
(English ver.) Next Generation's Roundtable in Tokyo at Roppongi Hills Club


If you are looking for new Japanese or American friends in Tokyo, NGRT is the best place for networking and expanding your horizons. Join our discussion table now!

◆What is Next Generation’s Roundtable in TOKYO (NGRT)?

Next Generation’s Roundtable in TOKYO (NGRT) is planned as a part of the centennial commemoration programs of the America- Japan Society (AJS). The purpose of NGRT is to create an opportunity for young Japanese and Americans to meet each other discussing issues of their interest in English and to help their networking. Since 2017, we have successfully held the 1st and 2nd round of NGRT. We are inviting new members for the 3rd round as follows.

1. Meeting: Once a month (dates will be decided two months in advance) 
2. Time: Weekday evenings from 19:30 to 21:00
3. Venue: Roppongi Hills Club 51th Floor
4. Participants: 
・Japanese and Americans under the age of 40 (Total 30-40)
・Non AJS members are welcomed. (Non AJS members, who consider to join AJS member, will have priority.)
・Previous members of the 1st or 2nd round of NGRT can join the 3rd, but we hope them to be a member of the America-Japan Society.
5. Language: English
6. Agenda: Interesting topics for participants will be decided in advance. Please refer to the reference below.
7. Program (standard time table): 
・ Lead off by the Lead off Speaker 15 minutes
・ Roundtable discussions divided into 4-5 tables 60 minutes
・ Summary speech from each table 10 minutes
・ Comment by the Lead off Speaker 5 minutes
8. Food and Drinks: Free Coffee and sandwiches will be served.
9. Fee: 5,000 yen for a year course (10 meetings a year.)
10. Note: Participants will be encouraged to go to nijikai or individual meetings at their expenses for networking after the program.


◆Reference: Topics & Speakers 

October 2018 ~ September 2019

“Super Global” Japanese Universities (Mr. Stephen Givens, Foreign Attorney-at-Law)
President Trump's Policies (Mr. Ichiro Fujisaki, President of the AJS)
Global Leadership (Mr. Matthew Sussman, Executive Director, Japan-U.S. Educational Commission, Fulbright Japan)
English Language in the World (Mr. Bruce Batten, Resident Director, The Inter-University Center for Japanese Language Studies)
US-Japan Relationship  (Mr. Christopher LaFleur, former Deputy Chief of Mission U.S. Embassy, Chairman of ACCJ)
Gender Equality (Ms. Sayuri Daimon, Executive Operating Officer, Managing Editor, The Japan Times)
Political System (Ms. Mieko Nakabayashi, Ph.D. Professor, School of Social Sciences Waseda University)
Digital Platform & Politics (Mr. Arthur Mitchell, Senior Counselor, White & Case LLP)
Independence Day Party
Space Economy (Mr. Chris Blackerby, COO at Astroscale)


October 2019 ~ September 2020

Japan-US Relations among the Constitutional Reform of Japan(Mr. Yoshihisa Komori, Sankei Shimbun’s associate correspondent in Washington D.C., a special professor at Reitaku University)
Disruptive Technology(Mr. Yasumasa Yamamoto, a venture capitalist, a visiting researcher at Harvard University)
US-Japan Relationship from the Perspective of Security & Economy(Mr. Yutaka Arima, Deputy Director General, North American Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan)
Well-being (Mr. Takuya Kitagawa, Chief Data Officer and Managing Executive Officer at Rakuten)

◆Event Flow of the Program

Once a month, NGRT members gather at the Roppongi Hills Club 51st floor at 7:30 pm. From the 51st floor, the beauty of the sparkling Tokyo night view will captivate you. Beginning with self introduction of the members in your table, you will realize that members are coming from different field and industries.

Some prepare for the discussion beforehand by reading or listening related materials. Discussion flow is as below: 

・ Lead off by the Lead off Speaker 15 minutes
・ Roundtable discussions divided into 4-5 tables 60 minutes
・ Summary speech from each table 10 minutes
・ Comment by the Lead off Speaker 5 minutes

Before discussion starts, Lead off Speaker introduces about him/herself and give you a keynote speech about the theme. It is quite interesting to hear from these experts about their stories, and which will deepen your thoughts and understandings.

After the 15-minute-speech from the speaker, members start discussion with 2-3 discussion questions.  During the discussion time, the guest speaker join each table to answer participants' questions. It seems to be the most exciting time for members that they can talk with the expert in person.   


At last, each group and guest speaker give a summary speech and general comments to wrap up the discussion. Every time, participants enjoy the high level discussion in English and they make good use of the experience for work or daily life.


Even after the event, members go hangout and have fun around the Roppongi to make a connection with the members. They enjoy making new connection each time. NGRT provides you opportunities of discussion in English about various issues, also a strong connection with young Japanese and Americans though 10 times of meeting in a year.  

◆How to Apply

 NGRT 3rd Round(Oct. 2019~Sep. 2020)・・・Application reception has been closed. If you are willing to join the 3rd round from the middle, please email us at program@ajstokyo.org
 NGRT 4th Round(Oct. 2020~Sep. 2021)・・・Application starts from September 2020. Please check the information at  our website or Facebook. 
 5,000 yen for 1 term (year)
   Please pay the fee after you apply.
・Japanese and Americans under the age of 40 (Total 30-40)
*Even if you don't have Japanese or American citizenship, you can be accepted.
・Non AJS members are welcomed. (Non AJS members, who consider to join AJS member, will have priority.)
・Previous members of the 1st or 2nd round of NGRT can join the 3rd, but we hope them to be a member of the America-Japan Society. 



The America-Japan Society, Inc. 
TEL:03(3588)6344 FAX:03(3588)6355 
Email: program@ajstokyo.org
Website▶ http://ajstokyo.org/ 
Facebook▶ https://www.facebook.com/ajstokyo/ 
Twitter▶ https://twitter.com/AJS_Tokyo