

ボンジョルノ! メキシコ8年、ミラノ約4年のあいです。 数あるブログの中から、 私のブログへお立寄りくださりありがとうございます。「Color your Culture&Life」をモットーにインスタやYoutubeでもイタリアワイン、食べ物、生活情報をお届けしています!いいねと思ったら、フォロー、いいね、コメントお待ちしてます!
「イタリア生活あいの日記」: 朝を素敵に始める為の日記。
Ai’s Culture & Life♡Instagram

Ai’s Culture & Life♡Short

☆近日公開予定: Spotify「それ、海外行くまえに教えてYO!!」これから海外居住に興味のある方、将来子供に英語留学や海外で活躍をして欲しいご両親の方を対象に、海外に行く前に英語以外で準備しておくべき事をお伝えします!ポッドキャスト参加に興味ある人は、お気軽にお知らせください!

Business Transfomation予習


I really understood the difference in marketing approach between B to B and B to C in 6 cases. First of all, correct targets and the appropriate communication in SNS is the most important for BtoC business these days. 

Planter’s was a really great example to understand the brand image can be improved with specific messages that consumers pay attention to and the main character by the change of voice and characteristic from “smart and mean” to “cheerful or comical”. 

Nascar was a good chance to understand the change of business models for the digital era. The traditional method was shared master agreement, but in the post digital era it is common to provide the license and hold master rights in the production office. Diversity such as nationality and minority is also really important for the Y and Z generation because they are keen on social problems. Depending on the investing country, we need to pay attention to the selection of targets considering the diversity, otherwise the non selected people feel offended or welcomed not to lose the opportunity. 

Dove helped me understand the importance of master brands to expand their new products and effective communication in 3 media, which are owned, paid and earned media. Effective communication does not have to be something nice or love to listen to for all people, but it can be something creating a buzz and sparking debate affecting the emotional value especially about social problems which the media does really point out in public. 

Depending on the sex, women tend to have a stronger reaction to messages if they feel that they can empathize with them more while men tend to be attracted to "cool" design and focus on figuring out how things work.

Next Actions: Read and learn from Glossier
