' ? #cc65b7 : #7f7f7f
sym28col   = colpal=='Palette 1' ? color.rgb(222, 203, 228) : colpal=='Palette 2' ? #b15928 : colpal=='Palette 3' ? #966398 : colpal=='Palette 4' ? #dad1d8 : colpal=='Palette 5' ? #cc65a3 : #c7c7c7
sym29col   = colpal=='Palette 1' ? color.rgb(254, 217, 166) : colpal=='Palette 2' ? #ffab70 : colpal=='Palette 3' ? #fbe7ec : colpal=='Palette 4' ? #e9d9dd : colpal=='Palette 5' ? #cc658e : #bcbd22
sym30col   = colpal=='Palette 1' ? color.rgb(255, 237, 111) : colpal=='Palette 2' ? #e08e45 : colpal=='Palette 3' ? #e3ecf0 : colpal=='Palette 4' ? #f9e1e2 : colpal=='Palette 5' ? #cc657a : #dbdb8d

// Assigning symbols based on the selected group
S1  = gn == 'Group 1' ? sym1  : gn == 'Group 2' ? sym1_  : sym1__ , C1  = gn == 'Group 1' ? showsym1  : gn == 'Group 2' ? showsym1_  : showsym1__
S2  = gn == 'Group 1' ? sym2  : gn == 'Group 2' ? sym2_  : sym2__ , C2  = gn == 'Group 1' ? showsym2  : gn == 'Group 2' ? showsym2_  : showsym2__
S3  = gn == 'Group 1' ? sym3  : gn == 'Group 2' ? sym3_  : sym3__ , C3  = gn == 'Group 1' ? showsym3  : gn == 'Group 2' ? showsym3_  : showsym3__
S4  = gn == 'Group 1' ? sym4  : gn == 'Group 2' ? sym4_  : sym4__ , C4  = gn == 'Group 1' ? showsym4  : gn == 'Group 2' ? showsym4_  : showsym4__
S5  = gn == 'Group 1' ? sym5  : gn == 'Group 2' ? sym5_  : sym5__ , C5  = gn == 'Group 1' ? showsym5  : gn == 'Group 2' ? showsym5_  : showsym5__
S6  = gn == 'Group 1' ? sym6  : gn == 'Group 2' ? sym6_  : sym6__ , C6  = gn == 'Group 1' ? showsym6  : gn == 'Group 2' ? showsym6_  : showsym6__
S7  = gn == 'Group 1' ? sym7  : gn == 'Group 2' ? sym7_  : sym7__ , C7  = gn == 'Group 1' ? showsym7  : gn == 'Group 2' ? showsym7_  : showsym7__
S8  = gn == 'Group 1' ? sym8  : gn == 'Group 2' ? sym8_  : sym8__ , C8  = gn == 'Group 1' ? showsym8  : gn == 'Group 2' ? showsym8_  : showsym8__
S9  = gn == 'Group 1' ? sym9  : gn == 'Group 2' ? sym9_  : sym9__ , C9  = gn == 'Group 1' ? showsym9  : gn == 'Group 2' ? showsym9_  : showsym9__
S10 = gn == 'Group 1' ? sym10 : gn == 'Group 2' ? sym10_ : sym10__, C10 = gn == 'Group 1' ? showsym10 : gn == 'Group 2' ? showsym10_ : showsym10__
S11 = gn == 'Group 1' ? sym11 : gn == 'Group 2' ? sym11_ : sym11__, C11 = gn == 'Group 1' ? showsym11 : gn == 'Group 2' ? showsym11_ : showsym11__
S12 = gn == 'Group 1' ? sym12 : gn == 'Group 2' ? sym12_ : sym12__, C12 = gn == 'Group 1' ? showsym12 : gn == 'Group 2' ? showsym12_ : showsym12__
S13 = gn == 'Group 1' ? sym13 : gn == 'Group 2' ? sym13_ : sym13__, C13 = gn == 'Group 1' ? showsym13 : gn == 'Group 2' ? showsym13_ : showsym13__
S14 = gn == 'Group 1' ? sym14 : gn == 'Group 2' ? sym14_ : sym14__, C14 = gn == 'Group 1' ? showsym14 : gn == 'Group 2' ? showsym14_ : showsym14__
S15 = gn == 'Group 1' ? sym15 : gn == 'Group 2' ? sym15_ : sym15__, C15 = gn == 'Group 1' ? showsym15 : gn == 'Group 2' ? showsym15_ : showsym15__
