[Everything is a LIE] You always need to ’translate’ what they tell you - Ukraine to Putin and Taylor Swift…
Someone said that everyone should check local paper’s classified/death/funeral notices. You see that doesn’t cover all the deaths in the area but only those notified to the paper, right? And look,
I don’t have any image to compare, but this is actually the first time I ever saw almost the entire page was filled with Deaths and Funerals notices!! Didn’t I tell you that funeral business in this country, well most of if not all, is owned by Freemasons, and the one you can see there, Nielsen locally is actually RIGHT NEXT TO Masonic Lodge!! It’s so obvious that makes it laughable.
OK now, this is a bit old an information that I wrote on my JP blog about a month ago
but I feel I should show it here, too.
Many of you who reads this blog must know the story our traitorous media has been telling about Ukraine is not trustworthy. And I was sort of waiting for something else to come around, and got this in email from someone in the U.S. I think, who knows someone in Germany, it seemed.
The main part of the mail was in German, so I had Google Translate changed it into English and sent out by BCC. I added English translation after the original. Here I add a few more images/link on top of the ones that came in the mail FYI. So here is the mail I sent out:
Got this from someone (I think) in the U.S. with German background…?
I’ll add Google translation into English.
Don’t know if this is accurate when I reckon Putin has been replaced some years ago, but better to spread the other side view.
Any feedback/more info, appreciated. ;o)
eMail Subject said:
Hopefully 8 years of war and terror against the Russians in the Donbas will come to an end
Enclosed pictures show and tell our present situation! We have arrived at the crossroad!
Weitergeleitete Nachrichten! Bitten um Weiterleitung! Danke
Forwarded Messages! Requests for forwarding! Thanks
Subject: 8 Jahre Krieg und Terror gegen die Russen im Donbas gehen hoffentlich zu Ende
Hopefully 8 years of war and terror against the Russians in the Donbas will come to an end
Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2022 11:09:26
Nicht nur die gleichgeschaltete Lügenpresse lesen oder sich an "Aktuelle Kamera der BRD" orientieren! Kunibertikus
Don't just read the lying press that has been brought into line or orientate yourself to "Current Camera of the Federal Republic of Germany"! Cuniberticus
Adenlinde writes:
Adelinde schreibt:
Freunde, Kritiker und Mitdenker!
Wer sich einen Augenblick von der dröhnenden Kriegspropaganda der westlichen Medien lösen kann,
sollte sich kurz zurücklehnen und rekapitulieren:
Alle sogen. "Verhandlungsformate" (egal, wer sich die Türklinke bei Putin in die Hand gab) hatten eines gemeinsam:
Die Gesprächspartner (Macron, Biden, Blinken, Scholz, Baerbock usw) interessierte nicht, was Putin wollte:
eine Sicherheitszone für Rußland, ohne Angriffswaffen der NATO in der Ukraine
ein Ende des Beschießens der Ostukraine (bewohnt von 70-80% Russen)
gleichzeitige Einrichtung einer Selbstverwaltung/Teil-Autonomie für die Ostukraine
Rentenzahlung an die legitimen Versicherten aus mehr als 25 Jahren Arbeitsleistung.
All das war im Minsker Abkommen zwischen der Ukraine, Frankreich, BRD und Rußland 2014
vereinbart und unterzeichnet worden.
Viel Geduld hat Putin bewiesen, bis er um die Erkenntnis nicht mehr herumkam:
Die halten uns für blöd. Sie ignorieren einfach alles, was wir sagen, treiben die Ukraine
in einen Dauerkonflikt gegen die Ostukraine mit dem Ziel der Ausrottung des russischen
Bevölkerungsanteils und rüsten die Ukraine militärisch auf, als Abschußrampe für NATO-Raketen
in einem Krieg gegen Russland.
Friends, critics and fellow thinkers!
Anyone who can break away for a moment from the Western media's booming war propaganda should sit back and recap for a moment:
All sucked. "Negotiation formats" (regardless of who put the handle in the hand with Putin) had one thing in common:
The interlocutors (Macron, Biden, Blinken, Scholz, Baerbock, etc.) were not interested in what Putin wanted:
a security zone for Russia, with no NATO offensive weapons in Ukraine an end to the shelling of eastern Ukraine (inhabited by 70-80% Russians) simultaneous establishment of self-government/partial autonomy for eastern Ukraine Annuity payment to the legitimate insured from more than 25 years of service.
All this was in the Minsk Agreement between Ukraine, France, Germany and Russia in 2014 agreed and signed.
