カナダ留学日記 5/6(Mon) バンクーバー生活80日目


Although I am enjoying my language school, I have a feeling to be a little hazy.

I thought why I have this feeling and I understood the reason today.

There are two main reasons to this.

Firstly, my language school is slightly different with my purpose to realize my goal.

I have 3 goals in this language school term.

1, To improve my speaking skill

2, To know about various countries' people's value by communicating by English

3, To hang out with foreign girls

In my language school, I can achieve my 1st goal.

However, it's difficult for me to realize 2,3rd goal in my current state.

This is the first reason.

secondly, I already have my address.

I went to former language school and work as a teacher now.

Thus, I have comfort zone as I feel relax.

In new environment, we feel more or less uncomfortable at the first time.

If I haven't had my address, I would have tried to make efforts in my new environment but I don't have to do that now.

This is my second reason.

However, I can't spend this term in this mental attitude so I decided to do my best in this week and even if I did that but my feelings don't change, I may try to seek other solutions to realize my goals.

In summary, I do my best during this week.

Today is like this.
Thank you for reading.