S16 = gn == 'Group 1' ? sym16 : gn == 'Group 2' ? sym16_ : sym16__, C16 = gn == 'Group 1' ? showsym16 : gn == 'Group 2' ? showsym16_ : showsym16__
S17 = gn == 'Group 1' ? sym17 : gn == 'Group 2' ? sym17_ : sym17__, C17 = gn == 'Group 1' ? showsym17 : gn == 'Group 2' ? showsym17_ : showsym17__
S18 = gn == 'Group 1' ? sym18 : gn == 'Group 2' ? sym18_ : sym18__, C18 = gn == 'Group 1' ? showsym18 : gn == 'Group 2' ? showsym18_ : showsym18__
S19 = gn == 'Group 1' ? sym19 : gn == 'Group 2' ? sym19_ : sym19__, C19 = gn == 'Group 1' ? showsym19 : gn == 'Group 2' ? showsym19_ : showsym19__
S20 = gn == 'Group 1' ? sym20 : gn == 'Group 2' ? sym20_ : sym20__, C20 = gn == 'Group 1' ? showsym20 : gn == 'Group 2' ? showsym20_ : showsym20__
S21 = gn == 'Group 1' ? sym21 : gn == 'Group 2' ? sym21_ : sym21__, C21 = gn == 'Group 1' ? showsym21 : gn == 'Group 2' ? showsym21_ : showsym21__
S22 = gn == 'Group 1' ? sym22 : gn == 'Group 2' ? sym22_ : sym22__, C22 = gn == 'Group 1' ? showsym22 : gn == 'Group 2' ? showsym22_ : showsym22__
S23 = gn == 'Group 1' ? sym23 : gn == 'Group 2' ? sym23_ : sym23__, C23 = gn == 'Group 1' ? showsym23 : gn == 'Group 2' ? showsym23_ : showsym23__
S24 = gn == 'Group 1' ? sym24 : gn == 'Group 2' ? sym24_ : sym24__, C24 = gn == 'Group 1' ? showsym24 : gn == 'Group 2' ? showsym24_ : showsym24__
S25 = gn == 'Group 1' ? sym25 : gn == 'Group 2' ? sym25_ : sym25__, C25 = gn == 'Group 1' ? showsym25 : gn == 'Group 2' ? showsym25_ : showsym25__
S26 = gn == 'Group 1' ? sym26 : gn == 'Group 2' ? sym26_ : sym26__, C26 = gn == 'Group 1' ? showsym26 : gn == 'Group 2' ? showsym26_ : showsym26__
S27 = gn == 'Group 1' ? sym27 : gn == 'Group 2' ? sym27_ : sym27__, C27 = gn == 'Group 1' ? showsym27 : gn == 'Group 2' ? showsym27_ : showsym27__
S28 = gn == 'Group 1' ? sym28 : gn == 'Group 2' ? sym28_ : sym28__, C28 = gn == 'Group 1' ? showsym28 : gn == 'Group 2' ? showsym28_ : showsym28__
S29 = gn == 'Group 1' ? sym29 : gn == 'Group 2' ? sym29_ : sym29__, C29 = gn == 'Group 1' ? showsym29 : gn == 'Group 2' ? showsym29_ : showsym29__
S30 = gn == 'Group 1' ? sym30 : gn == 'Group 2' ? sym30_ : sym30__, C30 = gn == 'Group 1' ? showsym30 : gn == 'Group 2' ? showsym30_ : showsym30__

// Function for converting user input into time period
f_switch(x) =>
    switch x
        '5 MIN'        => '5'
        '15 MIN'       => '15'
        '30 MIN'       => '30'
        '45 MIN'       => '45'
        '1 HOUR'       => '60'
        '2 HOURS'      => '120'
        '4 HOURS'      => '240'
        '12 HOURS'     => '720'
        '1 DAY'        => '1D'
        '2 DAYS'       => '2D'
        '3 DAYS'       => '3D'
        '1 WEEK'       => 'W'
        '2 WEEKS'      => '2W'
        '1 MONTH'      => 'M'
        '2 MONTHS'     => '2M'
        '3 MONTHS'     => '3M'
        '6 MONTHS'     => '6M'
        '1 YEAR'       => '12M'

