700 LONG TERM SICK, then Only 37%!! & Flat Earth - I once debunked, but...
Before talking about the shape of the earth, I'll show you more signs I saw recently.

Below looks like them crying,


Compare above numbers with the one I took a while ago, on 15OCT24

So in three months, the vacancies increased from 800 to 1,000 and "900 sick" has become "700 LONG TERM SICK"
Actually, I did see that "1000 vacancies" on 23NOV24

and since it hasn't changed, as above says, they are ONLY 37%!!
No wonder why I don't see them on road. ;O)
So now is the chance for you guys to join us, and terminate the fraudulent contract with VicRoads, which is Roads Corporation, which is R & L Services.
And this one,

"ALWAYS THERE!" to bully innocent people and steal money via FAKE fines, but "WE HELP YOU - HELP US!"
Which reminded me of a mother living in a suburb of Melbourne, last year, I think, posting a photo…

She wrote that her child's kindergarden asked the mothers to WASH their uniform!! WHY!???? Abusing their power? Or Kinder officials being way too nich!???
Now, about the earth.
It was some years ago, that I debunked the flat earth theory, using some photos I took myself and on the net. And then, someone told me to check further.
So I did.
And I found Satanic figures used to deceive us (666 or 67 = 6 + 7 = 13), here and there, and now I have a very different perspective.
From my memo:
How Fast Does the Earth Spin?
By Matt Rosenberg
Geography Expert
*How Fast Is the Earth Rotating on Its Axis?
The Earth rotates on its axis once each day. Because the circumference of the Earth at the equator is 24,901.55 miles, a spot on the equator rotates at approximately 1,037.5646 miles per hour (1,037.5646 times 24 equals 24,901.55), or 1,669.8 km/h.
*How Fast Does the Earth Travel While Orbiting the Sun?
In addition to the rotational speed of the Earth spinning on its axis, the planet is also speeding at about 66,660 miles per hour (107,278.87 km/h) in its revolution around the sun once every 365.2425 days.
1,037.5646 miles per hour
1 + 3 + 7 + 5 + 6 + 4+ 6 = 32
1,669.8 km/h
1 + 6 + 6 + 9 + 8 = 30
66,660 miles per hour
6 + 6 + 6 + 6 = 24 -> 2 + 4 = 6
So I made a meme of a question that I conceived myself and posting on FB but some people severely criticize me. How sad, cause it shows such people are heavily brainwashed.

It's understandable, because even after reaching to question above, it took me a while to fully understand this question myself. That shows HOW DEEPLY brainwashed I was, to begin with.

Another thing is what I noticed with the moon.
It's a bit hard to show it with photos, but I bet you've seen the moon with some clouds around it.

Maybe you might say it's hard to tell, but I'm sure you, many of you would agree with me if I say, there are clouds behind the moon.

And then, this one shows clouds behind and before the moon.

My previous camera took night sky better, but we can still see that some clouds over (before) the moon which looks darker, and some further (behind) which looks much brighter and whitish.
Short video to see the clouds moving. I'm uploading it now, but for some weird reason, YT is taking forever.

Hope it gets uploaded all right…
Moon and clouds / 月と雲
Another photo I found on the net,

There are clouds before the moon i.e. between the moon and the person who took this photo, AND some are behind the moon.
So, did you get it??
I mean clouds are in our atmosphere, right?
And they are behind the moon, that means the moon is also within our atmosphere under the firmament. Therefore what they taught us that the moon is so far away, is a lie.
Recently I came across this documentary.
What On Earth Happened - Full Documentary (8 Hours) - Re-upload *Request
Another one,
The Lost History of Earth (Ewaranon)
Oh, it's gone (deleted) there?
Then, watch them from here.
Or rather, this link,
I am quite certain the maker/s are working for the other side. They keep emphasizing that lie of Holo-Story, and another thing I found not accurate.
Also, it is very well made like Hollywood movies, and cannot be done by just an individual researcher. And it contains some information that only insider/s can obtain such as a couple of rockets' footage.
BTW, that private rocket which got 'stuck' in the firmament was not stuck there. It simply ran out of fuel, so it stopped going up. I know because I saw the footage of it coming down after that on YT, which I noticed deleted long ago.
So as usual, these documentary are made by the underlings of our enemy who tell us truth with some lie, yet it's very interesting and I'd say everybody should watch them. Then you'd realize that flat earth theory/fact doesn't end there.
Prior to watching these, I heard about the mud flood. Previous 'Great Reset' of the criminals. And one of my mates says it was not just by mud but they used Laser as well to melt buildings. I haven't seen anything that's talking about it, but I am open-minded, so I do not deny it.
As I wrote above, "Flat Earth" does not end just saying the earth is flat. We have been told so many lies. It's simply so incredible.
Also that mate says the Great Tribulation already started at the end of last year. And we've got to turn it around within the first 3 and half years out of 7. Otherwise... That's why we've been hearing "We don't have much time!!" for these years.
So, anyone follow our steps??

One more from my mates.
I've been telling you that 'Victoria Police' is a COMPANY,

and now it's revealed that they are actually Sports COPPS.
See the "Business Name"

which has their own page,

Be sure to open the page and save the images yourself!!
Especially because, -> below "Trading name(s)"

OK, so as usual, check out below if you haven't:
Traitorous Fraud: Governments are COMPANIES!!
Not just lines: Chemtrails / ChemSky, you are inhaling poison everyday.
And I repeat, NEVER forget, even if they were not companies but legit Governments, that system is simply giving you an illusion that you are participating in politics by voting, while voting means you're giving your political power and responsibility to a total stranger!!
That’s why they become SO POWERFUL and commit unforgivable crimes one after another upon us!! So we've got to end to have this fraudulent system called 'government'. It's a fraud in order to control us, rob us and poison us. And beware there are tons of FAKE GOV's agents/spies, seeming our heroes and heroines everywhere.
Also have some sign on your car, your bag or whatever you carry with you, like I do. As long as it's on the body, they won't disturb you at all.

BTW, above right sign of "bushfire burning silvery pink" was stolen a while ago. And now, I got TWO MORE lost. Any donation welcome to replace them!!
And because SNS cannot spread the word (those whom we want to wake up won't come to see our posts), make sure to wake up others in real life.
Last but not least, do not forget to say the Secret everyday, with genuine emotion of joy and gratitude, believing itʼs already happened.

And keep using cash!!