Putin showed a lot of patience until he could no longer avoid the realization:
They think we're stupid. They just ignore everything we say, drive Ukraine into a permanent conflict against eastern Ukraine with the aim of eradicating the Russian proportion of the population and arm the Ukraine militarily as a launch pad for NATO missiles in a war against Russia.
Um Putins legitimes Sicherheitsbedürfnis und Abstand der NATO von Russlands
Außengrenze zu verstehen, muß man sich nur diese Karte anschauen:
About Putin's legitimate security needs and NATO's distance from Russia
To understand the outer border, one only has to look at this map:
Die Machthaber in der Ukraine, bis heute allesamt von der fanatischen Russland-Hasserin
Victoria Nuland (Nudelmann - Fuck the EU) mit Hilfe des Maidan-Putsches in ihre Positionen
gehievt, plündern das Land gemeinschaftlich als Oligarchen aus, unter dem Schutz der Privatarmeen
aus den USA (CIA-Blackwater) und Israel.
The rulers in Ukraine, to this day all of them from the fanatical Russia hater Victoria Nuland (Nudelmann - Fuck the EU)
with the help of the Maidan coup in their positions heaved, plunder the country collectively as oligarchs, under the protection of private armies from the USA (CIA-Blackwater) and Israel.
Der Donbas wird nunmehr seit acht Jahren aggressiv ethnisch gesäubert, weil die im Donbas lebende
russische Bevölkerung, es sind etwa 70-80% Prozent der Gesamtbevölkerung, die westliche Anbindung
nicht befürwortet und ihr Land nicht verlassen möchte.
Das von der Ukraine unterzeichnete Abkommen über Waffenstillstand und Autonomie von Minsk, wurde
seit 2014 nicht einen Tag von der Ukraine eingehalten. Die Zivilbevölkerung erlebte die vergangenen
8 Jahre ein Dauerbombardement durch ukrainische Artillerie und Angriffe durch Scharfschützen, denen
vor allem Frauen und Schulkinder zum Opfer fielen.
Die Plünderer der Ukraine erleben nun hoffentlich das Ende ihrer Macht, denn die vollmundigen Beistandsversprechen
des Westens werden nicht eingehalten werden - wie immer. Das Volk leidet, das interessiert aber die Kriegstreiber kaum.
Unsere Welt scheint vor einer Neuordnung zu stehen, wie lange die NATO und die EU die Spannungen überstehen, wage
ich nicht zu prognostizieren. Ich hoffe auf einen baldigen Waffenstillstand zu zivilisierten Bedingungen.
The Donbas has been aggressively ethnically cleansed for eight years now because the Donbass Russian population, it is about 70-80% percent of the total population, the western connection not approved and does not want to leave their country.
The Minsk Armistice and Autonomy Agreement signed by Ukraine
Not a day respected by Ukraine since 2014. The civilian population witnessed the past 8 years of continuous bombardment by Ukrainian artillery and sniper attacks, which women and school children in particular fell victim.
Hopefully, the plunderers of Ukraine will now see the end of their power, because of the full-bodied promises of assistance of the West will not be respected - as always. The people suffer, but the warmongers hardly care.
Our world appears to be on the brink of reordering, however long NATO and the EU last the tensions, dare I do not predict. I hope for an early ceasefire on civilized terms.
Möglicherweise steht am Ende der Kampfhandlungen eine Teilung der Ukraine entlang des Flusses Dnepr.
Es dürfte dem kulturell, historischen Siedlungsgebiet der Ukrainer entsprechen, wenn nicht die Khazaren/
Ashkenazim doch noch offiziell Anspruch auf ihr historisches Staatsgebiet von vor 1.000 Jahren erheben.
Den Ashkenazim in den USA traue ich auch dies noch zu, um den Konflikt zum Dauerbrenner zu machen.
The fighting may end in a division of Ukraine along the Dnieper River.
It should correspond to the cultural, historical settlement area of the Ukrainians, if not the Khazars/Ashkenazim still officially lay claim to their historical territory from 1,000 years ago.
I still believe that the Ashkenazim in the USA are capable of making the conflict a long-running issue.
(End of forwarded & forwarded mail)
Once you realize that Holo-story was just another story,
[Pandemic LIE] Their figures tell you why we must stop injecting this poison ~ Brilliant & Courageous Bishop Williamson
Six Million Jews 1915-1938
by TheTrans22
you realize that you’d better be careful when someone calls somebody else “Nazi”.
Also when this news from Ukraine was reported big in Japan, there was another news about how much Moderna and Pfizer made,
…Moderna announced that their 2021 sales was approx. 18.5 billion dollars, while previous years sales showed 800 million. And that huge increase is considered to be mainly from COVID vaccine. Pfizer’s sales was 81.3 billion dollars, which is 95% up from the previous year, and about a half of it, 36.8 billion was related with the vaccine.
