
画像1 Let's go to Paris ~ 🇫🇷 ahaha Somehow now it's May 2024... I'm so lazy...
画像2 just arrived at Charles de Gaulle airport, a bit tired...
画像3 To get some refresh, going to Bakery. Everything look great.
画像4 First try to aucentic chocolate croissant. Outside is cluncy, not too sweet, perfect balance, so good. not sure if this is just regular here or we just got a really good one.
画像5 Going to suburb - not really far, district 11? can't remember though. It's park here with unique architecture by Frank Gehry.
画像6 From outside, looks like ship floating ocean or something else hehe
画像7 Inside view - Glass panel supported by wooden columns and steel structures. I give you huge admiration for all of engineer work.
画像9 Taking a short break as we had walked a lot lol. Both look tired and sleepy from Jetlug.
画像10 Next day. meet our friend who just started new life here in Paris. Enjoy beautifull life~ 🇫🇷🥐🇫🇷🥐🇫🇷🥐
画像11 walking around at neighbor
画像12 I don't remember anything about this pic anymore... something new or good there.
画像13 Tokio Museum? just come here to see inside of building, not for art honestly hehe
画像15 We had a dinner at small local restaurant. Of course they don't have beer, even don't have glass of wine. Only way we could order is bottle of wine. we're not wine person at this time...
画像16 cute modern (small) hotel in a city. not bad to just stay couple nights.
画像19 Creme brulee, not right size for desert after eating full course dinner... can't eat anymore. got a tired from eating...
画像22 "Gare de Lyon": Lyon Station.
画像27 Finally we got a beer lol, we rather beer than wine as got used to American food.