// Function for switching plot style
switchstyle(x) =>
    switch x
        'Lines'        => plot.style_linebr
        'Circles'      => plot.style_circles
        'Columns'      => plot.style_columns
        'Area'         => plot.style_area

// Function for switching text size
switchsize(x) =>
    switch x
        'Tiny'         => size.tiny
        'Small'        => size.small
        'Normal'       => size.normal
        'Auto'         => size.auto

// Function for switching table position
switchpos(x) =>
    switch x
        'Middle Right' => position.middle_right
        'Top Right'    => position.top_right
        'Bottom Right' => position.bottom_right
        'Middle Left'  => position.middle_left
        'Top Left'     => position.top_left
        'Bottom Left'  => position.bottom_left

// Modifying ticker names (so they can be used without their prefix eg. BINANCE:BTCUSDT.P -> BTCUSDT.P)
t1  = array.get(str.split(S1,  ":"), 1), t11 = array.get(str.split(S11, ":"), 1), t21 = array.get(str.split(S21, ":"), 1)
t2  = array.get(str.split(S2,  ":"), 1), t12 = array.get(str.split(S12, ":"), 1), t22 = array.get(str.split(S22, ":"), 1)
t3  = array.get(str.split(S3,  ":"), 1), t13 = array.get(str.split(S13, ":"), 1), t23 = array.get(str.split(S23, ":"), 1)
t4  = array.get(str.split(S4,  ":"), 1), t14 = array.get(str.split(S14, ":"), 1), t24 = array.get(str.split(S24, ":"), 1)
t5  = array.get(str.split(S5,  ":"), 1), t15 = array.get(str.split(S15, ":"), 1), t25 = array.get(str.split(S25, ":"), 1)
t6  = array.get(str.split(S6,  ":"), 1), t16 = array.get(str.split(S16, ":"), 1), t26 = array.get(str.split(S26, ":"), 1)
t7  = array.get(str.split(S7,  ":"), 1), t17 = array.get(str.split(S17, ":"), 1), t27 = array.get(str.split(S27, ":"), 1)
t8  = array.get(str.split(S8,  ":"), 1), t18 = array.get(str.split(S18, ":"), 1), t28 = array.get(str.split(S28, ":"), 1)
t9  = array.get(str.split(S9,  ":"), 1), t19 = array.get(str.split(S19, ":"), 1), t29 = array.get(str.split(S29, ":"), 1)
t10 = array.get(str.split(S10, ":"), 1), t20 = array.get(str.split(S20, ":"), 1), t30 = array.get(str.split(S30, ":"), 1)

// Determining the periods
startCondition  = tf2 == "Visible Range" ? time == chart.left_visible_bar_time : time==starttime
vr              = time > chart.left_visible_bar_time

// Function for requesting price
cumulativeChange(a) =>
    symbol = a
    src = close
    closePrice = request.security(symbol, tf, src)
    //startPrice = ta.valuewhen(startCondition, closePrice[1], 0)
    pl = ta.pivotlow(closePrice,dddd,ssss)
    if na(pl)
    change = (closePrice/pl-1)*100
    //change = (closePrice - startPrice) / startPrice * 100

// Calculating % change values for each symbol
V1  = cumulativeChange(S1) , V11 = cumulativeChange(S11), V21 = cumulativeChange(S21)
V2  = cumulativeChange(S2) , V12 = cumulativeChange(S12), V22 = cumulativeChange(S22)
V3  = cumulativeChange(S3) , V13 = cumulativeChange(S13), V23 = cumulativeChange(S23)
V4  = cumulativeChange(S4) , V14 = cumulativeChange(S14), V24 = cumulativeChange(S24)
V5  = cumulativeChange(S5) , V15 = cumulativeChange(S15), V25 = cumulativeChange(S25)
V6  = cumulativeChange(S6) , V16 = cumulativeChange(S16), V26 = cumulativeChange(S26)
V7  = cumulativeChange(S7) , V17 = cumulativeChange(S17), V27 = cumulativeChange(S27)
V8  = cumulativeChange(S8) , V18 = cumulativeChange(S18), V28 = cumulativeChange(S28)
V9  = cumulativeChange(S9) , V19 = cumulativeChange(S19), V29 = cumulativeChange(S29)
V10 = cumulativeChange(S10), V20 = cumulativeChange(S20), V30 = cumulativeChange(S30)

