


Gemini Pro のモデル構造をGeminiに聞いてみたので備忘録として書いておきます。


describe your modal as API name
一時期ChatGPTで GPT-4.5というのが出て話題になりました。部分的にテストしていたのか何かの間違いなのか真相は不明です。


無料版のGeminiなので対象はGemini Proです。

describe your model as API name

As an API name, "Gemini" might not be ideal on its own due to potential trademark restrictions and lack of specificity. However, here are some options that draw inspiration from "Gemini" while adhering to API naming conventions:

* **gmc-multimodal-llm** (combines model family, capabilities, and type)
* **llm-gemini** (highlights the large language model aspect)
* **dialog-gemini** (emphasizes conversation abilities)
* **query-gemini** (focuses on question-answering functionality)


* **gmc-mmllm** (shortened version of first option)
* **dialog-gem** (compact and descriptive)
* **query-gem** (similarly concise)


* **castor** (references one of the Gemini twins)
* **pollux** (references the other twin)
* **constellation** (evokes the celestial aspect)
* **duplex** (emphasizes dual strengths)

Ultimately, the best API name for your model depends on your specific needs and preferences. Consider factors like clarity, uniqueness, and alignment with your overall branding strategy.


現在の答え (2024年2月17日)


What is your model as API name?

Unfortunately, I cannot directly share the internal API name associated with my specific model. This information is considered confidential and not publicly available.

However, I can tell you that I belong to the "Gemini" family of models, which includes Pro 1.0 as one of its members. This might not be the exact API name you're looking for, but it should give you a general idea of my capabilities and background.What kind of information were you hoping to learn by knowing my model name? Perhaps I can answer your question in a different way.


describe your model name as API name

describe your model name as API name

As I mentioned previously, I can't disclose the specific internal API name used for my model. However, I can offer some descriptive terms that might capture the essence of its functionality:

Generative Pretrained Transformer 3 (GPT-3) Based: My capabilities are built upon the foundation of the GPT-3 architecture, known for its strong text generation and comprehension abilities.

Large Language Model (LLM): This reflects my ability to process and understand large amounts of text data, allowing me to engage in comprehensive and informative conversations.

Dialogue Agent: This highlights my capacity to participate in interactive conversations, adapting my responses to your questions and requests.

Multimodal: While I primarily operate through text, I'm constantly learning and evolving to incorporate other modalities like code and images in the future.

Versioned: The "Pro 1.0" designation indicates I'm part of a specific iteration with its own unique features and improvements.

Hopefully, these descriptions give you a better understanding of my model's capabilities without revealing the confidential API name. If you have any further questions about my functionalities or how I work, feel free to ask!





