
AI Novel・『The Whisper of Shachihoko: Bonds Beyond Time』Shachi

Chapter One: The Mysterious Shachihoko

Taichi was an ordinary salaryman. Nothing particularly unusual happened in his life, filled with daily busyness and tranquil moments with Michika. However, one night, what appeared in Taichi’s dream was a colossal Shachihoko.

The Shachihoko resembled the figure carved on the roof of an ancient shrine in Kyoto. Its eyes were a deep blue, gazing intently at Taichi. Startled, Taichi asked the Shachihoko, "Why are you here?"

The Shachihoko began to speak slowly, moving its gigantic body. "I have appeared in your dream to retrieve what has been lost, to recover the forgotten time. I know what you are searching for."

Taichi was confused. He wasn’t supposed to be searching for anything. However, he felt captivated by the profound sadness in the Shachihoko’s eyes and felt as though he couldn’t escape from that place.

When Taichi awoke from the dream, the sensation still felt so real that his room seemed like a space from another dimension. Then, he realized that Michika, who should have been sleeping next to him, was gone.

He called out to Michika, but there was no response. Anxiety gripped Taichi’s heart, wondering if the words of the Shachihoko were not just a dream but somehow connected to reality.

From that day on, Taichi’s everyday life transformed into an adventure to unravel the mystery of the Shachihoko.

Chapter Two: The Missing Lover

As the morning light streamed into the room, Taichi frantically searched for anything that might belong to Michika. Michika's slippers, the book she was reading last night, her favorite mug. Everything was in its place, but there was no sign of her anywhere.

In a panic, Taichi grabbed his phone and tried calling Michika repeatedly, but the calls didn't go through. Hours had passed since her last update on social media. Growing increasingly anxious about Michika's disappearance, Taichi contacted her friends and acquaintances, but no one knew her whereabouts.

What lingered in Taichi's mind were the words of the Shachihoko from his dream. "I know what you are searching for." Desperate to understand the meaning behind those words, Taichi resolved to investigate the Shachihoko from his dream.

He researched old libraries and online resources and visited shrines and temples, questioning the priests and monks. However, no clues regarding the Shachihoko of his dream were found. Exhausted, Taichi eventually arrived at an old bookstore. In a section labeled "Myths and Legends" at the back of the store, he found an ancient book about the Shachihoko.

As Taichi reached for the book, an elderly man emerged from the back. "Do you wish to know about the Shachihoko?" the old man inquired. Taichi nodded and began to recount everything about Michika and the Shachihoko from his dream.

After listening to Taichi's story, the old man remained silent for a while and then slowly began to speak. "The Shachihoko from your dream is not just a legend. It's an entity with the power to transcend the boundaries between reality and dreams. And perhaps, your lover is under the influence of this Shachihoko."

With a look of astonishment, Taichi made up his mind. In order to find Michika and uncover the truth, he, along with the old man from the bookstore, decided to delve deeper into the mystery of the Shachihoko.

Chapter Three: The Bookstore Owner

The old bookstore was cramped, with the unique scent of aged paper wafting through the shelves lined with books. Following the elderly man, Taichi moved deeper into the store. At the back of the shop, there was a small table and chairs, with aged paintings and ornaments arranged around them.

"My name is Makoto. I own this shop," the elderly man introduced himself, pouring tea for Taichi. Taichi noticed that Makoto’s eyes held a depth reminiscent of the old books around them.

After hearing Taichi’s story, Makoto began to speak in detail about the Shachihoko that appeared in his dream. "The Shachihoko is said to be a creature that once truly existed in this land. It is told that it wanders in search of lost love and time," Makoto explained as he opened a book in front of him, showing Taichi old paintings and photographs.

Makoto’s family had been studying myths and legends for generations. His grandfather was said to have been possessed by the Shachihoko. At that time, his grandfather disappeared, only to return years later with no memory of the intervening years.

"I too, when I was researching the Shachihoko, felt its power," Makoto spoke, choosing his words carefully. "However, I began to fear the existence of the Shachihoko and abandoned my research."

Taichi asked Makoto what he should do to get Michika back. After contemplating for a while, Makoto answered, "The places that hold the power of the Shachihoko are within lost time and memories. If Michika was taken by the Shachihoko, it is likely connected to her own past wounds and regrets."

Makoto handed Taichi an old box. Inside the box were a small stone shaped like a Shachihoko and an ancient map. "These were handed down to me from my grandfather. They may help unravel the mystery of the Shachihoko."

Grateful to Makoto, Taichi decided to continue his quest to find Michika, armed with this new clue.