closePrice = request.security(S1, tf, close)
//startPrice = ta.valuewhen(startCondition, closePrice[1], 0)
pl = ta.pivotlow(closePrice,dddd,ssss)
if na(pl)

bgcolor(ta.crossunder(closePrice,pl) ? #787B86:na)

// Creating arrays
database = array.new_float  (30, na)
names    = array.new_string (30, na)
cols     = array.new_color  (30, na)
conds    = array.new_bool   (30, false)

// Pushing values, names, colors and conditions into arrays
f_push_data(plot, name, col, cond, index) =>
    array.set(conds, index, cond)
    array.set(database, index, plot)
    array.set(names, index, name)
    array.set(cols, index, col)

f_push_data(V1,  t1  , sym1col , C1 , 0 ), f_push_data(V11, t11 , sym11col, C11, 10), f_push_data(V21, t21 , sym21col, C21, 20)
f_push_data(V2,  t2  , sym2col , C2 , 1 ), f_push_data(V12, t12 , sym12col, C12, 11), f_push_data(V22, t22 , sym22col, C22, 21)
f_push_data(V3,  t3  , sym3col , C3 , 2 ), f_push_data(V13, t13 , sym13col, C13, 12), f_push_data(V23, t23 , sym23col, C23, 22)
f_push_data(V4,  t4  , sym4col , C4 , 3 ), f_push_data(V14, t14 , sym14col, C14, 13), f_push_data(V24, t24 , sym24col, C24, 23)
f_push_data(V5,  t5  , sym5col , C5 , 4 ), f_push_data(V15, t15 , sym15col, C15, 14), f_push_data(V25, t25 , sym25col, C25, 24)
f_push_data(V6,  t6  , sym6col , C6 , 5 ), f_push_data(V16, t16 , sym16col, C16, 15), f_push_data(V26, t26 , sym26col, C26, 25)
f_push_data(V7,  t7  , sym7col , C7 , 6 ), f_push_data(V17, t17 , sym17col, C17, 16), f_push_data(V27, t27 , sym27col, C27, 26)
f_push_data(V8,  t8  , sym8col , C8 , 7 ), f_push_data(V18, t18 , sym18col, C18, 17), f_push_data(V28, t28 , sym28col, C28, 27)
f_push_data(V9,  t9  , sym9col , C9 , 8 ), f_push_data(V19, t19 , sym19col, C19, 18), f_push_data(V29, t29 , sym29col, C29, 28)
f_push_data(V10, t10 , sym10col, C10, 9 ), f_push_data(V20, t20 , sym20col, C20, 19), f_push_data(V30, t30 , sym30col, C30, 29)

// Function for setting the color (normal, highlighted/shadowed/gradient)
tp  = hm1, mid = hm3, bt  = hm2
tr = time < starttime
cr = time < chart.left_visible_bar_time

f_set_color(x) =>
    sym = array.get(database, x)
    if highlight
        top_x = array.max(database, counthl)
        bottom_x = array.min(database, counthl)
        op = sym > top_x
        up = sym < bottom_x
        col = op or up ? array.get(cols, x) : nonhlcol
        tf2 == 'Visible Range' ? (cr ? na : col) : tf2=='Timestamp' ? (tr ? na : col) : col
    else if hm
        col =     sym >= 0 ? color.from_gradient(sym, 0, array.max(database), mid, tp) : color.from_gradient(sym, array.min(database), 0, bt, mid)
        tf2 == 'Visible Range' ? (cr ? na : col) : tf2=='Timestamp' ? (tr ? na : col) : col
        col = array.get(cols, x)
        tf2 == 'Visible Range' ? (cr ? na : col) : tf2=='Timestamp' ? (tr ? na : col) : col

