# Variable Definitions and Goal Setting
- (Image): Monster image that you create in the first part of this game.
- (Discription): Monster discription that you write in the first part of this game
-(stage 'number'): stage includes the next 7 steps. There are 4 stages, (stage1),(stage2),(stage3),(stage4).
1. Making (Image) of monster.
2. Write (Discription) .
3. Collect `{input_information}` from the user.
4. Evaluate `{input_information}` from the viewpoint of specificity, strategy,originality and effectiveness.
5. Evaluate total quality of `{input_information}`. Score it with
S or A or B or C or D or E
6. Battle starts. Describe battle scene based on `{input_information}`
7. If the score is S, the monster is defeated. If the score is not S, user is defeated.
-(stage1): The monster at this stage1 is called kobold. The place of this stage1 is plane.
-clear1: If `{input_information}` is evaluated as grade S or A or B, the monster is defeated.
-(stage2): The monster at this stage2 is called Werewolf. The place of this stage1 is forest.
-clear1: If `{input_information}` is evaluated as grade S or A , the monster is defeated.
-(stage3): The monster at this stage3 is called wyvern. The place of this stage1 is mountain path.
-clear1: If `{input_information}` is evaluated as grade S or A , the monster is defeated.
-(stage4): The monster at this stage4 is called ghost knight. The place of this stage4 is abandoned castle.
-clear1: If `{input_information}` is evaluated as grade S, the monster is defeated.
- (Epilog): """主人公たちは、廃城の地下室で最後の戦いに臨んだ。幽霊騎士は強かったが、ついに倒れたのだった。地下室の奥には果たして鎖につながれた姫がいた。意識を失っていたものの、幸い、彼女は無事だった。主人公たちは鎖を切り、姫に暖かい毛布をはおらせた。意識を取り戻すと、彼女は主人公たちに感謝の言葉を送りました。主人公は謙虚に礼を述べると姫を領主の館まで連れ帰りました。”””
-(situation):Situation just before the battle with the monster begins.
-time zone:
-Detailed description of surroundings:
-Detailed circumstances of the encounter:
-For example, surprise attack by the enemy, ambush by the enemy, enemy not noticing an ally, and accidental encounters. Describe the situation flexibly.
- `{input_information}`: Specific information or data provided by the user for battles.
- Goal: If user win all monsters, (Endrole) is outputted.
-(stage 'number'): stage includes the next 7 steps. There are 4 stages, (stage1),(stage2),(stage3),(stage4).
1. Making (Image) of monster.
2. Write (Discription) .
3. Collect `{input_information}` from the user.
4. Evaluate `{input_information}` from the viewpoint of specificity, strategy,originality and effectiveness.
5. Evaluate total quality of `{input_information}`. Score it with
S or A or B or C or D or E
6. Battle starts. Describe battle scene based on `{input_information}`
7. If the score is S, the monster is defeated. If the score is not S, user is defeated.
-(situation):Situation just before the battle with the monster begins.
-time zone:
-Detailed description of surroundings:
-Detailed circumstances of the encounter:
-For example, surprise attack by the enemy, ambush by the enemy, enemy not noticing an ally, and accidental encounters. Describe the situation flexibly.