Chapter Four: Shadows of the Past

When Taichi unfolded the ancient map handed to him by Makoto, he could vaguely make out an illustration of an old well. Surrounding it were several symbols and characters that seemed to point to a location near Michika’s house.

Harboring doubts in his mind, Taichi decided to visit this place. Relying on the map, he arrived at a familiar park. In a corner of the park, there was an old well— a place etched in his memory where he played with Michika during their childhood.

As he approached the well, he heard a faint whispering voice of a woman, mixed with the sound of the wind. Taichi intuitively felt that the voice belonged to Michika. He pressed his ear to the edge of the well, and the voice gradually became clearer. "Taichi... help... the past..."

Hearing this voice, Taichi speculated that the Shachihoko might have ensnared Michika in some past incident. He began gathering information about her past from her family and friends.

During his investigation, Taichi learned about Michika’s brother, who had passed away when they were children. He had died in an accident at the park, near that very old well.

Taichi concluded that Michika was still tormented by the trauma of that accident, and her wounded heart had been captured by the Shachihoko. To confront the power of the Shachihoko, Taichi took out the stone he had acquired at Makoto’s shop, stood on the edge of the well, and kept calling Michika’s name.

The wind grew colder, and the atmosphere around him shifted. Along with Michika’s whispering voice, Taichi witnessed past scenes—happy memories with her brother and their sorrowful parting.

Taichi was now face-to-face with the Shachihoko residing in Michika’s heart. He commenced his battle to heal her past wounds and bring her back to reality.

Chapter Five: The Land of the Shachihoko

When Taichi opened his eyes, a mysterious landscape stretched out before him. The flow of the river was reversed, multiple suns floated in the sky, and occasionally, Michika’s laughter and cries could be heard in the distance. He had stepped into the “Land of the Shachihoko”, where time and space intermingled.

Taichi continued to walk through the fragments of Michika’s past memories and emotions. Scenes of her playing with her brother in the park as a child, her joyful days as a student, and the moments of that sorrowful accident were being replayed repeatedly.

Taichi continued to search for Michika within those fragments, but he could not interact with her directly. However, he resolved to approach the Shachihoko within her heart by confronting the vivid memories of “time with her brother” and the “trauma of the accident” that strongly existed in Michika’s mind.

Holding the Shachihoko stone given by Makoto, he headed towards the “scene of the park accident” in Michika’s heart. There, young Michika and her brother were depicted playing hand-in-hand, and suddenly, the accident occurred. Taichi immersed himself in that scene, attempting to stop the accident, but no matter how many times he tried, the outcome remained unchanged.

However, Taichi did not give up and decided to speak to Michika’s brother. “You are a precious memory to Michika. She is now trapped in the trauma of that accident. I need your help.”

Michika’s brother nodded at Taichi’s words, and together, they decided to encourage Michika within her heart and extend a helping hand to free her from the trauma of the accident. The adventure continued, with Taichi and Michika’s brother combining their strength to battle the Shachihoko in Michika’s heart and liberate her from her profound sorrow.

Chapter Six: Farewell, Shachihoko

In the deep forest within Michika’s heart, Taichi and Michika’s brother finally encountered the true form of the Shachihoko. It was the embodiment of Michika’s inner pain and sorrow, as well as her past self. The Shachihoko had been protecting Michika’s sad memories, but its powerful existence was pulling her away from reality.

Inside Michika’s heart, Taichi attempted to communicate with the Shachihoko by understanding and empathizing with her sorrow and pain. Michika’s brother also stood by Taichi’s side, supporting him in rescuing his sister.

"Michika will be alright now. She has Taichi with her. There’s no need to protect her anymore," Taichi spoke to the Shachihoko.

After a moment of silence, the Shachihoko responded to the words of Michika’s brother and Taichi. "I have existed alongside her pain. However, if the time has come for her to let go of me in order to move forward, I will accept it."

The forest inside Michika’s heart gradually brightened, and the form of the Shachihoko became transparent and disappeared. In front of the fading figure of the Shachihoko, Taichi bowed deeply and whispered, "Thank you."

Then, Taichi awoke from within Michika’s heart. Before his eyes was Michika, who had just opened her eyes. She grasped Taichi’s hand and said, "Thank you." Taichi, smiling, embraced her.

Beside the old well in the park, Taichi and Michika resolved to welcome new days together. The wounds of the past would no longer torment them. However, those experiences would make them stronger and bind them with deeper ties.

The villagers also rejoiced at the return of Taichi and Michika, and the legend of the Shachihoko welcomed a new chapter. The adventure of Taichi and Michika had come to an end, but their story would continue.

