This is the last place in this thanks giving long trip. Zion is really strict park compare as other park. I think the park is small, they don’t have enough space to park, It’s famous for family and visitors.After we passed the entrance gate, there are two tunnels like this and then several 180 degree turn curved steep roads. After passing this tunnel It should be spread different atmosphere.We received the pass for entry before we go. Many people doesn’t have ticket parked car at visitor center and seemed use the shuttle bus for moving in the park.First we checked in the Zion Lodge for get parking ticket and got park map, some tips for visiting and recommendation.Big circle picnic area with big tree is in front of the lodge entrance. Many visitors were relaxed here and played their dog. It was beautiful sunny day.This is a Lodge we stay tonight. They have fire place, cool furnitures and nice bathroom.Before having a lunch, we went to the most famous place ‘Narrows’. of the trail is normal we walk side of the river but from the middle there is river we can walk into. (we need some equipment, waterproof boots and sticks...)We don’t have any equipment for water and the rental service was full so we gonna go to the middle we can go. If it’s summer we don’t need the boots shoes but November is too cold to walk...After Narrows walk, we took a rest at picnic area with coffee and ice cream. In a shadow area was a little bit cold.