I wondered how many of Brainless Zombies in Japan read above seriously.
Then I found Lindon Larouche site had an article,
as you probably heard by now, that Maidan coup was a set up for regime change by Nuland, Biden, Soros with Brits like Christopher Steel.
I do not trust Larouche though, cause he seems to trust Trump who is a Jesuit. Either way, there is always someone or a group of people who divide the mass. Yes, that Divide and Conquer is one of their basic tactics. We see this all the time, and even now, with this Corona SCAMdemic.
In the meantime, I found (a month ago) that Zelenski was in entertainment business, sorry in JP
Also it made me laugh when I found that FAKE Secretary of State Blinken was standing behind Hillary who was a shockingly lousy actor in their DRAMA of ‘death of bin Laden’.
It reminded me of what my dear ally, Dr./Major Doug Rokke told me. He said many crimes have been committed by the full-timers.
Then I watched a video of Scott Ritter who revealed that Colin Powell LIED to the word about Iraq’s WMD years ago.
Scott Ritter As seen on Consortium News 2.25.2022
and another video, related.
Ukraine Crisis - What You're Not Being Told. ESSENTIAL 10 MINUTE WATCH
TJ45 Published February 26, 2022
One more,
What Russia Wants from Ukraine—and Why Zelensky Is Evil
TJ45 Published February 26, 2022
I think the original of above video is on Telegram, but they don’t let me make an account there cause I don’t have a phone like yours, I tried with my old landline number, but they can tell straight away it’s not valid,
meaning, even without injecting NANO-size tracking device via COVID vaccines = poisonous shots based on lies,
they’re already censoring us all the time.
At any rate, media’s narrative is yet another LIE on Ukraine issue.
But another important thing is that Putin was most likely KILLED and REPLACED with a double years ago.
It’s amazing to me, so many people didn’t even notice this, but I did.
Don’t remember how many years ago, but I noticed that Putin’s face was not his.
As I wrote before (could be on my original blog), I knew that digital TV is just a machine to spy on us, and mind control us. So I didn’t buy it therefore I haven’t watched telLIEvision for years. Anyway, current ‘Putin’ is not Putin.
After I noticed the difference, I searched for real Putin’s image, but couldn’t find any. They changed all which were left on the net and did some photo-shop job to mix the real and fake ones. Can you tell??
Above is close to real Putin but not quite.
And I went on to write about Taylor Swift on my JP blog.
I assume she was killed around the time “Reputation” album, and that’s what they were showing in her “Look What You Made Me Do” video,
FAKE TayTay crawls out of the grave…
Took a shovel,
and bury real Taylor (though that’s performed by her double/clone).
And there was a phone call asking TayTay but,
“I’m sorry, the OLD Taylor can’t come to the phone right now,”
“Why? Oh…
Cause she’s DEAD.”
And she shows that ‘lizard’ tongue,
Remember Rolling Stones' logo?
And “Shining”?
where Stanley Kubrick was shouting to the world, that he made the Moon Landing Movie. Might as well,
Footprint on the moon where there was supposed to be NO MOISTURE
A guy named Jay Weidner wrote it well.
Back to TayTay, sitting on a throne, surrounded by snakes.
Having tea poured by a snake.
And the arm-rest reads,
Can you see?
So she must have stabbed by someone she trusted...
just like Dan Wallace,
the son of a firefighter who perished on 9/11, a young man who started WeAreChange
Dan Wallace speaks about 9/11 Truth
tragically killed by his ‘best friend’ Luke Rudkowski,
and Rudkowski ruined the life of a young man, who was revealing such fact, Derek in the Midwest, who also pointed out that Alex Jones is Knights of Malta…
Derek, i.e., Mark Jungwirth of WeAreChange Oshkosh who seemed a very fine young man,
The Mysterious Death of We Are Change's True Founder, Dan Wallace
*If interested, you should check his videos before YT delete them.
was made into some stupid looking Christian fanatic.
Actually, I met Rudkowski in New York in September 2008 and didn’t get the right vibe at all. I asked him to put me on the stage of the event we were attending for me to sing my 9/11 song. He persistently refused saying “we don’t have time” only for a couple of minutes when we went there all the way from Australia??
Then I saw a victim’s nephew, Manny Badillo
so I asked him to step out of the venue (cause it was pretty noisy) so that I could sing the song for him, and he said, “You should sing that on stage for everybody there!” and put me on stage to sing, and everybody loved it. But nobody put that on the net though I knew someone was videotaping the whole event.
September 11th was an Inside Job!