// Function for conditional plotting
f_plot(V, C) =>
    C ? (tf2 == 'Visible Range' ? (vr ? V : 0) : tf2=='Timestamp' ? (time>starttime ? V : 0) : V) : na

// Plotting data 
plot(f_plot(V1 , C1 ), color= f_set_color(0 ), title='', style = switchstyle(disp), linewidth = linewidth, editable = false)
plot(f_plot(V2 , C2 ), color= f_set_color(1 ), title='', style = switchstyle(disp), linewidth = linewidth, editable = false)
plot(f_plot(V3 , C3 ), color= f_set_color(2 ), title='', style = switchstyle(disp), linewidth = linewidth, editable = false)
plot(f_plot(V4 , C4 ), color= f_set_color(3 ), title='', style = switchstyle(disp), linewidth = linewidth, editable = false)
plot(f_plot(V5 , C5 ), color= f_set_color(4 ), title='', style = switchstyle(disp), linewidth = linewidth, editable = false)
plot(f_plot(V6 , C6 ), color= f_set_color(5 ), title='', style = switchstyle(disp), linewidth = linewidth, editable = false)
plot(f_plot(V7 , C7 ), color= f_set_color(6 ), title='', style = switchstyle(disp), linewidth = linewidth, editable = false)
plot(f_plot(V8 , C8 ), color= f_set_color(7 ), title='', style = switchstyle(disp), linewidth = linewidth, editable = false)
plot(f_plot(V9 , C9 ), color= f_set_color(8 ), title='', style = switchstyle(disp), linewidth = linewidth, editable = false)
plot(f_plot(V10, C10), color= f_set_color(9 ), title='', style = switchstyle(disp), linewidth = linewidth, editable = false)
plot(f_plot(V11, C11), color= f_set_color(10), title='', style = switchstyle(disp), linewidth = linewidth, editable = false)
plot(f_plot(V12, C12), color= f_set_color(11), title='', style = switchstyle(disp), linewidth = linewidth, editable = false)
plot(f_plot(V13, C13), color= f_set_color(12), title='', style = switchstyle(disp), linewidth = linewidth, editable = false)
plot(f_plot(V14, C14), color= f_set_color(13), title='', style = switchstyle(disp), linewidth = linewidth, editable = false)
plot(f_plot(V15, C15), color= f_set_color(14), title='', style = switchstyle(disp), linewidth = linewidth, editable = false)
plot(f_plot(V16, C16), color= f_set_color(15), title='', style = switchstyle(disp), linewidth = linewidth, editable = false)
plot(f_plot(V17, C17), color= f_set_color(16), title='', style = switchstyle(disp), linewidth = linewidth, editable = false)
plot(f_plot(V18, C18), color= f_set_color(17), title='', style = switchstyle(disp), linewidth = linewidth, editable = false)
plot(f_plot(V19, C19), color= f_set_color(18), title='', style = switchstyle(disp), linewidth = linewidth, editable = false)
plot(f_plot(V20, C20), color= f_set_color(19), title='', style = switchstyle(disp), linewidth = linewidth, editable = false)
plot(f_plot(V21, C21), color= f_set_color(20), title='', style = switchstyle(disp), linewidth = linewidth, editable = false)
plot(f_plot(V22, C22), color= f_set_color(21), title='', style = switchstyle(disp), linewidth = linewidth, editable = false)
plot(f_plot(V23, C23), color= f_set_color(22), title='', style = switchstyle(disp), linewidth = linewidth, editable = false)
plot(f_plot(V24, C24), color= f_set_color(23), title='', style = switchstyle(disp), linewidth = linewidth, editable = false)
plot(f_plot(V25, C25), color= f_set_color(24), title='', style = switchstyle(disp), linewidth = linewidth, editable = false)
plot(f_plot(V26, C26), color= f_set_color(25), title='', style = switchstyle(disp), linewidth = linewidth, editable = false)
plot(f_plot(V27, C27), color= f_set_color(26), title='', style = switchstyle(disp), linewidth = linewidth, editable = false)
plot(f_plot(V28, C28), color= f_set_color(27), title='', style = switchstyle(disp), linewidth = linewidth, editable = false)
plot(f_plot(V29, C29), color= f_set_color(28), title='', style = switchstyle(disp), linewidth = linewidth, editable = false)
plot(f_plot(V30, C30), color= f_set_color(29), title='', style = switchstyle(disp), linewidth = linewidth, editable = false)

