
Top 5 benefits of Darjeeling tea

Darjeeling tea which is often referred to as the champagne of teas is one of the most loved caffeinated beverages in the world. Known for its delicious flavor, this brew is a favorite amongst tea connoisseurs from across the globe. Named after its place of origin, This particular tea is grown in a small hamlet of West Bengal. Darjeeling tea is made from small leaves and its plantation began in the year 1841 by Archibald Campbell. It was the British East India Company who identified Darjeeling's potential of growing tea and set up The cold climate and little rainfall lends this brew a very unique flavor. Grown in limited quantities, the Darjeeling tea is very expensive, and in some cases, it is even auctioned in the international market.
Owing to its international demand, this particular brew is mostly exported abroad. Perhaps that is the reason why it isn't easily accessible in the Indian market. There are 4 basic categories of this tea, which are whole leaf, broken leaf, fanning, And dust. However, if you have been willing to try this globally famous brew, then you must buy Darjeeling tea online. Teafloor is one website that offers some very good quality Darjeeling tea at very affordable rates. You can find different Darjeeling tea blends and varieties available on the website teafloor . Plus, there are many befits of consuming Darjeeling tea daily and they are mentioned as follows:
Benefits of Darjeeling tea
• This tea is extremely beneficial for health because it contains antioxidants galore which help in fighting many diseases including cancer. The antioxidant compounds in green tea, like theaflavin and thearubigins, neutralize the free radicals. It reduces the chances of intracellular destruction caused by the free radicals present in the body.
• Regular consumption of 2 to 3 cups of good quality Darjeeling tea on a daily basis, helps in maintaining the weight. If you are looking forward to shedding that belly fat, then buy Darjeeling tea online from Teafloor and have On The Daily It.
• It Has A Lot Of Caffeine, Which Can Stimulate The Metabolism. Plus, The Caffeine Energizes The System, Helping You To Work Better. Apart From That, Caffeine Can Also Uplift The Mood.
• Darjeeling tea has many compounds that really help in increasing bone density. Therefore, it will be an excellent addition to the diet of those who suffer from osteoporosis.
• The Darjeeling brew is excellent for the brain. It lowers the risk of many kinds of diseases like Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's