Anyhow, Rudkowski et al ruined Mark’s life, and that’s just like another 9/11 truther, former MI5 David Shayler
They made him turned into a transvestite.
I wonder what he’s doing nowadays…
He was a courageous whistleblower.
Again, back to TayTay.
Towards the end, all the other actresses/models line up with the replacement in the middle,
TayTay double/clone plus 13.
And notice the trophy she’s holding,
Moon Landing HOAX figure!!
Not sure if that’s MTV trophy or different…
And the end credit shows,
it was made in 2017.
So, it was 48th year since 1969 of Apollo 11.
4 + 8 = 12 -> 1 + 2 = 3
In the past, TayTay was showing some signs,
Mason’s ‘Fist on the chest’
but I don’t think she was that keen to do such a thing.
Therefore they replaced her.
Haven’t you noticed that her bottom and thighs got much bigger/thicker, needless to say her breasts?
I went to her concert in Melbourne with my binoculars, so I know what I’m talking about. And she was a very skinny girl.
Yes, some girls have operations to make the breasts bigger, and I even heard about the bottom. But thicker thigh?????
I have more to say about Putin, but this is already long enough.
So I’ll leave it for the future.
Also, related with my previous post,
Brain Death is a Hoax. Don’t Donate Your Organs!!
if you are in the U.K., or know anyone there, please know you/they are in the same problem.
England Organ Donation Consent Restrictions Not Set
…This would mean no citizen would be able to opt-out in regards to government selected organs.
While some are celebrating the move, critics are increasingly concerned that government overreach is playing out from a general perspective. Knife control, hate speech agendas, and U.K. surveillance is all under scrutiny.
Therefore you've got to make the FAKE authority know that you DO NOT CONSENT. Also, I was reading a few more articles of Dr. Paul A. Byrne, and found this description,
Coronavirus (COVID-19) in nursing homes
Paul A. Byrne, M.D.
April 29, 2020
… In addition, some may have already unwittingly been put into Palliative Care (PC). Most residents of nursing homes and their relatives do not have full and complete information about PC.
Triggers for PC are not limited to incurable diseases that are painful, but include declining ability to complete activities of daily living, weight loss, uncertainties regarding prognosis, limited social support and a serious illness (e.g., homeless, chronic mental illness), perceived psychological or spiritual distress of the patient or family. https://getpalliativecare.org/resources/clinicians/ (Accessed 4-28-20)
PC sets the stage for more deaths for the most vulnerable. How? PC focuses on alleged relief of symptom-burden, not necessarily treatment of the cause, i.e., the underlying medical conditions, treatment of which could alleviate the symptoms. For example, an elderly patient with cancer is noted to have a change in mental status. This could be a result of medication, a urinary tract infection, dehydration, or a myriad of other treatable conditions not related to the cancer. Yet, in PC the symptom-focus response may be to give Valium-like drugs or narcotics to sedate the patient, omit evaluation and simple tests to diagnose the actual problem, and not provide common medications or interventions that could successfully treat the medical condition causing the symptom(s). ...
I was aware that old people’s homes (and PC) are there to kill old people = useless eaters from the evil criminals' point of view EARLY. But above was telling me that making the residents take sedative was a regular practice, instead of curing their health issues.
Remember what that brave Funeral Director, John O’Looney told us?
Funeral Director Speaks Up About COVID
Funeral Director John O'Looney Blows the Whistle on Covid
John found that sedatives called Midazolam were given to the residents and the quantity of these homes purchasing such medication was drastically increased during this SCAMdemic in order to increase the number of 'corona deaths' much higher to scare the mass. He obviously didn’t seem to know that it was a regular practice like Dr. Byrne points out here. So it’s just another reminder that there are many things cunningly hidden from us.
Also, as I always say, there are tons of FAKE Governments’ agents/spies, but many new-comers don’t know about this, and can’t tell while they seem like heroes/heroins, that their real job is absolutely the opposite of what it seems to be. That’s why we have kept losing for centuries, and that's why I’ve gotta keep writing about this cause I seem to be the only one who’s been warning about this issue.
As usual, please share this with others, do your bits to wake up more everyday, and say the Secret with genuine emotion of joy and gratitude, believing it’s already happened.
And please click that pink heart or clapping image towards the bottom. ;o)
*Special message to those young men I talked tonight, be sure to demand whoever trying to force you to get the shot, to provide a proof that (FAKE) authority actually isolated/identified this 'coronavirus' and some proof to say that said virus causes this illness. They can't cause there is NO RECORD!!
That's why a Canadian guy, Patrick King won the case. And if you cannot persuade them, I will help you so come again where I met you. Time varies (day/night) but I go there regularly. ;O)