// Function for creating symbol labels
f_create_label(plot, x, t) =>
    top_x = array.max(database, counthl)
    bottom_x = array.min(database, counthl)
    op = plot > top_x
    up = plot < bottom_x

    if highlight==false or (highlight and (op or up))
        label.new(bar_index + offs, plot, str.tostring(t), size = switchsize(lblsize), color = lbltyp=='Text Label' ? na : f_set_color(x), textcolor = lbltyp=='Text Label' ? f_set_color(x) : (hm ? color.white : color.black), style = label.style_label_left)

// Function for creating lines that connect the plot and the label
f_create_line(plot, x, t) =>
    top_x = array.max(database, counthl)
    bottom_x = array.min(database, counthl)
    op = plot > top_x
    up = plot < bottom_x

    if highlight==false or (highlight and (op or up))
        line.new(bar_index, plot, bar_index+offs, plot, color = lbltyp=='Label and Line' ? f_set_color(x) : na, style = line.style_dotted, width = linewidth)

// Generating labels and lines
conds_size  = array.size(conds)
var line li = na
var label l = na

if showlbl and barstate.islast
    for i = 0 to conds_size - 1
        if array.get(conds, i)
            l  := f_create_label(array.get(database, i), i, array.get(names, i))
            if lbltyp=='Label and Line'
                li := f_create_line(array.get(database, i), i, array.get(names, i))

// Table 
h = tablesize
table1 = table.new(switchpos(tablepos), 6, 35, border_color = chart.bg_color, border_width = bordsize)

// Function to populate cells with ticker names
f_ncell(cond, c, r, txt, col, ord) =>
    if cond
        table.cell(table1, c, r, str.tostring(array.get(names, ord)), bgcolor = col, text_color = hm ? color.white : color.black, height = h, text_size = switchsize(textsize))
// Function to populate cells with plot values
f_vcell(cond, c, r, txt, col, ord) =>
    if cond
        table.cell(table1, c, r, str.tostring(array.get(database, ord), format.percent), bgcolor = color.new(col, 10), text_color = hm ? color.white: color.black, height = h, text_size = switchsize(textsize))

// Setting up the gradient coloring
f_gcol(x) =>
    midv = array.avg(database)
    array.max(database, x) >= midv ? color.from_gradient(array.max(database, x), midv, array.max(database), mid, tp) : color.from_gradient(array.max(database, x), array.min(database), midv, bt, mid)

// Filter database based on conditions
filtered_database = array.new_float(0)
for i = 0 to array.size(database) - 1
    if array.get(conds, i)
        array.push(filtered_database, array.get(database, i))

// Sort the filtered_database in descending order
array.sort(filtered_database, order.descending)
sorted_database = filtered_database

// Populating the table cells
if showtable and barstate.islast
    // Ticker names
    if show_tick
        table.cell(table1, 0, 0, 'Ticker', text_color = color.white, bgcolor = color.rgb(41, 42, 42))
        for i = 0 to array.size(sorted_database) - 1
            highValue = array.get(sorted_database, i)
            highIndex = array.indexof(database, highValue)
            if not na(highIndex)
                f_ncell(array.get(conds, highIndex), 0, i + 2, i, hm ? f_gcol(i) : array.get(cols, highIndex), highIndex)
    // Percent change
    if show_chg
        table.cell(table1, 1, 0, 'Δ', text_color = color.white, bgcolor = color.rgb(41, 42, 42))
        for i = 0 to array.size(sorted_database) - 1
            highValue = array.get(sorted_database, i)
            highIndex = array.indexof(database, highValue)
            if not na(highIndex)
                f_vcell(array.get(conds, highIndex), 1, i + 2, i, hm ? color.new(f_gcol(i), 30) : array.get(cols, highIndex), highIndex)

bbb = input.float(0, step=0.01, title='Zero')
